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人教版初中英语七年级上册unit3 it's this your pencil Section A 1a—2d江西省级优课

视频标签:your pencil


视频课题:人教版初中英语七年级上册unit3 it's this your pencil Section A 1a—2d江西省级优课

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人教版初中英语七年级上册unit3 it's this your pencil Section A 1a—2d江西省级优课物主代词练习题

1. This is my book. __ are over there.
   A. Your      B. Yours      C. You      D. Mine
2. Whose pen is it?  It’s __.
   A. her       B. hers       C. she      D. his
3. __ bag is new and __ is new, too.
   A. Our, he     B. Ours, his     C. My, his     D. My, her
4. This room is ours, and that one is __.
   A. they        B. them          C. theirs      D. their
5. Whose pencils are there?   They’re __.
   A. my          B. me            C. mine        D. our
6. Is the new watch __?  Yes, it’s __.
   A. you, me   B. yours, mine   C. your, my   D. your, mine
7. Whose shoes are these? They are __.
   A. me        B. mine       C. my        D. I
8. She is a student , __ name is Han Mei.
   A. its       B. her        C. hers      D. his
9. It’s a dog. I don’t know __ name.
   A. its’     B. its        C. it        D. it’s
10. This ruler isn’t mine. I think it is __.
   A. he        B. him        C. his       D. her
11.__ schoolbag is beautiful. But __ is more beautiful.
   A. Jims, my    B. Jim’s, mine    C. Jim’s, me     D. Jims’, I
12. __ am a boy and __ is a girl.
   A. My, she    B. I, her    C. I, she    D. Mine, she
13.I like __ new dress.
   A. She      B. her     C. hers     D. his
14.I often help __ mother do __ housework(家务活)。
   A. me, she    B. mine, her    C. my, her    D. I, hers
15.Is that __ hat?  No, it’s not __. It’s __.
   A. your, my, Toms         B. you, mine, Tom’s
   C. yours, mine, Tom       D. your, mine, Tom’s

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