
视频课题:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Make Success from Failure(Reading and Discussion)仙桃市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Make Success from Failure(Reading and Discussion)仙桃市
Make Success From Failure
Reading & Discussion
姓名: 杜雨薇
单位: 仙桃一中
日期: 2017.9
课题 Make Success From Failure
科目 英语 教学对象 高三学生 课时 1
课型 RReading & Discussion
授课教师 杜雨薇
教 材 分 析 该文章来自21世纪报,是一篇关于“从失败中获得成功”的文章。文章沿着“作者对于失败的态度的变化”而发展,从“害怕失败”到“勇敢面对失败,把失败当作良师益友”,在这节课上,先对文章内容进行解读,再进行课内讨论,让学生们各抒己见,从而明白“我们要学会从失败中获得成功”。
学 情 分 析 1.已有知识:学生通过以往的学习,已经大概掌握了如何分析文章的结构。
教 学 目 标 知识与技能 1.学会一些与课文内容相关联的单词,短语及句型。
过程与方法 1. 让学生通过泛读和精读,以及文中长难句的解读提高自己的阅
2. 让学生能通过小组讨论,畅谈自己的经历以及帮同学们解决各
情感态度与价值观 帮助学生处理学习中生活中的失败和挫折,让学生们能积极面对失败。
教 学 重 难 点 教学重点 让学生真正理解文章的内容和文章意图。
教学难点 有效完成长难句的解读,和引导学生表达自己的想法是教学中的难点。
Steps 教学活动
Activities 设计意图
Step I Warming-up
A bad loser VS a happy loser
Which person is a bad loser, and which one is a happy loser?
a.When losing card or board games, Ella will throw the game pieces across the room.
b.After losing the NBA finals, James gave Durant a hug, showing his respect for Durant 's performance. 通过两张图片,让学生分辨 a bad loser or a happy loser, 然后,提问学生如何成为a happy loser,从而引出文章标题:Make success from failure.
Step II Reading
Step Ⅲ
Comprehension Tasks
Task 1 : Fast reading
Let the students read the text quickly and find out the change of the author’s attitude towards failure.
At the beginning: ___________one of those people who hate failure.
_________time, I finally _________failure__________a friend and teacher.
Task 2:Careful reading.
The author wrote this article mainly to ______ .
A. encourage the readers to fail a lot.
B.show how his opinion on failure changed his relationship with it.
C.advise readers how to become a smart person.
D. give examples of how he made successes from failures.
1.What does the underlined word mean?
There are a lot of people who have developed an adversarial relationship with failure. Their motto might be: “Show me a happy loser and I’ll show you a failure.”
A.negative B.funny C.improving D.casual
2.What does the underlined sentence mean?
This is especially important when your experiments don’t yield the desirable results. You have to remember that the results are still something.
If the outcome of your experiment isn't what you desired, the author
________ .
A. suggests repeating the experiment to see what happens.
B. suggests examining what went wrong in the process.
C. points out that the outcome can still be very helpful.
D. points out that you need to forget about it and move on.
3.What does this sentence imply?
I finally realized that even though I was making chips , chips were not my product. In Research & Development, my role was to create information.
(1)What does the author want to express?
Even if he didn't succeed in making chips,
he got ________________________________________________
(2)According to your understanding, what is the author’s product?
4.Which sentence in the text has the closest meaning with the following one?
Fail many times at anything,and you will be good at it finally.
Step IV
Show a short video “How many times was Jack Ma rejected ?”
Have you ever met such situation?
-- Refused by a girl?
-- Defeated in a basketball game?
-- Fail in an exam?
-- Have difficulty losing weight?
Suggestions to help them ! 通过让学生观看马云吃过多少次“闭门羹”?的视频,让学生明白,失败是无处不在的,让学生也大胆分享自己的失败的经历,并让学生们讨论,商量解决方法。
Step V
Write an email to tell peter “how to make success from failure” via 10222890@qq.com! 回顾课堂内容,并以文本形式呈现出来。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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