
视频课题:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Revision Tricks in Proof Reading水果湖
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Revision Tricks in Proof Reading水果湖
Teaching plan
Qiao Haihong
Shuiguohu Senior High School
Tricks in Proof Reading
Teaching goals:
1. Students will master the method of doing proof reading.
2. Students will know the folk tale about the Mid-autumn festival.
3. Students will learn a lesson: Their efforts will pay off if they hold on.
Teaching method:
Use concrete examples (mainly from the latest 3 years’ College Entrance Exams and my students’ mistakes in their daily homework) to help students sum up the tricks in proof reading. And then they can use the tricks to help them do proof reading.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Lead in
1. Use an adapted story about Houyi to arouse students’ interest.
2. Let students understand our task in this period: find out the four tricks in doing
proof reading.
Step 2 Present trick 1 by using the following sentences. In this step, all the errors
focus on words: noun, pronoun, article(a/an/the) and word formation.
Level 1
1. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. (NMET2015)
2. We must find ways to protect your environment. (NMET2015)
3. Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. (NMET2015)
4. He gave her a comforting smile while listening patient.
Level 2
1. At age of twelve, my father bought me an expensive mountain bike as a birthday gift and taught me how to ride.
2. Later, much to her astonish, he handed her $ 200 in cash and offered her a meal.
3. WeChat is probably our favorite, mainly because of its convenient.
4. I wandered around the library, fascinated to find one treasure after other.
In level 1, students will be able to find errors more easily with the help of underlined words.
In level 2, students will have to find the errors without any clue.
After finishing them, Ss will sum up Trick 1 by themselves.
Trick 1: Word
(1) 名词单复数一致 (2) 冠词前后一致
(3) 代词指代一致 (4) 词形词性作用一致
Step 3 Present trick 2 by the following sentences. In this step, all the errors focus on verbs: the consistence between subject and verb, tense and voice of verbs and nonfinite form of verbs.
Level 1
1. Besides, music as well as pictures and videos are often downloaded through WeChat.
2. It is always crowded with customers at meal times. Some people even had to wait outside. (NMET2016)
3. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very
serious problem. (NMET2016)
4. I recognized Tim by compared him with the photo he had sent to me.
Level 2
1. It is I rather than you who are to blame for the mistake.
2. I had thought that our team was consisted of strong and able players.
3. I suggest build a new playground, which should be designed for students with
different interests.
4. I have been long to hear all about you and missing you so much.
We will discuss how to correct the sentences. Then it is Ss’ turn to sum up trick 2, including all the errors related to verbs in different sentences.
Trick 2: Sentence
(1)主谓一致 (2)时态一致
(3)语态一致 (4)非谓语一致
Step 4 This time, Ss will be able to understand the third trick in proof reading, which is about fixed collocation and logical semantics. However, the first 2 tricks will be reviewed in the practice as well.
Level 1
1. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. (NMET2015)
2. Later, I became interested in communicating with people from various cultures, and I made fewer friends.
Level 2
1. Although it was very difficult at first, but with the help of my teacher, I made rapidly progress. Just as the old saying goes, “where there is a will, there is a way.”
2. I think we student should balance our physical exercise and studies. Without sound
body, one can’t achieve anything. As a result, I suggest we are given less homework
or more time for out-of-classroom activities.
Trick 3: Context
(1)固定搭配一致 (2)逻辑语义一致
Step 5 This part is difficult for some students. We will focus on clauses. In the latest 3 years’ College Entrance Exams, there wasn’t any error about clauses. But in our daily exercises, we often meet with this kind of errors. So we must pay attention to it. The following sentences are related to the most common 4 types of clauses.
Level 1
1. Then Lang shared her life with us in her speech. She said it was faith and courage had led her to success.
2. We gave a warm welcome to them,among them a boy named Tim was to stay with my family for the weekend.
Level 2
1. Every time when my father took me out for practice, my little brother would come along.
2. The first reason why I consider him as my best friend is because he has a very warm personality.
After the discussion, Trick 4 can be provided by Ss.
Trick 4: Grammar
Step 6 Consolidation
In this step, proof reading in 2017 College Entrance Exam will be provided to help
students consolidate the four tricks they learn.
(NMET2017)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving
lessons. I still remember how hard first day was. Before getting into the car, I thought
I had learned the instructor’s orders, so once I started the car, my mind goes blank. I
forgot what he had said to me altogether. The instructor kept repeating the word,
“Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!” I was so much nervous that I could hardly
tell which direction was left. A few minutes late, the instructor asked me to stop the
car. It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle on the road.
Step 7 Summary
A brainstorm map will be used to help students review and remember the 4 tricks in
proof reading.
Step 8 Homework
1. Keep the 4 Tricks of Proof Reading in your mind.
2. Finish the paper of Proof Reading and we’ll check it tomorrow.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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