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在线播放:外研版高中英语Book3 Module6 Old and New The Three Gorges Dam-山东省国家级优质课视频


外研版高中英语Book3 Module6 Old and New The Three Gorges Dam-山东省国家级优质课视频

视频标签:外研版高中英语,Old and New


视频课题:外研版高中英语Book3 Module6 Old and New The Three Gorges Dam-山东省国家级优质课视频

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:外研版高中英语Book3 Module6 Old and New The Three Gorges Dam-山东省淄博第十七中学

Book3 Module6 Old and New The Three Gorges Dam 
Find out the information about the Three Gorges Dam as much as possible by computer or through books. While-class: 
T:Good afternoon, class! S: Good afternoon, Mrs Xin! 
T: You just had a short vacation because of Qingming Festival, right? What did you do? (1) S: travelling„ (2) S: other answers 
T:If you have enough time and money ,how do you plan to spend your vacation? S:travelling„ 
T:I guess most of you like travelling around, am I right? If so, let’s play a quick-answer game. I’ll give you three clues about a place, a famous place of course, and you should guess what it is as soon as possible. Are you clear? Here we go. The first one: 
One of the greatest wonders of the world 
The longest man-made structure ever built  
He who does not reach it is not a true man. What is it? S:„ 
T: Is he/she right? 
(1)Yes, you’re right. Congratulations. (2)Never mind. T:The second one: 
It is located in Shandong Province. 
First of the “Five Sacred(神圣的;受崇敬的) Mountains”  It’s famous for its sunrise and culture.  S:„ 
T: Is he/she right? Let’s go on and check it later. (1)Yes, you’re right. Well done. (2)Never mind. T:The last one: 
It was Mao Zedong’s dream. 
The total construction period lasted for 17 years. It is the world's largest hydro-electric power project. What is it? 
Today we will learn about the largest hydro-electric power project in the world. That is the Three Gorges Dam(blackboard). What do 
you want to know in this class? S:„ 
T: Great. Besides, I’d like to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of the dam. Do you want to visit the huge dam? What do you need to know when travelling along the dam. I’m sure you will have a general idea of this dam in this class. Are you ready? Here we go. How many paragraphs are there in this passage? S: Five 
T:Please look through the topic sentence of each paragraph and match the main idea with each paragraph. let’s begin. Most of you have finished, so let’s have a check. S:„ 
T: You all did a good job. Let’s move on to Task 2. Please look through the passage and decide if the sentences are True or False. You can discuss them with your partner. Have you finished? Let’s have a check. S:„ 
T: Can you find the answer? In which paragraph ? S:„ 
T:For more details, let’s move on to Intensive reading. Paragraph One, first. What was Mao Zedong’s dream?  Ok. Let’s say the answer together. This sentence comes from Mao Zedong’s poem. This is the poem. Can you find the Chinese meaning of the sentence? S:„ 
T: Let’s come back to the sentence. So what does walls of stone refer to? The Three Gorges or the Three Gorges Dam? S:„ 
T: what does hold back refer to?Continue or stop? S:„ 
T: what does clouds and rain refer to?Flooding or electricity? S:„ 
T: Well done! So we can answer this question in another way. That is to  build a dam across the Yangtze River to control flooding and harness its power.  Do you think so? 
But what is the dam like? Let’s move on to the second paragraph. Please read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions. 
Who’d like to answer the first question? What is the size of the Dam? S:„ 
T: Good. But how tall is the dam? It’s about 185 meters. Here is the question. This place is very high, but this place is very low. How does a ship get through the dam? Can you give me a solution? This is the first highlight of the Three Gorges Dam. Let’s watch 
the first video and see what it is. So what is it? S: lift/ elevator. 
T:What do you think of the design? Amazing? 
How about the second question? Why did we build the dam? S: To control flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China. 
T: How does the dam make it? I’d like someone to explain it for us using your knowledge in geography. First one , how does the Three Gorges Dam control flooding? S:„ 
T:(1)I’ll explain it for you. When we close the locks ,the water in the upstream will become more and more. Therefore, we can use it for irrigation. When the water in the upstream is too much ,we can open the locks. The water will flow downward.  (2)Well done. 
 T: Did you see the photo about Wuhan last year? Wuhan was flooded. Someone on the Internet said that the Three Gorges Dam was useless, because it couldn’t control flooding. What’s your opinion? Since we have the dam, why was Wuhan flooded last year?  S:„ 
T: Because of the continuous heavy rainfall in Wuhan, not the upper or middle stream. Are you clear? 
T: How does the Three Gorges Dam generate electricity? S:By the pressure of water. 
T:Have your noticed the direction of the water? Usually, the water flows downward, just like this. But here it flows upward. The upward water is the second highlight of the Three Gorges Dam. But why does the water flow upward? Let’s watch the second video and find the answer. 
Have you got the answer? Who can explain it for us? S:„ 
T: Are you clear now? What do you think of the two highlights?  S: „ 
T: Next time when you visit the Three Gorges Dam, remember to see them by yourself. Does the dam have other advantages? Or does it have disadvantages? Let’s move on to the last three paragraph. Group work. Complete the table according to the information you have found from the passage and the reading material. You can omit the repeated aspects. I’d like to divide you into two big groups. The students on the left should find the advantages, and the others find the disadvantages. Let’s have a competition to check which group is more quickly. Here are the tips. Let’s begin.  
T:It seems that Group * is more quickly. Let’s have a check. S:„  
T:The last sentence in the reading material says “the dam has been a controversial topic both in China and abroad.”So what do you think of the Three Gorges Dam? Which are more important, advantages or disadvantages? Why? S:„ 
T:I think we should have a positive attitude towards the Three Gorges Dam, or maybe anything. It did much damage. But our government is making efforts to make up for it. We have built new houses, developed new tourism and so on. I’m sure the people from Sanxia can live a happy life in new places and our country will become stronger and stronger to solve any problems. Do you think so? S:Yes! 
T: Let’ have a summary of this class. In this class ,we have solved many problem. What are your feelings after learning about the dam?  S:„ 
T:Have all the problems been solved? No. We still have one left. “What should you know when travelling along the dam?” Let’s have a Role-play in your group. One student acts as a tourist guide, the others act as tourists. You are travelling along the dam. What will happen? So begin your journey now. Students’ show time 
T:Thank you for your wonderful performance. Next time, maybe on May Day, you can visit the dam with your parents. At that time, you can act as the guide and introduce the dam to your parents. Ok?  
T: Do you love your hometown? Has it changed a lot? Do you want to change it better? After learning the changes of the Three Gorges Dam, write something about your hometown and your plan to improve your hometown. Are you clear? Ok. Class is over. Thank you.

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