
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Unit 1 What’s the matter【16】青海
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Unit 1 What’s the matter【16】 青海 郭长虹
16.青海省西宁市青海师大附中 郭长虹 教学材料
课文标题: What`s the matter?
单元名称: Unit 1
教材版本: 新目标 Go for it!
授课年级: 八年级
整体设计思路 本课以听说为主线,将情境教学和任务教学贯穿始终,让学生在 一定的情境中学习语言知识,激发积极思维,通过合作探究提高合理 解决问题的能力。
教学目标 1.与同伴讨论一般性的健康问题、起因。
3.调动学生积极思维,对教师设置的复杂问题给出合理的建议,并通 过合作探究解决问题。
教学重难点 1.有关疾病的词汇;
2. have 与各种疾病的搭配的用法;
3.用“should, shouldn`t”给出较为恰当的建议。
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Lead-in 1. Use the doll to review the words of body parts.
2. Give students the order to play touching game.
3. Use teacher`s experience to lead in the words of health problems. 1. Review the words of body parts.
2. Play the game. 3.Learn the words of health problems. 通过布偶,游戏环 节直观复习肢体部 位词汇,并通过老 师的经历引入疾病 词汇, 为下一步听 力活动做好准备。
Listening practice 1. Ask students to listen for the first time to get the main topic in each conversation.
2. Ask students to listen again for the detailed causes of health problems. 1. Listen for the first time to get the main topic in each conversation.
2. Listen again, complete the detailed causes of each illness. 通过 2 遍带有不同 任务的听力活动, 输入新的词汇及句 型,练习学生获取 关键信息的能力及 语感。有利于目标 语言的输出。
Pair work Ask students work in pairs to make conversations using the information in listening practice. Talk with partner to practice conversations using the information in 通过 pair work 使 目标语言得以强 化,输出。
listening practice.
Listening practice Ask students to listen to the advice on different illnesses. Listen and match the advice on different illnesses 通过听力输入新的 给出建议的语言, 练习学生获取关键 信息的能力及语 感。有利于目标语 言输入。
Pair work 1.Talk about more advices with students; 2.Get students to practice conversations about the illnesses and give proper advice in pairs. 1.Talk about more advices;
2.Make conversations in pairs to talk about the illnesses and give proper advice with the information in listening
exercise and their own experience. 通过讨论调动学生 的进行思考。并通 过 pair work,结合 听力输入语言信息 以及自身已有经 验,使目标语言得 以强化,输出。
VI.Group activity 1. Lead students to think about other health problems (mental problems) and advice.
2. Create a situation.
3. Hand out sheets to each group, get students to walk around to collect more advice to solve the problem in situation.
4. Get students back to groups to work out the final solutions.
5. One student in one group to share the opinions to class. 1. Think about other health problems and advice.
2. Walk around to collect more advice to solve the problem in situation.
3. Work out the final solutions in groups.
3.One student in one group to share the opinions to class. 创设真实情境,调 动学生积极思维, 在已有经验基础 上,通过小组合作 提出恰当建议,提 高解决实际问题的 能力。
VII.Homework Write an e-mail to friends to give them some advice. 通过写作巩固本节 课学到的语言知 识,强化学生关心 他人的意识。
板书设计 Unit1 What`s the matter?
I have a stomachache
sore back
lie down and rest You should see a dentist
drink hot tea with honey
Physical problems
Health problems
go to the doctor; see a dentist;
get an X-ray;
take some medicine; lie down and rest;
take your temperature; drink more hot water; put on warm clothes; do more exercise;
eat healthy food (fruit&vegetables); sleep earlier;
listen to light music; go to the movies;
go traveling
mental problems
ate too much junk food
/candies/spicy food stay up too late
drink cold drinks talk too much get angry
watch mobile phones very often be hurt by something work/study for a long time
本节课的设计听力、讨论、创设情境、任务活动充分调动了学生 的积极性,课堂活跃,有效达到了教学目的。本节课的亮点在于让学 生离开座位,寻求更多开放性建议的环节,将自主探索与合作交流结 合,并使课堂与生活紧密联系,提高了学生解决问题的能力和健康意 识。
当然,本节课在课堂创新方面也存在一些不足,今后将继续探索 前行。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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