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人教七年级上Unit 3  Is this your pencil Section B (2a-3b)宁波

视频标签:your pencil


视频课题:人教七年级上Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B (2a-3b)宁波

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人教七年级上Unit 3  Is this your pencil Section B (2a-3b)宁波市实验学校

 At the end of this period, students are expected to
1. talk about the topics "Identify ownership" with the target language.
2. understand the new words and expressions: in, library, find, lose, some, must, notice, case, lost and found, ask…for…, a set of, call/email … at….
3. read and write the lost notice and found notice with the target language.
4. learn "helping others is always a pleasure". 
These students are Grade 5 from Foreign Language School. Because they are primary students, some language points haven't been learnt but  they are very active and more interested in some new things.    
1. How to write their own lost or found notice well.
2. Talk about the topics " Identify ownership " freely with the target language.
3. read and write the lost notice and found notice with the target language.
Greet students.
Teach how to find others to ask them for help.
T: Nice to meet you! I hope you can be much happier in my class but if you have any problem, please ask me for help. Do you know how you can find me after class? 
T: And if I want to ask you for help, how can I help you?
活动2【讲授】Reading Task (Pre-reading)
1. Guess what’s in the Lost and Found case.
T shows a Lost and Found Case and shakes it.
T: I am so happy because I have known so many new friends today and yesterday I also found some things in the lost and found case. Listen! What’s in it? 
2. Talk about the things Ss lose easily.
T:  You think it’s a pen in the case. Do you lose a pen easily?  
   Oh, I know you lose a pen easily so you guess it’s a pen in the lost and found case. What about others’ ideas? 
3. Check Ss’ guessing and find the owners.
(1)T: Have a look at it and see you’re right or wrong. What’s this? How do you spell it? Is this your pen?
T takes out “a pen ”, “a watch”, ”a watch ” and “a library card” in order and find the owners among the Ss.
(2)T: Does everyone find your lost things? S1, what happened to you? You can’t find your keys. OK, let me see the case carefully. Oh, I find a set of keys. Is this yours? No. I’m sorry to hear that. What should we do to help S1 and the owner of these keys?
活动3【讲授】Reading Task (While – reading)
1. Skim the reading.
T: Maybe writing lost and found notices is a good idea. But first of all, we should learn what they are.
Get Ss read it quickly and find out what notices they are and circle the lost things.
2. Scan the reading.
Get Ss read it carefully to fill in chart.
 T: This time, we should read the notices carefully to learn how to write them. Please focus on the first notice and fill in the chart together.
T: Please read the following three notices and fill in it by yourselves.
活动4【讲授】Reading Task (Post– reading)
1. Complete the notices.
(1) Get Ss complete two first notices according to the pictures.
(2) Show two notices with some missing words and let Ss complete them.
T: We have learnt the reading text. Can you complete them according to the pictures?
Good job. Can you fill in the missing words by alone? Please open the book to page 18, 3a. 
2. Discuss the notice.
Discuss how to write a lost or found notice in pairs.
T: Well done, everyone. We have completed the four notices. Please read them again and discuss how to write them in pairs.
活动5【活动】Writing task
Write the lost and found notices.
(1) Get Ss write a lost notice for S1 or write a found notice for the owner of the keys in the lost and found case in groups.
(3) Make Ss share their writings and assess them.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“your pencil”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“人教七年级上Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B (2a-3b)宁波”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“人教七年级上Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B (2a-3b)宁波”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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