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人教版七年级上册英语unit3 Is this your pencil SectionB 1a~1e重庆市优课

视频标签:your pencil


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人教版七年级上册英语unit3 Is this your pencil SectionB 1a~1e重庆市优课课后自测

1.This is Lily’s sister.H        ruler is blue.
2.I can look up a word in a d        .
3.Is this a pencil b      ?
4.Please c      Mike at 532-6879.
5.How do you s        “ruler”?
6.Is that your c         game in the lost and found case()?
7.Sonia’s book is in her s      .
8.It’s his school ID c          

His  her, pencil ,found ,school, call
9.What’s your       ID card number?
10.Is that your watch in the       box?
11.Mary lost       keys.
12.Please      Tony.       Telephone number is 996-1835
1.Is he       Englishman?
A. a       B.  an       C. the
2.-Look! W hat’s         in the sky?
-It looks like a kite()
A. this          B. that          C.those
3.How      you      “book”?
A. do;spell        B. are;spell            C. spell;do
4.-Where is your pencil?
-              is in my bag.
A. Its         B. It’s                C.  It
5.-Is this your eraser?
-No,it isn’t.I think          .
A. it her eraser                B.its her eraser                  C. it’s her eraser21·cn·jy·com
6.-Is this a picture of your family?
-               .
A. Yes, it is.                B. Yes, it is.                      C. No,it not. 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
7.This is not      watch. It’s        watch.
A. she;my     B. you;he       C. hhis; her   D. me; you
8.Is that your color pencil           the box ?
A. in           B.a       C.of       D.with
9.Is this your baseball? Please call me            556-6879.
A.for              C. in        D. of
10.-             ,Jim.Is this your pen?
A. Morning         B. Excuse me       C. Sorry         D. Good morning
11.-            that your pencil box?
-                  .It’s his pencil box.
A.Is;Yes      B. Is;No             C. Are;No          D. Are;Yes
12.-Linda, is this your ruler/
-              .It’s her ruler.
A. Yes, it is.    B. No, it isn’t.   C. Yes, this is D. No, this isn’t
13.           my pencil and          her pen.
A. This,that B. This’s; that’s        CThis is;. that’s   D. This is;.
14.What’s this             Chinese?
A. at      B. of       C.on
15.-Do you often play        soccer with your friends?
-No, I don’t like sports.I often play       piano in my free time.
A.a; the       B.the;/         C. /;the          D.the;a
16.The woman behind the girls        a famous actress()
A. are             B. am            C. is        D. have 
1.These are my pens.(变为单数形式)
                     my              .
2.Those notebooks are black.
3.Is this his dictionary?(改为陈述句)
4.This is a sharpener in English.(对划线部分提问)
                     In English?
5.That’s an English bike.(改为否定句)
                  an English bike.
6.Is this her watch?( 改为陈述句)
                    Her watch.
7.Is that a backpack?(作出否定回答)
            ,           .
8.This is a gold ring.(改为一般疑问句)
                    a gold ring?
9.That is her pencil case.( 改为一般疑问句)
                   her pencil case?
10.This is a ruler in English.( 对划线部分提问)
                        in English?
1.How do you           (spell) it ?
2.Her ring         (be)  nice.
3.          (she) family name is Bush.
4.Jim          (be) a good boy.
5.The keys         (be) Tina’s.
6.My jacket is overthere. Is      (she) here?
7. Are the photos           (your)?
8.         (that) are my notebooks.
9.These are_________(Lily) pencils. Those are______ (he).
10.This is my eraser . Is that______ (you).
11..—Is that ________pencil box?
 —Yes,it’s________ (she).
12.—Are those your_________(dictionary) ?
—Yes,they are .
13.Three red________( pencil box )are in the desk.21教育网
A:Excuse me,Liu Ning. Is this your eraser?
B:Hi,Mike.No, it isn’t.My eraser is in my pencil box.
A:Is it Mary’s?
B:No,her eraser is not green.I think it’s Lucy’s eraser.
A:Let’s ask her.
B:Lucy, is this your eraser?
C: Yes, it is.Thank you.
B:You are welcome.
  1. WHhere is Liu Ning’s eraser?
It’s in her                        .
  1. What color is the eraser?
It’s                  .
  1. Is it Mary’s eraser?
  1. Is it Lucy’s eraser?
  1.            found(发现) the eraser
A: Excuse   1  , what’s  2  , please?
B: My name is Ann Read. And   3   ?
A: Wei Hua,  4  you do?
B: How do you do?
A:    5   in the bag? Is it a pear?
B: No, It’s  6  orange.
A: What   7   that in English?
B: It’s a bus, a   8    bus.
A:   9  . Can you  10  “bus”?
B: Yes, I can. b-u-s, bus.
(   )  C.I
(   )2.A.that  C.this    D.your name
(   )3.A.are you  B.your    D.your name
(   )4.A.How   B.How do  C.How are D.How old
(   )5.A.What  B.Is  C.What’s D.How
(   )6.A.×    B.a  D.the
(   )    B.are  
(   )8.A.chinese  B.Chinese C.China   D.English
(   )9.A.Sorry B.Excuse me  C.Good    D.No
(   )10A.say   B.look    D.spell

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