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在线播放:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit1 Friendship Direct Speech and Indirect Speech襄阳


2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit1 Friendship Direct Speech and Indirect Speech襄阳

视频标签:湖北好课堂,Friendship,Direct Speec


视频课题:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit1 Friendship Direct Speech and Indirect Speech襄阳

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit1 Friendship Direct Speech and Indirect Speech襄阳

Module1 Unit1 Friendship
 Direct Speech & Indirect Speech
Yang Meng   No.5 middle school in Xiang Yang
Teaching Goals:
1. Enable the students to use the learning materials to work in groups to observe and summarize the rules by themselves.
2. Enable the students to apply the rules that they have summarized.
3. Enable the students to use indirect speech properly in different contexts.
   4. Inspire the students to value the traditional festival—the Mid-Autumn Day.
Difficult points
1. How to help students understand the differences between direct speech and indirect speech.
2. How to help students have a better understanding of the special rule and help them use the indirect speech properly.
Teaching methods
1.      The cooperative learning method
2.      The situation teaching method
3.      The activity method
4.      CIA equipment with a multi-media classroom
Teaching process:
Step1. Lead in  
1. Greet the students
2. Ask several students some questions, such as “How do you feel about studying and living at No.5 middle school?”, and “How is the weather today?” Then ask another student to use his/her own words to repeat what the last student had said.
3. Use pictures as introduction to arouse students’ interest. Then let students guess the possible conversations concerning the pictures and change these conversations into indirect speech.
4. Let students compare sentences in direct speech with those in indirect speech,
helping them to find the differences between them.
5. Help students draw a conclusion: the changes are mainly concerned with pronoun,
tense, adverbial and sentence structure.
Step2. Self-study in groups
1. Distribute the learning materials to every student and ask students to form groups of four.
2. In the learning materials, there are four groups of sentences. Each group should at least observe one group of sentences and discuss with other teammates to summarize the rules about sentence structures, tenses, pronouns or adverbials.
3. After 5 minutes, ask 4 groups of students separately to share what they have found out with the class.
4. After sharing, ask students to fill all the blanks in their learning materials and spend 3 minutes remembering all the rules.
Learning Materials
Observe and summarize the rules.
1. Mum said to me, “You can do it yourself.”
Mum told me that I could do it myself.
2. The boy asked, “Whose books are these?”
  The boy asked whose books those are.
3. Her father asked her, “When did you go to bed last night?”
  Her father asked her when she had gone to bed the night before.
4. She said, “Did you see him today?”
  She asked whether I had seen him that day.
5. Tom asked Jerry, “Are you writing a letter?”
  Tom asked Jerry whether/if he was writing a letter.
Group 2
1. Mum said to me, “You can do it yourself.”
Mum told me that I could do it myself.
2. Mr. Green said, “I saw the movie 2 days ago.”
  Mr. Green said that he had seen the movie 2 days before/earlier.
3. “I will fly to London next week.” She said to me.
  She told me that she would fly to London the next week.
4. Tom asked Jerry, “Are you writing a letter?”
   Tom asked Jerry whether/if he was writing a letter.
5. Cell said, “I have not heard from Jordan since May.”
  Cell said that she had not heard from Jordan since May.
6. He said, “I had finished my homework before supper.”
  He said that he had finished his homework before supper.
Group 3
1. Mum said to me, “You can do it yourself.”
Mum told me that I could do it myself.
2. The boy asked, “Whose books are these?”
  The boy asked whose books those are.
3.”What did you do here yesterday?” The old men asked my brother.
   The old man asked my brother what he had done there the day before.
4. She said, “Did you see him today?”
  She asked whether I had seen him that day.
5. Cell said, “I have not heard from my father since May.”
  Cell said that she had not heard from her father since May.
Group 4
1. He said, “I don’t want to listen to the music now.”
  He said that he didn’t want to listen to the music then.
2. Her father asked her, “When did you go to bed last night?”
  Her father asked her when she had gone to bed the night before.
3. She said, “Did you see him today?”
  She asked whether I had seen him that day.
4. What did you do here yesterday?” The old men asked my brother.
  The old man asked my brother what he had done there the day before.
5. “I will fly to London tomorrow.” She said to me.
  She told me that she would fly to London the next/following day.
6. Mr. Green said, “I saw the movie 2 days ago.”
  Mr. Green said that he had seen the movie 2 days before/earlier.
7. The captain said,” They will arrive the day after tomorrow”
  The captain said that they would arrive in two days’ time.

Task 1 Direct Speech Indirect Speech
word order
    +sb+       +
Yes-no questions
+sb+       +
Wh- questions
+sb+       +
Task 2 Direct Speech Indirect Speech
have done  
had done  
am/is/are doing  
Will do  
Task 3 Direct Speech Indirect Speech
pronoun  these  
Adverbial of place here  
Task 4 Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Adverbial of time now  
three days ago  
the day after tomorrow  
Step3. Adding the special rule
1. Show students a picture and ask them to describe the picture. The possible description should be: the earth moves around the sun.
2. Ask one student to change the sentence into indirect speech, the possible answer may be: He/She said that the earth moves around the sun. Then help students understand the reason why the tense is not changed. 
3.  Help students draw a conclusion that when the sentence states a truth, the tense needn’t be changed.
Step4. Activity- application of grammar knowledge
1.      Use PPT to present 3 sentences English teacher usually use, then ask students
to change direct speech into indirect speech.
2.      Then use PPT to present another 3 sentences students usually use, then ask
students to change them into indirect speech.
3.      Play two records from the movie Zootopia, asking the students to listen and use indirect speech to express what they will hear.
4.      During the activity, whoever answers the question correctly, give his/her group a
star to encourage them to do better and in the meanwhile, give them guidance to understand the difficult points to use indirect speech correctly.
Step 5 Role-play
1. Ask students to form groups of three.
Student A- a foreign student.
Student B –a Chinese who has trouble with English.
Student C- a Chinese who is good at English.
2. Ask student A and student B to have a conversation about the coming Mid-Autumn Day, and then student C needs to use indirect speech to repeat the other students’ conversation. Give students 4 minutes to prepare their conversation.
3. Ask two or three groups to give presentations.
Step 6 Consolidation
1.      Ask students to read two English translations of Chinese poems together and
translate them into Chinese.
2.      Appreciate the poems with students to help them understand the meaning of the
Mid-Autumn Day: reunion of families.
3.      Wish the students and their families a happy Mid-Autumn Day.
Step7 Homework
Review the rules about direct speech and indirect speech.

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