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在线播放:外研版高中英语必修1Listening and Speaking–Chinese and British Education-深圳科学高中


外研版高中英语必修1Listening and Speaking–Chinese and British Education-深圳科学高中

视频标签:外研版,Chinese and,British Educ


视频课题:外研版高中英语必修1Listening and Speaking–Chinese and British Education-深圳科学高中

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语必修1Listening and Speaking – Chinese and British Education -深圳科学高中

Listening and Speaking – Chinese and British Education 
Shenzhen High School of Science      English Department         Alsa HE 
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Life is full of possibilities and opportunities. Just get the most out of it.   –-- Alsa HE 
Teaching Plan 
Teacher Alsa He, English Department, Shenzhen High School of Science Class Type Listening and Speaking Time 45 mins 
Class 20, Senior 2, Shenzhen High School of Science 
Analysis  of  
Being active and curious, students from class 20 are always interested in the latest news 
and eager to express their own ideas. They are with the basic proficiency in listening and speaking, but need more practice. Thus I pick a topic which would arouse their interest and provide an opportunity for their progress. 
Analysis  of  Teaching Materials 
This material is taken from a program in BBC, which tells us what happened to the British students in Bohunt when five Chinese teachers came to their school to teach them. This program is interesting and has very clear British pronunciation, so it can not only arouse students’ interest but also challenge their listening skills and give them the urge to share their own opinions. 
Teaching Objectives 
Knowledge objective 
1. Enable students to get to know some expressions related to education; 
2. Enable the students to know words and expressions to express their thoughts, give suggestions and explain reasons. Ability objective 
1. Improve students’listening and speaking skills via tasks; 
2. Enable the students to draw summaries with the help of forms given by the teacher; Emotional objective 
Broaden the students’horizons by showing them clashes of two cultures and different beliefs of education. Inspire the students to be more creative and open-minded in their path of growth. 
Listening and Speaking – Chinese and British Education 
Shenzhen High School of Science      English Department         Alsa HE 
2 / 3 
Life is full of possibilities and opportunities. Just get the most out of it.   –-- Alsa HE 
Important Points and  Difficult Points 
Important points: 
1. Students can get the main idea of the audios; 
2. Students can fill in most of the blanks after they have listened to the audios twice; 
3. Students can draw a summary to each audio with the help of forms given by the teacher; 4. Students learn usefulwords and expressions and can use them to express their thoughts, give suggestions and explain reasons. Difficult points: 
1. Students are able to fill in the forms which are summaries to the audios; 
2. Students can use words and expressions they learned to expressthoughts, give suggestions and explain reasons. Teaching Methods Task-based Teachingand Learning;  Elicitation; 
Cooperative learning. 
Teaching Aids 
A computer and multi-media courseware. 
Teaching procedures Teaching steps 
Step 1: Lead-in Introduce  the topic 1. Show the Ss an email from a British parent; 2. Ask the Ss to read this email and bear in mind that they are going to write a reply and help her after this class. 1. To introduce the topic and listening materials of this class; 2. To arouse the Ss’ curiosity towards the listening materials. 
3  mins Step 2: Listening  
1. Plays the audios twice each; 
2. For the first time, play the sounds only. Ask the Ss to focus on the main idea of the audios; 3. For the second time, play both sounds and images. Ask the students to fill in the blanks; 4. After listening, ask the Ss to fill in a form and draw summaries to the audios. 
1. To provide the Ss with background information and get them ready for speaking; 
2. To practice Ss’ listening skills; 3. To train Ss’abilities of getting informationand drawing summaries. 
20 mins 
Listening and Speaking – Chinese and British Education 
Shenzhen High School of Science      English Department         Alsa HE 
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Life is full of possibilities and opportunities. Just get the most out of it.   –-- Alsa HE

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