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外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs Reading and Vocabulary辽宁省 - 阜新

视频标签:No drugs


视频课题:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs Reading and Vocabulary辽宁省 - 阜新

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外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs Reading and Vocabulary辽宁省 - 阜新

Teaching Aims:
Knowledge & skills: Learn some vocabularies and phrases about drugs
Process & steps: Learn to talk about drugs and the dangers of taking drugs
Emotional attitude & values: Learn not to take drugs and smoke
2The analysis of the students:
The topic in this module is familiar to students. They can tell the disadvantages of smoking and taking drugs. But some words and phrases about drugs are difficult for them to understand and remember. Therefore, studens should be given more background information about drugs.
3Teaching important and difficult points:
1. learn the words and phrases related to drugs
2. gain more information about the harm of drugs.
3. realize that they must keep away from drugs forever
活动1【导入】 Step1  Lead in
Enjoy a beautiful song and show several pictures.
活动2【讲授】Step2. Deal with new words
1.drug dealer            贩毒分子
2.drug addict            吸毒成瘾的人         
3.cannabis               大麻
4.illegal                     违法的,不合法的
5.crack cocaine        强效可卡因
6.powerfully              有效力地
7.addictive                有瘾的
8.inject                      注射
9.cocaine                  可卡因
10.needle                  针,针管
活动3【讲授】Step3. Fast reading 
1. Read the opening paragraphs of two different articles and decide what the topic of each article is.
A Drug Addict and His Story
Dangerous Activities of Teenagers
The Dangers of Using Cocaine
Article 1:
Article 2
2. Read parts 1-6 and  decide which parts the articles contain.
Article 1: It contains parts _______________
Article 2: It contains parts _______________
活动4【讲授】Step4. Careful reading
Article 1
① ask some questions related to the text
1) Is Adam still a drug addict now?
2) How did he pay for the drugs every day?
3) Why did he take the doctor’s advice immediately?
4) Where does he work now?
② use the information of the text and the words and phrases learnt before to describe the pictures which are drawn according to the text
③ make up a story according to the pictures and the text
Key words: met/bought→refused/in pain→stole/more cocaine                                                                             ↓
                                   stopped/centre    ← addicted/police
Article 2
Read the text again and fill in the form
What is cocaine?
What are the ways to take cocaine?
What are the Dangers of using cocaine?
活动5【活动】Step5. Post-reading
Talk about the different kinds of drugs
Watch some news about the International Day Against Drug Abuse
Discussion: discuss the dangers of taking drugs
Attitude to drugs and smoking: No drugs and no smoking
活动6【讲授】Step6. Summary
1. Words and phrases related to drugs
2. A practical story about a drug addict
3. What is cocaine and the dangers of taking drugs
4. We must keep away from drugs and smoking.
活动7【作业】Step7. Homework
Write a letter to Li Daimo.
Tell him about the dangers of taking drugs
Give him some advice
活动8【测试】Step8. A quiz
A quiz: 短文改错(有10处错误)
Adam Rouse is a 19-years-old boy. He first started to use drugs on the age of 15. He bought cannabis and then offered crack cocaine and became addicted for it. When he didn't have enough money to pay for drugs, he was in a great pain. In order to get money, he broke in a house and steal a television and a video recorder. After that, he had to steal some things every day for drugs but finally was taken to the police station. The next day, a doctor came to see him and advised him to stop take drugs, so he took the doctor's advices and now he works in a centre for drug addicts.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“No drugs”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs Reading and Vocabulary辽宁省 - 阜新”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 2 No drugs Reading and Vocabulary辽宁省 - 阜新”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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