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在线播放:pep四下Unit 6 Shopping A let's talk陕西省 - 西安

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pep四下Unit 6 Shopping A let's talk陕西省 - 西安



视频课题:pep四下Unit 6 Shopping A let's talk陕西省 - 西安

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Using drills and dialogue in our life freely to go shopping
The students of grade 4 are about ten years old. This stage of children's attention is not stable and lasting. It is difficult to pay attention to the same thing for a long time. They are easy to be attracted by the novelty of a number of exciting things. So they speak of courseware in the teaching of animation and active interest.
1.       To understand the meaning of dialogue;
2.       To read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and proper intonation.
3.       To use the sentence pattern in the real situation: Can I help you? Can I try…on? Size…, please.
4.       To describe something with the drills: These… are nice. They’re too…
5.       To master the words and phrase: size, too, just, try on, of course.
1. Greetings.
2. Let’s Chant. .(Speak+Do, 1’)
PPT shows the pictures about clothes.
Chant with the action
3-1. T: I like shopping very much. Do you like shopping?
S: Yes, I do.(Speak)
3-2.T: So let’s go shopping! What do you want to buy? ( 静,1‘)
3-3. Students share their answer.(Speak,2’)
1. Overall sensation:
PPT shows John and his mother.(Think+Speak)
T: Who are they?
Ss: John and his mother.
T: What do they want to buy? Now, with the question, let’s watch the video.(Watch,1’)
Ss: They want to buy shoes.
Analysis detail
2-1.T: Who wants to be little teacher to give us some questions?(Think+Speak, 2’)
   Teacher draws a bubble chart on the blackboard and writes the key words about the questions. Pay attention to size 6.
Watching the video again
.(Watch+Think, 1’)
Discussing the questions on the blackboard and answering them.(Speak,3’)
1. Can I try them/ it on?
Teacher points some Ss Shoes Card and ask “these shoes are nice. Can I try them on?” (Speak, 0.5’)
T: Ok. / Of course. Here you are.
T: This dress is nice. Can I try it on?” (Speak, 0.5’)
Work in pairs: two Ss ask” Can I try them/ it on?” with the clothes/ shoes card. (小动,1.5’)
2. Show (1’)
Too big/ small.
Teacher shows some different size shoes and ask Ss “Can I try them on?”
Ss: Of course. Here you are.
T: Are they ok?”
Ss:Too small/ big(Think+Speak,0.5')
Teacher gives a student shoes and asks “Are they ok?”  Ss: Too small/ big. Just right.(Do. 0.5’)
Litter teachers take the shoes asking “Are they ok?”(Do+Speak, 2’)
Repeat the video
3-1. Following the video.(Watch, 1’)
3-2. Role paly. Two students play two roles and the whole class play another role.(Do+speak,2’)
1. Make a dialogue
Ss enjoy some clothes’ pictures of clothes shop in PPT (静,1)
T: What’s this? What color is it?
Two Ss make a dialogue in this clothes shop(Do,2’)
2. Show (Speak, 2’)
Drinking-game (小动,3’)
Group work (4 Ss)
3-1. T: Today, let’s go shopping for your parents.
3-2. Making your own shop.(Do, 1’)
3-3.Making a dialogue about taking parents to go shopping.(大动,3’)
3-4.Show(Speak, 3’)
活动5【导入】Extension &Homework
Emotional education: Learn to be thankful –thanks to our parents, for they give us the precious life, the best food and clothes.(0.5’)
Group evaluation(1’)
Homework (1’)

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Shopping”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“pep四下Unit 6 Shopping A let's talk陕西省 - 西安”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“pep四下Unit 6 Shopping A let's talk陕西省 - 西安”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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