
视频标签:外研版,必修二Book 2,Our Body,Healthy Habi
视频课题:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Reading and vocabulary辽宁省级优课
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Reading and vocabulary辽宁省省级优课
Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits
Module1 Our Body
and Healthy Habits Teacher 郑泽霞 School
Dalian No. 2 Senior High Time
May. 16th
Type Reading Place
Dalian No. 2 Senior High Teaching Goals
Knowledge and ability:
1. To skim for the main idea of the text . 2. To scan for important details .
3. To output important details relevant to healthy habits. 4. To develop healthy habits.
5. To put all your passion into your study!
Process and method:
1. Heuristic teaching method will be used to cultivate Ss’ critical thinking. 2. Task-based teaching method will be employed to assign the homework. 3. Students will be able to learn cooperatively and independently. Emotional attitude and value:
1. Students' skills of interpersonal relationship will be cultivated 2. Students’ awareness of being respectful will be promoted.
Key Point 1. Enable the students to understand the text better.
2. Improve the students' predicting, skimming and summarizing ability. Difficult Point
How to output the input properly.
Procedures Procedures Learners’ Activities Purposes
Lead in
Enjoy a piece of health song (5m)
Homework feedback Activity 2 Learning objectives
Activity 3 Competitive Answering
Activity 4
Self-driven study
Students will listen to the song and know what we are going to talk about in this class.
Students will know their common problems in the learning paper.
Students will know what they are going to master this class.
Students will volunteer to answer some questions.
Students will read the passage again and finish
1. Introduce the topic.
2. Create a relaxing learning atmosphere.
Remind students of their problems and pay attention these parts in the learning process.
Be well prepared for learning.
1. Review the structure and the detailed content of the passage in the learning paper.
2. Highlight some important and key points.
Under the passage better and prepare to discuss.
Activity 5
Cooperation and Discussion
Activity 6 Presentation & Comments
Activity 7
Strategy Instructions
Activity 8 Crazy English
Activity 9
Retelling Relay Race
Activity 10
Ability Improving Activity 7
Homework & Instruction the exploration sheet.
Students will discuss in groups and find out the answers to the tasks.
The students in charge of presentation will come to the blackboard to write down the answers they discussed.
Students will know how to title and how to catch details.
Students will stand up and recite the text.
Students will retell the text competitively.
Students will use what we have learnt to do a oral presentation about how to be healthy as a student.
Finish next paper and read a passage about health.
1.The students learn to cooperate and summarize.
2. students can be devoted to discussion.
Let the other groups share the answers and polish them better. Train the students’ commenting ability.
Help students to summarize the reading skills.
Input what we learnt.
Check the students’ reciting ability.
1. Output what have been learnt. 2. Perform moral education.
1. Consolidate the language points learnt in the class.
2. Cultivate Ss’ sense of
achievement by finishing a real life task.
Blackboard Design
Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits
Para 1: My mother has always made sure we eat healthily. Para 2: I’m quite healthy.
Para 3: I am crazy about football
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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