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仁爱版八年级上册Unit2 Topic2 I must ask him to give up smoking Section A湖南



视频课题:仁爱版八年级上册Unit2 Topic2 I must ask him to give up smoking Section A湖南

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仁爱版八年级上册Unit2 Topic2 I must ask him to give up smoking Section A湖南学案

Unit2 Keeping Healthy 
Topic2 I must ask him to give up smoking  Section A 
                          刘   晔 Teaching aims: 
Ⅰ Knowledge aims: 
1. New words: cause, tired, meal, without. 2. Feelings and reasons. 
  -You look tired, what caused it?   -I stayed up late last night. 
-Staying up late is bad for our health. Ⅱ Skill aims: Give suggestions. 
You must/should/had better wash hands before meals. 
You mustn’t/shouldn’t/had better not go to school without breakfast. 
Ⅲ Emotional aims:  Form a good habit.Ⅲ Emotional aims:  Form a good habit.  
Teaching importance:Observe the feelings, find the reasons and give suggestions. 
Teaching difficulties: Giving suggestions. 
Teaching aids: Multi-media. 
Teaching Procedures: 
Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please. 
Now, class, I’d like to divide you into 2 groups, OK? I hope you will be active in the class. Look! This is Li Ming, he wants to pick apples. Would you like to go with him? 
OK! Before picking the apples, he will go to the hospital, and the school and pass by a park. Step1: Revision. 
1.Answer the questions.        -What’s wrong with……?   -She has…… 
First, he walks into the hospital to see his friends. What’s wrong with her? 
(点一个学生问)You ask : “What’s wrong with her?” Ss answers(学生齐答):” She has a stomachache” 
Group 1 asks, Group 2 answers, OK? 
2.Do you know any other illnesses? Good!  
Then Li Ming walks into the school, he meets Kangkang, and Kangkang looks tired, (板书)what’s the matter with him? Let’s listen to 1a and choose the best answers.(把标题读一下) Step2: Presentation. 
1. Listen to 1a and choose the best answers: ① .What’s the matter with him(  ) 
A. He has a toothache.   B. He has a fever.   C. He has a headache. ② .What caused(板书) it?  (   ) 
A. He played computer games. B.He watched a soccer game last night. C.He ate too much candy. 
2. Read 1a silently and answer the questions. 
①.Is staying up late good for our health? ___________________________ ③ .What’s Jane’s suggestion?   ____________________________ be good for     be bad for (板书) 
3.Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 4.Read in roles 
5. Watch the video and fill in the blanks. 
Feeling Result Reason Suggestion ____ 
have a  ________ 
go to bed ________ 
go to bed 
6.Retell the conversation with the key words . 
Kangkang looks……     He has ……because……     He should/must/had better…… Now, Li Ming passes by a park, he sees some people in the park. Look! He looks terrible , and he has a stomachache. What caused it ? He did sports right after meals. (板书) Make new conversations like this: (叫一个学生作搭档) 
Step 3:  Promotion. 
1. Work in pairs and make a new conversation like 1a according to the table. A:  Doing sports right after meals is bad for your health.  
Example:  A:  Bob, you look terrible. What’s wrong? 
B:  I have a stomachache. 
A:  I’m sorry to hear that. What caused it? B:  I did sports right after meals. 
A:  Doing sports right after meals is bad for your health. 
You should/had better/must have a rest after meals.           /You shouldn’t/ had better not/ mustn’t do sports  right after meals. B:  Thank you! 
You are smart! Look at these two people, Group 1 , Picture 1, Group 2, Picture 2. find your partner to make a new conversation  ; 3minites to prepare.       
Great! Your suggestions are very useful. If you were a doctor, could you help the young man? Please finish the dialogue in 2 minutes. (展台,展示2个学生作品) 
did sports right after meals 
bad toothache eat too much candy tired sore eyes read in the sun 
2. Exercises:     Complete the dialogue: 
A:1._____________, Doctor Wang.  
B:Good morning, young man.2._____________________? A:I have a stomachache.  
B:3. __________________  ? 
A:I often go to school without breakfast before.  
B:Oh, it’s bad for your health.  4._______________.Take this medicine twice a day. A:OK! I will. Thank you! 
B:   5._______________________.  
Oh, Li Ming and you gets to the apple tree and gets 2 big and red apples. Are you happy? And he knows that : 
Early to bed, early to rise.     What does it mean? 
Having good habits makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.   What does it mean? OK! I hope you all healthy , wealthy, and wise. Let’s chant ! Today we’ve learnt …… Step 4:  Extension. 
1.Learn about some sayings.         2.Chant.    3.Summary. 
This is your homework!  Step 5: Homework. 
1.Discuss the bad habits in groups and give suggestions, the more the better. 2.Preview Section B.

               Unit2 Keeping Healthy
Topic2 I must ask him to give up smoking.  Section A

Teaching aims Knowledge aims:
  1. New words: cause, tired, meal, without.
  2. Feelings and reasons.
  -You look tired, what caused it?
  -I stayed up late last night.
-Staying up late is bad for our health.
Skill aims: Give suggestions.
You must/should/had better wash hands before meals.
You mustn’t/shouldn’t/had better not go to school without breakfast.
Emotional aims:  Form a good habit.
Teaching importance:Observe the feelings, find the reasons and give suggestions.
Teaching difficultiesGiving suggestions
Teaching aids: Multi-media
Teaching Procedures:
Step1: Revision.
1.Answer the questions.        -What’s wrong with……?   -She has……
2.Speak out other illnesses.
Step2: Presentation.
1. Listen to 1a and choose the best answers:
①.What’s the matter with him?(  )
  1. He has a toothache.   B. He has a fever.   C. He has a headache.
②.What caused it?  (   )
A.He played computer games.  B.He watched a soccer game last night.  C.He ate too much candy.
2. Read 1a and answer the questions.
①.Is staying up late good for our health? ___________________________
②.What’s Jane’s suggestion?   ____________________________
3. Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
4. Read in roles.
5. Watch the video and fill in the blanks.
Person Feeling Result Reason Suggestion
____ have a  ________ watched_________
go to bed ________
go to bed _____

6. Retell the conversation with the key words .
Kangkang looks……     He has ……because……     He should/must/had better……
Step 3:  Promotion.
  1. Work in pairs and make a new conversation like 1a according to the table.
Example:  A:  Bob, you look terrible. What’s wrong?
B:  I have a stomachache.
A:  I’m sorry to hear that. What caused it?
B:  I did sports right after meals.
A:  Doing sports right after meals is bad for your health.
did sports right after meals
       You should/had better/must have a rest after meals.
       /You shouldn’t/ had better not/ mustn’t do sports right after meals.
B:  Thank you!
sore eyes
read in the sun
eat too much candy
  1. Exercises:     Complete the dialogue:
A:1._____________, Doctor Wang.
B:Good morning, young man.2._____________________?
A:I have a stomachache.
B:3. __________________  ?
A:I often went to school without breakfast before.
B:Oh, it’s bad for your health.  4.___________________________.Take this medicine twice a day.
A:OK! I will. Thank you!
B:   5._______________________.
Step 4:  Extension.
  1. Learn about some sayings.        
  2. Chant.   
  3. Summary.
   Step 5: Homework.
1.  Discuss the bad habits in groups and give suggestions, the more, the better.    
2.  Preview Section B.


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