
视频标签:外研版,My First Rid,on a Train
视频课题:外研版高中英语必修1Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period3 Speaking and Writing -高坪区白塔中学
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修1Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period3 Speaking and Writing -高坪区白塔中学
Teaching plan
Designed by 李虹莹 四川省南充市白塔中学
Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Period 3 Speaking and Writing
Teaching Aims
1. To practise the students’ s spoken English and try to inspire students’ interest in writing.
2. Know the importance of the topic sentences and learn to write them. 3. Learn to correct and evaluate others’ work. Important Points
1. Participate in the group work and express ideas. 2. Write organized sentences.
Difficult Points
Use words and expressions correctly in the writing.
Teaching Procedure
Leading-in Brainstorming Choose 5 words related to traveling Show students more words to enlarge their vocabulary. Ask them to give different transportation from ancient to modern time. Make them discuss the advantages and problems of the modern transportation. Before writing, remind them of the 4 points that students should keep in the mind. Assign the writing practice. Group work 1. Group discuss and select the words. 2. Note down the words on the paper. 3. Report the words. Individual work
To think the various vehicles and the changes of the transportation. Group work
1. Group discuss and choose the most reasonable reason. 2. The reporter write the key words on the blackboard and briefly explain the reasons.
Pay attention to :structure, topic sentences, connectives, sparkle words. Individual work Write these topic sentences.
Let the students exchange their paper and polish the writing for their partners .
Let the students try to evaluate others’ work.
Pair work
The desk-mates exchange their writing and try to correct the errors in the writing.
The students learn to find sparkle words and try to evaluate the writing.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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