
视频课题:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit2 Poems(Reading)宜昌
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit2 Poems(Reading)宜昌
Lesson design of Module 6 Unit 2 Poems
Yiling Senior High School Luo Fen
ITeaching objectives
1. Knowledge objectives
1) By the end of the class, students are able to have a general idea of poems.
2) Students are able to clearly understand different simple types of poems.
3) Students are able to acquire some key words and structures with teacher’s help.
4) Students are able to have a clear mind of why people write poems.
2. Ability objectives
1) Students are able to know the skill of connecting their background knowledge with
reading materials.
2) Students are able to read for specific information.
3) Students at high levels are able to easily appreciate different forms of poems; students
at a poor level are able to distinguish five kinds of poems.
3. Emotional objectives
1) To stimulate students’ interest in poems through some audio files, vivid pictures and
thought-provoking activities.
2) To develop students’ awareness of pair work and group work.
3) To help students become independent and critical thinkers.
4) To foster students’ love and passion for life by appreciating poems.
IIFocal points
1. To help students comprehend the reading material in an easy and logical way.
2. To improve students’ ability as well as skills in reading comprehension.
IIIDifficult points
1. How to engage each student in different activities.
2. How to help students think critically and independently.
IVTeaching methods
1. Task-based Language Teaching
2. Multimedia-aided Language Teaching
3. Communicative Language Teaching
4. Questioning Strategy
VTeaching procedures
1. Stage 1 Warming up
Step 1-- If you are happy
Play a song (nursery rhyme) to the class and ask students to sing along with the music.
Step 2-- Story of Alice
1) Show a poster of
Alice in Wonderland and introduce my best friend
Alice to the
2) Alice once dropped into a big hole and had an unforgettable experience in the
wonderland of poetry. She found a magic mirror from which she could see a variety
of poems reflecting different stages of her life.
2. Stage 2 Pre-reading
In the wonderland of poetry, Alice saw a lot of poems from the magic mirror. Ask
students to guess
what kinds of poems the mirror showed.
3. Stage 3 While-reading
Step 1--Skimming
★ Read the whole passage quickly and find out what forms of poems are mentioned.
Step 2--Scanning
Stage 1: Life in childhood
At the very beginning, Alice saw her father singing a song to her on the mirror. Listen
to the recording and circle the rhyming words(韵脚).
★ Read paragraph 2 aloud and find out the features of this kind of poem.
Stage 2: Life in teenage
Alice saw her diary on the mirror. And two poems written by her also appeared.
Listen to the recordings of
I saw a fish-pond all on fire and
Our first football match.
Answer the following questions:
1) When we put all these items in Poem B together, does this poem make sense?
2) Which sport do you think Alice wrote about?
3) Did her team win the game?
☆Grammar practice:如果爱丽丝没有掉进仙境里,我们就不会欣赏到这些诗歌。(appreciate)
If Alice
hadn't fallen into the wonderland, we
would not have appreciated these poems.
4) How many excuses did they list to explain why they didn’t win?
5) What do the two poems have in common?
Stage 3: Life in adulthood
As we grow up, pressure from life also adds up. But never should we lose passion and
curiosity. Alice is such a girl as is always curious about everything. Now let’s enjoy
two poems from her diary.
★ Read paragraph 4 (POEM D and E) and work with your partners to find out the
rules of cinquain.
Stage 4: Life in middle age
At middle age, there will be a slight easing of tension with a more tolerant view of life.
What kind of poems will Alice write in her middle age?
Read POEM F and G to your desk-mates with emotion. Find out the keys to the
1) Haiku consists of 17 syllables. How many syllables does each line have?
A. 5--5--7 B. 5--7--5 C. 7--5--5
2) What is the most common topic of Haiku?
A. Building B. People C. Season
3) Haiku can create a clear picture and a special feeling by using many words. (True or
Stage 5: The sunset of life
This period is the age of true philosophy(哲理), peace and leisure(闲适).
This is a Tang poem translated by Alice. Let's enjoy it!
Bathed in spring sunshine,
a beautiful landscape(江山) is in sight.
Fragrance(香味) flows in the air,
Breeze(微风) dancing in the hair.
Swallows fly here and there,
busy nesting somewhere.
Yuanyang(鸳鸯) staggering(蹒跚) towards the sand,
sleep under the sun. (by Du Fu)
★ What feelings do you think this poem has? Give your reasons.
Step 3--Group discussion
Please discuss with your group members : Why do people write poems?
★"The main purpose of poems is to express our love for life and help readers
appreciate the beauty of life." ---
4. Stage 4 Post-reading
Step 4--Post-reading
★ Guessing game: list several poems and let students guess what forms they are.
Read this poem together.
Green every spring
Bright orange in autumn
Bare in winter
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
④ Where she awaits her husband
On and on the river flows.
Never looking back,
Transformed into stone.
Day by day upon the mountain top,
wind and rain revolve.
Should the traveler return,
this stone would utter speech. (by Wang Jian)
Step 5--Creativity time
Alice was greatly inspired by the poems in the wonderland. So she wrote a list poem
to express her feelings. Students are required to fill in the blanks with their creativity.
Word choice:
What is Life?
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, ______ it.
Life is a challenge, ______ it.
Life is a duty, ________ it.
Life is a ______, play it.
Life is a _____, _____ it.
Life is a ______, ______it.
Life is a poem, appreciate it.
Life is life, fight for it!
★ Life is like a poem. Please enjoy each perfect syllable and every lyrical (诗意的)
moment of our life.
Step 6--Self-assessment
★ I have learned different types of simple poems:
★ I have learned some useful words and structures:
★ I have learned to be passionate(热情的) about life:
★ I have made some progress in this class:
5. Stage 5 Assignment
Write a poem to describe our school by using what we learned today.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
-----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“湖北好课堂,Poems”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit2 Poems(Reading)宜昌”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit2 Poems(Reading)宜昌”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 ----- |