
视频标签:外研版,必修二Book 2,Music
视频课题:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 3 Music辽宁国家级高中英语优质课(翻转课堂)
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 3 Music辽宁省 - 大连
本课分为两部分,课前自主学习环节(网上完成)和课上训练展示环节。课前任务主要是完成低阶目标,分别为:一、看微课,学习并总结有关音乐的词汇;二、 反复听听力材料,捕捉材料中的关键信息;通过完成课前听力自学检测,反馈出听力材料中的难点,为课上难点攻破提供依据;三、互动交流,学生彼此间交流对同一个话题的想法,为课上的展示做准备。
一. 教学目标:
At the end of this lesson, students are able to:
1. 知识与技能
① catch some key information in the listening materials ② accumulate and apply some words about music ③ talk about their understanding of music ④ express their ideas of how to set up a band 2. 过程与方法
① By repetition, catch the key information in the listening materials
② By comparing the different melodies of the pieces, feel the power of music
②By peer work and group cooperation, promote the efficiency of individual learning and participation in activities, and enhance the confidence in English listening and speaking 3. 情感态度与价值观
Feel the great power of music, be brave to persist in their dreams and love music and life.
Grade One students are full of enthusiasm. They love sharing and cooperating with their partners. At the same time, the topic of this lesson, music and bands, is not strange to them. However, listening is really a headache for them. They have trouble catching the key information, causing them unable to understand the whole passage. Besides ,their understanding of music may just focus on “I like it.”It’s difficult for them to express their true feelings of music, especially in English. What’s worse, they recited some words about music, but they have little chance to use them.
三. 重点难点
1. 教学重点
① accumulate and apply the words about music ② talk about the understanding of music ③ talk about Likes &Dislikes 2. 教学难点
① catch the key information while listening
② talk about how to set up a band with the words about music and expressions “Likes & Dislikes”
四. 教学反思
1. This lesson made full use of information and technology. The mini-lecture before class helped students have a
good accumulation and classification of the words so that in class, students could focus on how to apply these words. Moreover, before class, students used the ipads to look for some information about music, which enriched their knowledge. Listening improvement is a process of repeated training. Students could, according to their individual demands, use ipads to listen to the materials for many times.
2. This lesson is characterized by independent learning before class, exploration and cooperation in class.
Students wereencouraged to exchange their ideas and work together to participate in the activities actively. 3. This lesson focused on listening, application of the words and expressions, but listening seems to have
stressed the key words but no main idea. In the future listening teaching, I should improve this.
4. I was a little nervous and worried, so some students weren’t concerned and cared. This is also what I need to
improve in the future.
五. 教学过程
【活动1】 导入:听音乐,看视频,引出主题
Teacher’s activity: play the song---Hey Jude, from the beatles and lead students to concentrate on the topic---bands
and music Students’ activity:individual work
listen to the song ,watch the video and know about the topic
Aims: arouse students’ interest in the topic of this lesson.
【活动2】 课前学习任务反馈
Teacher’s activity: 1. present the two questions they have trouble with while listening before class
2. play the tape again and lead students to catch the key words and make clear the meanings of
the key words. Students’ activity:individual work
listen to the tape again and catch the key words while listening
Aims: 1. help students realize their mistakes before class
2. by repeated training, help students catch the key words while listening
【活动3】 课上听力巩固训练,优秀导图展示
Teacher’s activity: 1. Release a listening task to the students by ipad, ask students to listen to the material and do the
blanks-filling exercises.
2. by the function of peer-checking, organize students to check the answers for their partners 3. lead students to summarize some words about music from the listening materials and
4. show the word maps students made before class and lead students to use the word maps to
classify and summarize the words about music
Students’ activity:individual and peer work
1. receive the task , listen to another listening material and do the blanks-filling exercise. 2. Catch the key words and check the answers for their partners
3. Summarize the words about music and learn to use the word map to accumulate new words.
Aims: 1. by repeated training , help students to catch the key words while listening and know more about
another rock and roll band in China.
2. by showing the excellent word maps made by students, help them develop a good habit of study: mark
in colour; write in good handwriting; clear classification 【活动4】欣赏音乐,谈谈对音乐的理解
Teacher’s activity: 1. Show the famous saying from a musician Xian Xinghai, and ask students to talk about their
understanding of music.
2. play two pieces of music, and lead students to feel different melodies in music may bring them
different feelings
Students’ activity:peer work
1. Work in groups to talk about their understanding of music
2. Appreciate two pieces of music and talk about the power of music
Aims: by speaking, encourage students to use the words about music to express their ideas and
experience the power of music.
【活动5】 看学生视频,总结“喜欢”和“不喜欢”的表达方式
Teacher’s activity: play a video recorded by a student, and ask students to summarize the expressions showing
“Likes”and “Dislikes. ”
Students’ activity:individual work
Watch a video and summarize the expressions showing “Likes” and “Dislikes. ”
Aims: help students summarize some expressions of “Likes” and “Dislikes”, hoping they are able to talk about
theirfavourite in a correct way.
【活动6】 角色扮演,应用知识,主题升华
Teacher’s activity: suppose the English teacher, Linda, were a billionaire now. She wanted to put her money to some
promising band. Students should work together to set up their own band and persuade Linda to fund them. Requirements: the more words about music you use, the more money you will get. The more expressions of “Likes” and “Dislikes” you use, the more money you will use. The closer you get to the topic, the more money you will use.
Students’ activity:group work
Work together, and set up a band to introduce themselves.
Aims: Help students consolidate what they have learned, including words about music, expressions of
“Likes” and “Dislikes”, and topic. 【活动7】 总结和情感升华
Aims : encourage students to persist in their dreams ,love life and love themselves.
【活动8】 作业
Interview one of your music teachers and invite him/her to talk about his experiences with music. Write an essay with the title of My Music Teacher and upload to the Discussion Board.
Aims: Before and in class, help students improve listening, vocabulary and speaking. After class, help them consolidate what have been learnt in class in the form of wring.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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