
视频标签:No drugs
视频课题:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs辽宁省 - 大连
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs辽宁省 - 大连
Module 2 of Book 2 Reading and Writing教学设计
黄月华 2017年5月 1、Teaching aims:
1)Knowledge and skills:
A)Ss can know of the category of drugs and can list some of them. Meanwhile, Ss will memorize the key words and master the usage of phrases in this Module.
B) Ss can induce the harms of taking drugs, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol and can learn of the ways of keeping far away from the drugs, tobacco and alcohol. They can volunteer to popularize the effective measures after class.
C) Ss are able to use the methods to help others and make posters to advise people to say no to drugs, tobacco and alcohol. 2)Process and approaches:
A) Ss watch the videos made by T on pads before class, learn about the harms of drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and then write their feelings down on the discussion zone.
B) Ss browse the micro class about language points of the reading part uploaded by T via pads and fulfill the related exercises, putting down their puzzles on the discussion zone if they like.
C) Ss complete the tasks on the learning papers pushed by T ahead of time and finish a 20- multiple choice quiz about the key words, phrases and sentence structures to test what they have learned by individual before class.
D) Ss will train their abilities of analysis, and improve their capacity of induction and deduction by fulfilling the tasks on pads by themselves.
E) Ss will solve their puzzles by discussion in class, act out what they have learned about saying no to drugs, tobacco and alcohol in groups during class and can write them down in their compositions. 3)Moral goals:
A) Ss can arouse their awareness of saying no to drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and help themselves and others to form a healthy lifestyle.
B) Ss can attach great importance to the harms of drugs by studying the reading part of this module and improve their ability to deal with such matters in their daily life. 2、The analysis of Ss:
A) Ss are mostly 15 or 16, who have the widest range of memory in his or her whole life in terms of developmental psychology. They have developed their abilities of imagination, analysis, induction and deduction and they are capable of fulfilling the related tasks of this module.
B) Ss of senior one have very little vocabulary and they are not expert at grammar. Meanwhile, they have mastered very limited sentence structures so far and they can’t express themselves freely and correctly in their spoken English and written English. Thus, they may feel painful when they make their efforts to communicate with others or fulfill their tasks in class.
C) Ss of this age are eager to improve their capability of foreign language and project themselves in front of others. What’s more, they have strong motivation to learn something meaningful and make better preparations for their bright future. 3、The analysis of the textbook:
A) According to New Curriculum Standard of English, the descriptions of the goals of the sixth level in senior high are as follows, “Ss can enhance their motivation to learn English well and have a strong desire to learn English autonomously. Ss have the ability to understand English in
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oral materials or written materials and can express themselves in simple English. Ss can design, organize and perform various activities in English. Ss are capable of making the best of diverse modern educational resources to improve their English. Ss can evaluate their learning course and comment on their learning outcome. Ss are able to adjust to their learning goals if necessary and choose the most suitable learning strategies gradually.”
B) This lesson is about the reading and writing part of Module 2 of Book 2 published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. The materials of this module are suitable for the Ss whose English is at the sixth level described by New Curriculum Standard and Ss can be attracted to practice their oral English and improve their written ability by learning this text.
C) Ss have got some amazingly facts about the harms of taking drugs in introduction part of this module and are curious to know more about the detailed information on dangers, measures and suggestions in terms of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. 4、The key points and difficult points: Key points:
Ss can solve their puzzles about language points by means of discussion and communication during class. Difficult points:
A) Ss can practice spoken English and improve written English via their group performances. B) Ss need to learn how to rethink their own performances and how to comment on others’. C) Ss should study English in practice and design posters about saying no to drugs after class. 5、Teaching procedures: Before class (课前部分)
Activity 1. T release tasks online. (教师网上发布任务。)
教师活动:T release tasks about the reading and writing part, especially the language points, learning papers, some exercises and a video made by T via pads. 任务清单:
A)A video made by T about the types of drugs and the harms of taking drugs, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol.
B) A micro class issued by the online school of No. 4 senior high of Beijing about the languages points in reading part in Module 2 and some related exercises. C) A learning guide about the reading part of this module.
D) A quiz consisting of 20 multiple choices on the key words, phrases and sentence structures of this part.
Activity 2. Ss study autonomously and fulfill the tasks on pads. (学生用pads 自主学习、完成教师网上发布的任务。)
Activity 3. Ss discuss their puzzles in discussion zones online and issue their feelings on pads. (学生在网上讨论自学中的困惑并在教师设定的讨论区反馈。)
Activity 4. T collect Ss’ puzzles and feelings and adjust his or her teaching plan before class. (教师网上获取学情,调整计划,二次备课。) During class (课上部分)
Part 1. Presentation and Communication (展示交流) Activity 1. 【导入】 齐赏作品 Presentation
新课导入:T present the names of Ss who got A and B in yesterday’s homework and show their feelings about smoking and drugs after watching videos made by T yesterday.
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学生活动:Ss appreciate their partners’ works on pads and try to analyze them and learn from each other.
教师活动:T promise Ss who got A will get 1 score and those who got B will get 0.5 score in the statistics. 设计意图:从学生课前观看教师自录的微视频所写的观后感导入新课,激发学生对现代信息技术的兴趣和英语求知欲,采用优秀作业奖励机制,强化英语学习的过程性评价。 Activity 2. 【活动+讲授】 交流解惑 Communication
学生活动:T show Ss’ puzzles on the learning paper of yesterday. Ss who have got the language points via PPT pushed by T via pads will solve their partners’ problems willingly . 教师活动:T give further explanation if necessary and write the key sentence structures on the Bb. 设计意图:本着自主学习、分层探究的原则,让学生的合作探究从线上走到线下。引导英语优秀的学生针对导学案中的困惑大胆解疑,进行“兵教兵”。教师作为教练,为学生提供展示智慧的舞台,并适时给予必要的指导。
Activity 3. 【活动】 回归主题 Description
学生活动:Ss try to say something about World No Tobacco Day and World No Drugs Day. They make their efforts to stress the harms of tobacco and drugs and warn themselves to keep far away from them.
教师活动:T lead Ss to emphasize the significance of the two special days.
Activity 4. 【活动】 牛刀再试 Consolidation
学生活动:Ss translate some sentences on the PPT, using the words and phrases they learned in the Micro class uploaded by T.
教师活动:T show answers and guide them if necessary. 设计意图:学生已于课前通过自己的pad观看了教师通过北京四中网校爱学平台推送的本模块Reading部分知识点的微课,完成了微课中的语法填空、词意辨析、同步翻译等多种练习。教师结合学生错误集中之处,进行二次备课,设计出六个汉译英同步翻译练习,在课堂中请学生牛刀再试,检验学生利用现代信息技术手段自主学习的水平和自我纠错的实效。 Activity 5. 【活动】 文境重现 Role-Play
学生活动:Ss reproduce the plots of the story of Adam Rouse of the reading part in groups. 设计意图:此环节通过学生重现课文故事情境,检验学生的课文理解水平和用英语做事的能力,符合《高中英语课程目标》六级层次要求的学生“能在教师的帮助下策划、组织和实施英语活动”。通过课文表演,学生能进一步发展语言意识和英语语感,符合高中英语核心素养的要求,也为引入本课学习做有效衔接。 Part 2. Learning from each other (互帮互学) Activity 6. 【活动】 素材积累 Input 学生活动:Ss try to get some amazingly harmful facts about smoking and make some preparations for their following discussion.
Activity 7. 【活动】 讨论危害 Discussion
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学生活动:Ss discuss the harms caused by smoking. They can write down their answers on the papers, photo their answers and upload them to the white board zone sent by T on pads. 教师活动:T lead Ss to analyze and grade their works. 设计意图:此环节的讨论为学生后续的用英语输出、用英语做事进一步提供语言输入和思维训练,同时为学生提供现代信息技术平台,使之相互交流、取长补短。 Activity 8. 【活动】 商议措施 Measures
学生活动:Ss think deeply by individual for a while and write down their measures designed to restrict smoking in various aspects.
教师活动:T show Ss answers on the white board zone on the pads and project some of them on the screen inset in the Bb. T lead Ss to analyze their partners’ works, evaluate them and correct them one after another. T sum up Ss’ comments after their active participation.
设计意图:该环节给予学生们在教师和其他同学面前展示自己分析问题和解决问题的能力,并表现他们的英语书面表达水平;也为他们提供跳出小我的机会,锻炼他们从不同角度去思考问题,从而扩大格局,拓宽视野。教师凭借现代信息技术平台,帮助学生展示思维过程,提高思考力和判断力,注重过程性评价。教师作延迟性评价。 Part 3. Development and Improvement (拓展提升) Activity 9. 【活动】 情境实操 Output
学生活动:Ss give their performances in groups, showing their attitude under various circumstances. Namely, they will show how to help their friends, relatives or neighbors to give up smoking cigarette, drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
教师活动:T lead Ss to grade others’ performances and evaluate their cooperation. T comment on their works finally. After class, T will award the top 2 groups two boxes of chocolate.
Activity 10. 【活动】 上岗练兵 Practice (Writing and Showing)
学生活动:Each student writes a passage about how to help a friend who is a drug addict in about 100 words and upload it to the white board zone on pads. T remind them to grade others’ works in class, if the Ss are a little bit slow, T will remind them to appreciate and grade others’ works after class.
设计意图:学生在activity 5-9中,已循序渐进的输入信息并吸收内化。本环节旨在为学生提供课上练笔的机会,提醒学生对输入的信息理解消化并以写作的形式有效输出。作文内容紧扣reading部分的远毒主题。
Part 4. Summary and Evaluation (总结评价) Activity 11. 【活动+反思】 Reflection
学生活动:Ss rethink what suggestions they have learned via this lesson and what they have learned from their classmates today.
设计意图:该环节旨在引导学生反思自己的学习过程和学习结果,自我总结,自我评价,肯定成绩,找出问题,并能适度调整自己的学习目标和学习策略。 Activity 12. 【小结】 见贤思齐 Summary
学生活动:Ss try to find the merits from others and sum up what they have got today. 教师活动:T make comments on Ss’ performances and summarize their improvements.
设计意图:引导学生反思并梳理今日英语课堂学习得失,巩固所获,调整学法,提高效率。 Activity 13. 【作业】 课后科目 Homework
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教师活动:T show the homework of today on the PPT and remind Ss to make a poster about saying no to drugs in groups.
设计意图:课后作业环节旨在将英语学习延伸到课后,扩展到生活,引导学生学会用英语做事。正如美国著名哲学家和教育家Dewey(杜威)所言,Learning by doing。 Activity 14. 【点睛】 归纳升华 Emphasis
学生活动:Ss read the sentences “ Say yes to life, say no to drugs” together.
After class (课后部分)
Activity 1. 互批作文 Correction
学生活动:Ss will polish their compositions on pads, issued them online and then grade each others’, learning from others.
Activity 2. 自制海报 Practice after class
学生活动:Ss will make posters in groups after class and put them up on the walls in the corridor. 设计意图:延伸学生的英语学习热情,并使之动手操作,扩大影响,在做中学。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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