
视频标签:Our Body,Healthy Habi
视频课题:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 佳木斯市第十一中学
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修二Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 佳木斯市第十一中学
Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits
Knowledge and
ability aims:
(1) To help students to understand and master some
words, phrases and sentence patterns.
(2)To learn about some proverbs about health. Procedure and
(1) To improve the students’ organizing and using skills of English as the second language by
practicing repeatedly.
(2) To improve the students’ investigating ability by making use of a questionnaire.
Emotional aims
(1) To help students realize the importance of
health and understand how to keep healthy. (2) To develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.
Key points:
(1)To help students master the important
expressions about health and illness.
(2)Learn about some good ways to keep healthy.
Difficult point
The students can use what they have learnt in this class to express themselves freely. Teacher methods
(1) Communicative Language Teaching (2) Tasked-basked Language Teaching
Teacher activities Students activities Purpose
(1)Show a video (2)Teach new words by explaining.
(3)Make a survey
some English proverbs.
(5)Organize pair work
help students make a short speech.
Students find bad habits from the video
Vocabulary exercises
“Rush to answer”
Give each proverb an explanation in English
Make a short speech on “The way to keep healthy” Spark the students’ mind to focus on the topic.
Help students remember
the words clearly.
Help students practice the sentence pattern.
Make students think in
English, and enlarge their knowledge.
Evaluate the effects of the lesson
Blackboard design
1. diet n.日常饮食 2. fit adj. 健康的;合适的
v. 节食 v. 使适合 be/ go on a diet 节食 keep fit = keep healthy a balanced diet 均衡饮食 be fit for / to do
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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