
视频课题:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit1 Friendship(Reading and Comprehending)鄂州
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit1 Friendship(Reading and Comprehending)鄂州
Unit 1 Friendship
Reading & Comprehending
Zheng Yuling from E Zhou Senior High School
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
1. Get the students to read and understand the text;
2. Get the students to learn the meaning of special friends and special friendship.
Ability aims:
1. Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities of the students;
2. Guide students to observe and compare, and in this way they can deepen their understanding;
3. Encourage the students to cooperate with others.
Emotional aims:
1. Enable the students to understand different kinds of special friendship;
2. Arouse the students’ deep thinking and understanding of Anne Frank’s life and friendship with her diary.
3. Encourage the students to ask questions and explore more on the topic.
Teaching important points:
1. Help the students to know about different meanings of special friendship;
2. Motivate the students to express their ideas on this topic in English.
Teaching difficult points:
1. Guide students to think deeply about Anne Frank and her diary.
2. Enable the students to speak out their opinions confidently.
Teaching methods:
1. Demonstration method
2. Task-based teaching and learning
3. Cooperative learning
Teaching aids:
1. The multimedia and the Internet;
2. Other normal teaching tools.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Lead–in
(1) What does a friend mean to you?
(2) Let’s look at some photos about special friends!
(3) Do you have any special friend that is not a human?
Step 2. Reading and Comprehending
(1) Watch a brief video about Anne Frank and her special friend.
(2) Based on the video and the passage, the students are asked to read the passage loudly and to prepare several questions related to Anne Frank and her special friend.
(3) The students are divided into two teams, asking and answering the questions.
(4) Conclusion of this part:
From Anne’s story and experience, friendship does not mean you have only to make friends with human beings who will talk with you or care about you. The real meaning of friendship lies in the fact that you won’t be lonely when you are listened to or understood whether it is a person or a diary.
Step 3. Exploration
(1)The students are divided into groups of four/five discussing and analyzing three different scenes about special friendship.
(2) The students share their thought and understanding about these special kinds of friendship.
Step 4. Assignment
Homework : Based on what we have learned and discussed, write an article about your special friend and your understanding of friendship.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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