
视频标签:No drugs
视频课题:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs-Reading and vocabulary四川省国家级优质课
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外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs-Reading and vocabulary四川省名山中学
Lesson Plan for Book 2 Module 2 No Drugs
Reading and Vocabulary
Name 郑茹丹
Lesson No. No. 6 Date Otc 25, 2016
Area Mingshan, Ya’an, Sichuan Province
Level Grade 1 Main Lesson Focus (underline one) Language: Grammar Vocabulary Functions
Skills: Reading Listening Speaking Writing
Mingshan Middle School
No. students 59 Lesson length
40 min
Lesson Aim(s)
I. learn some useful words and expressions in the passage II. summarize and remember the main idea of the passage.; III. speak out the detailed information of the passage; IV. talk about the story of a drug addict.
I. The students may have already known some expressions about drugs.
II. Some students may have ever seen some pictures or videos about anti- drug movements.
Anticipated Problems and Solutions Problem Solution
1 Students will be puzzled when they see some new words or
phrases. The students are asked to guess the meanings of some new expressions and complex sentences while reading.
2 When students read the story for the first time, they may not
remember all the things that happen in the story. After reading the passage, students will check which plots they have left out by filling in a table.
Procedure section
Stage/ Activity Objective
What will the teacher do?
What will the students do?
To arouse students’ interests in the topic.
2 min Show some pictures of drugs and drug addicts.
Check how much they know about drugs.
Presenta -tion of learning
objectives To make students know the aims of the lesson clearly.
1 min
Ask students to read the learning objectives
Read the learning objectives together and have a clear understanding of them.
In-class test
To train the ability of listening and topic-matching.
4 min
Ask students to listen to get general ideas and decide what the topic of each article is.
Listen carefully with their textbooks
closed, think about what the two articles mainly talk about and choose the topics.
To make students have a better understanding of the structures of the two articles. 5 min Ask students to read parts 1-6 in Activity 4 on page 13 and decide which article they belong to.
Read the passage quickly and classify the
6 parts.
Further-Reading 1
To train the ability of scanning.
5 min
Ask students to read Article 2 and decide if some sentences are true or false.
Read the sentences carefully,make a choice according to the article and try to corret the false ones if there are .
Further-Reading 2
To train students’ skills of summarizing.
5 min
Ask students to Read Article 1 and match events and the results
Read Article 1 carefully and match the two parts. 7 Pair work
To practice students’
skills of speaking and uses of fuctions.
1. Ask two students to work as a pair to check their answers and make a conversation about the events and results by using “as a result.”
2. Choose some students to give presentatons in front of the rest.
Two students work as a pair and practise making conversations by using “as a result.” 8
In-class practice
To train students’ ability to read for detailed information 3min
Ask students to finish a table according to the story of Adam Rouse. Students fill in a table with some missing words or phrases from Article 1 and have
a better understanding of the clues of the story. 9
Group work
To help students to review what they have learnt and practise the skills of writing and speaking.
10 min
Ask students to do a role play.
“Suppose your group are in a studio.One of your group members is Adam Rouse and the others are interviewers. You can ask him some questions about his story .”
Ask students to write down some key words or sentences that can be used in their performances and show themselves.
One student acts as Adam Rouse and the others as interviewers.
Discuss and write down some useful words or sentences and then do some performances in groups.
Assign -ment
To help students consolidate what they have learnt in class and practise their writing and error correction.
2 min Ask students to write an article “Say No to Drugs” after class and give them some tips.
Students write an article after class and correct for each other in groups first.
New Standard English Book 2 Module 2 No Drugs Simon Greenall (英), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Were my lesson aims achieved? What evidence can I show to prove this?
Pretty much. Because students can have a good knowledge of drugs, and can also express their ideas by using the words they learned in the passage.
Which stages and activities went well? Why did they go well?
Stage1,2,3,7,9 went well, because students interest are fully aroused and they can do some work well by cooperating with others. Which stages and activities did not go well? Why didn’t they go well?
Stage 8. For filling a table, some students have difficulty in finding key words. If I taught this lesson again, what would I do differently?
Give students more background information in Lead-in.
Ask students to look back on what they have learnt and what they haven’t learnt.(Feedback) Give more opportunities to students to show themselves.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
-----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“No drugs”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs-Reading and vocabulary四川省国家级优质课”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs-Reading and vocabulary四川省国家级优质课”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 ----- |