
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?
19.江西省景德镇市第七中学 刘峰 教学材料
课文标题: Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?
单元名称: Unit 7 Will people have robots?
教材版本: 人教版 Go for it!
授课年级: 八年级
整体设计思路 从机器人的话题出发,紧扣文本标题,对文本进行快读和详读 来进行知识的输入,对不同观点的探讨和对作者观点的推断, 再回到标题的问题,再来创新设计属于自己的机器人。通过阅 读,激发学生对科学的兴趣,通过讨论和小组活动,来达到对 语言目标的训练。
教学目标 To train the student’s reading skills.
To let the students know more about robots. To let them master target language.
教学重难点 How to get the main idea of the passage by finding the topic sentences.
How to infer the writer’s opinion.
Master how to talk about our own ideas.
学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Before reading Introduce myself and my robot, then ask the students to dance
with us. Follow the teacher and Dandan to dance. Let the students see the robot to guess the topic.
Fast-reading and careful-reading Predicting: Ask students to predict what we are going to read. Read the passage quickly and
match the questions with the paragraphs.
Read carefully to Predict and make a choice.
Read and match. Try to get the main idea of the passage.
Read and fill in the chart.
Read and answer the questions.
Talk about different Give the students 3 choices.
Match the paragraphs with the paragraphs. Task 1:
Fill in the chart.
Task 2:
Listen and write
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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