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在线播放:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit3 Travel Journal--Down the Mekong River(Reading)随州


2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit3 Travel Journal--Down the Mekong River(Reading)随州

视频标签:Travel Journ


视频课题:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit3 Travel Journal--Down the Mekong River(Reading)随州

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit3 Travel Journal--Down the Mekong River(Reading)随州

Unit 3 Travel Journal
Reading: Down the Mekong River
                                    Suizhou No.2 Middle School   Bai Jing
Teaching aims
Knowledge aims:
(1)To get the students to learn the useful words and expressions, such as ever since, dream of/about, graduate from, be fond of, determined, change one’s mind, make up one’s mind, give in...
(2) To let the students learn about the basic knowledge of the Mekong river.
●Ability aims:
(1)To enable the students to identify the main ideas in the text quickly by skimming.
(2)To develop the students’ different kinds of reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, and careful reading for detailed information.
(3)To enable the students to write their travel plans in English.
●Emotion aims:
(1) To stimulate the students’ interest in traveling as well as their love for the beautiful scenery in our motherland.
(2) To educate the students to be a determined person.
Teaching important points:
To improve the students’ abilities of listening, reading and writing, and to enable them to talk about travelling in English.
Teaching difficult points:
(1)How to enable the students of Grade One to understand such a long passage with many new words and expressions.
(2)How to lead the students to develop their different reading skills.
Teaching and learning methods:
(1)Student-based and activity-based teaching and learning.
(2)Cooperative and situational teaching and learning.
Teaching aids: a projector and a multi-media computer system
Teaching procedures:
Step One  Pre-reading
1. Talk about the advantages of travelling.
2. Guess the famous rivers according to the pictures and given words.
Step Two  Listening
Listen to the tape and find out the main idea of each paragraph by skimming.
Para 1  Planning to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river.
Para 2  The character of Wang Wei.
Para 3  Preparation before the trip and the details along the Mekong river.
Step Three  Careful Reading
1. Para 1. Scan for the detailed information: who, where, when, how?
2. Para 2. Read loudly by yourself for the following questions:
(1) What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey?
(2) What kind of person is Wang Wei?
   Which sentence can tell us she is ...?
3. Para 3. Read together for specific information.
  (1)What can they see along the Mekong?
  (2)Fill in the blanks about the Mekong river.
Step Four  Make your own travel plan for the coming National Holiday.
Tips: 1. Where are you going on holiday?
2. When are you leaving?
3. How are you going to...?
4. How long are you staying in ...?
5. When are you arriving?
6. When are you coming back?
( useful words: ever since, dream of/about, be interested in, be fond of, go/travel to sp. by...)
Step Five  Homework
1. Read the passage until you have a complete understanding of it.
2. Underline useful sentences in the passage and try to use them.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Travel Journ”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit3 Travel Journal--Down the Mekong River(Reading)随州”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“2017年“湖北好课堂”高中英语优质课录像视频(附课件)Unit3 Travel Journal--Down the Mekong River(Reading)随州”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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