视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例colors and moods【31】江苏
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例colors and moods【31】 江苏 马虹
31.江苏省江阴市第一初级中学 姓名 马虹霞 教学材料
课文标题: Task Colours and moods
单元名称: Unit 2
教材版本: 译林版《英语》
授课年级: 9 年级
整体设计思路 结合支架式教学和过程写作法,培养学生读写结合能力:
教学目标 By the end of this lesson, the students are expected to be able to:
1. organize ideas by using 4-Square Writing Method;
2. give details and reasons to support opinions;
3. tell if a certain color is proper for an advertisement and explain why;
4. write a report on the relationship between the colors and the model’s moods in an advertisement.
教学重难点 To help students write a report to show their opinions on the relationship between the colors and the model’s moods in an
学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Pre-writing Step 1 Lead-in
Talk about people’s moods and the colors they choose to wear.
Talk about people’s moods and the colors they choose to
wear. 在真实的语境中与 学生就颜色和心情 的话题交流互动, 调动学生参与语言 实践的积极性。
Step 2 Brainstorming
— colors
&moods in your eyes 1. Show students a Work in groups 调动学生已有的基
five-line poem about colors & moods.
2. Inspire students to describe colors & moods in the form of a five-line poem. and create a
five-line poem to describe colors & moods in their eyes. 于该主题的经验,
充分激活学生已积 累的语言知识、文 化知识和情感联 系,帮助学生深化 对该主题的理解和 认识,为写作任务
Analyzing Millie’s report
&moods in Millie’s eye 1. Ask students to complete Millie’s report using the table she has prepared.
2. Help students to analyze the structure of the report to find out Millie’s way to support opinions.
3. Get students to focus on the cohesion and coherence of the language by comparing different versions of the opinion
paragraph. 1. Complete Millie’s report.
2. Find out Millie’s way to support opinions.
3. Compare and evaluate different versions of the opinion paragraph. 启发学生多角度地 分析语篇,从谋篇 布局到遣词造句。 搭设支架,指导学 生厘清思路,增大 学生的思维容量, 促进其思维进阶发 展,特别是培养学 生分析和评价的高 阶思维能力。
Step 4 Thinking— Show students several View the 鼓励学生分享观
advertisements and encourage them to talk advertisements and talk about 点,为写作任务搭 建语言支架。
colors about the relationship the relationship
&moods in between the colors and between the
advertisement the model’s moods in colors and the
s pairs. model’s moods
with partners.
Stage 2 Help students to organize Make a writing 引导学生使用四方
While-writing ideas by using 4-Square plan. 格列提纲,理清写
Step 1 Writing Method. 作思路,梳理写作
Planning 内容,建构写作结
2 1. Help students Complete the first 引导学生遵循评价
understand the writing draft. 标准和写作提纲,
criteria. 顺畅地把头脑中的
Drafting 2. Get students to 想法落诸笔端。
complete the first draft
according to the writing
Stage3 Get students to evaluate Evaluate their 鼓励学生互为“读
their partner’s writing and partner’s writing 者”进行阅读和交
Post-writing consider how to give and give 流,帮助学生建立
Peer-editing feedback. feedback. 起“读者”意识,
Homework: Publish the writing in students’ own booklets. Encourage students to revise the draft and publish it in the booklet. 1. Revise the first draft.
2. Proofread the final draft.
3. Publish the report in the booklet and share it with
classmates. 鼓励学生的作品进 行“发表”,通过 创造多样化的反馈 形式,来实现课堂 写作的交流目的, 搭建能让学生进行 交流反馈和自主写 作的平台,增强学 生的主动活动。
本节课思维导 图
教学反思 教师的思维可以更打开一些,多设计拓展思维的写作训练活动 来激发学生的写作思维,多一些解释、分析、归纳、评价的思维机 会,多一点在语言和形式之间更自由、自主地选择。要更加注重学 生批判性、创造性思维能力的培养,比如可以鼓励学生从更多的角 度来评判范文,而不仅仅把它当作写作的模板。思维能力的提高, 思维方式的优化,是学生写作能力提高的有效保证,从而能有效地 提升英语学科能力,发展英语学科素养。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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