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四年级上册Unit1 My classroom C Storytime重庆市优课

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视频课题:四年级上册Unit1 My classroom C Storytime重庆市优课

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四年级上册Unit1 My classroom C Storytime
(一)教学目标: (1)知识目标:
通过阅读趣味故事复习巩固本单元所学单词和句型:Where is it?It’s on…… (2)能力目标:能在语言、图片帮助下理解故事内容,并朗读故事。 (3)情感目标:了解蜜蜂、爱护蜜蜂。 (二)教学重点和难点分析: (1)重点:
学生能在语言、图片的帮助下读懂故事,并运用正确的语音语调朗读故事。 (2)难点:
学生能表演故事并在实际情景中运用所学语言。 (三)教具准备:课件、录音、视频等。
(四)教学过程: Stage 1:Warming up
(1) Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls. (2) Watch a video:Before we have our class, let’s watch a video at first.(复习on、
in、under,带动课堂气氛) Stage 2:Pre-reading (1) Missing Game
T:Class, look at the blackboard, let’s review the words and phrases.
T:This one, go on. Now, look at it carefully. What’s missing? Go on. Very good.
T:Now let’s go to the phrases.
(以游戏复习单词和词组,唤起学生的已学知识) (2) Free talk
T:Now students, we have a new classroom, yes or no? So what’s in the classroom? For example, there is a blackboard in our classroom. T:Any other things? Who can tell me?
(以师生自由对话的形式让学生再次复习教室设备的单词和老师引导复习句型There is……) (3) Lead in
T:Today we have a new friend in our classroom, let’s see who it is. T:Look! It’s a bee! Follow me, bee. There is a bee in our classroom. T:What color is it? Yes, it’s a yellow and black bee. T:What does it look like? Big or small? T:Great, it is a small yellow bee.
T:Today, we will know a story about the bee. Let’s see it. (引出话题,为读故事做好准备) Stage 3:While-reading (1) Listen and circle
T:At first, listen to the story and circle where the bee is. Circle on your paper, ok? Let’s go!
T:Ok, who can tell me the first place? Light. Very good.(此时词条板书上黑板,注意不按顺序摆放。)
                                     T:The second place? Nice, you’re so clever. How about the third place?
(首先听故事对整个故事有个整体感知,并且圈出蜜蜂所在的位置单词,先由最简单的单词入手) (2) Watch and number
T:All of you did a great job! Now, let’s watch the story and number the pictures. Do it on your paper, ok? Let’s watch!(老师此时板书Where is it?和It’s on the…)
T:Ok, who can tell me the first picture? Yes, there is a bee in our classroom. T:How about the second one? Where is it? Go on. Very good.(老师要注意此时要移动板书)
(这个任务让学生观看视频,更加了解故事的情节并且给图片进行排序,以此来检查学生的观看情况) (3) Read and match
T:Now, let’s read the sentences together. Look! Go.
T:OK, class. I need you to match the sentences with the pictures on your paper, ok? Let’s do it.
T:Finished? Yes or no? OK, who can tell me the first picture?
(图文连线让学生开始接触文章内容,在理解了文章内容后进行连线) (4) Read the story
T:Now, let’s read the story together. T:Very good. Now read in groups, ok?
T:Now, girls you are Zip, and boys you are Zoom. I am the rabbit. Let’s read it together ok? Girls, oh, Go!
(让学生带有感情地朗读课文) (5) Retell the story
T:Ok, class. Let’s retell the story together.
T:Mmmmmm, there is a bee in our classroom. Where is it? (老师带着学生根据板书一起来复述故事) (6) Fly your imagination
T:Great, all of you did a nice job.
T:Look, boys and girls. This is our new friend, right? Now, it’s missing. Maybe it’s on the window, because it wants to go to outside. T:Can you guess where it is? T:Let’s watch where the bee is. T:Where is it?
(引导学生猜测蜜蜂去了哪儿,并对故事进行结尾) Stage 4:Post-reading (1) Create your story
T:Now, class, let’s create our story. At first, let me share my story with you. T:Ok, create your story. Go! (2) Act
T:Now, let’s act our story. (请三个学生起来先做个示范) (3) Watch a video Stage 5:Homework

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“My classroom”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“四年级上册Unit1 My classroom C Storytime重庆市优课”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“四年级上册Unit1 My classroom C Storytime重庆市优课”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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