
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing【17】河南
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Unit 1 What’s the matter【17】河南 冯磊
17.河南省郑州市郑州外国语中学 冯磊 教学材料
课文标题: He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing
单元名称: Unit1 What’s the matter? Section B Reading
教材版本: 人教版《新目标》
授课年级: 八年级下
整体设计思路 基于课标解读文本,本节课设计主线如下: 以学生梳理 Aron
Ralston 的重要人生经历为课堂起点,以学生充分发挥主观能动性思
考并提炼 Aron 光辉精神为课堂支点,以学生尝试自我反思并学习如何
再细观之,本设计对目标语篇从 what,how 及 why 三个纬度进行
教学目标 1、了解文本主角 Aron Ralston 关键事件概况; 2、学习并掌握“利用事件发展顺序来辅助理解所阅读材料”阅读策略;
教学重难点 重点:
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Step 1 Greeting T has a free talk with Ss. Ss has a free talk with T. To build up a relaxing atmosphere.
Step 2 T show Ss the Ss try to predict To activate the
illustration of the what story the students’
text and then the text will tell background
Before reading title. with the help of schema on the
the picture and the new subject.
then the title.
Step 3 Skimming T asks Ss to read the text and check predictions. Ss read the whole text and check predictions. To get a general idea of the whole text.
Step 4 Scanning T provides Ss with some sentences. Ss read the whole text and put the given sentences in the correct order. To acquire detailed knowledge of the main story and find the order of the events in the text.
Step 5 Retelling T provides Ss with the basic Wh-questions and some key words from the text. Ss work in groups and try to retell Aron’s story. To understand the text better.
Step 6 Inferential Reading T inspires Ss to think about what Aron’s spirit is. Ss read between the lines to reflect on Aron’s spirit individually and then in groups. To master a further understanding of the text while developing critical thinking.
Step 7 After reading T inspires Ss to think how Aron’s spirit has enlightened them. Ss help friends who are between a rock and hard place make right decisions. To build connections between what’s been learnt and students’own life as well as develop critical thinking.
Step 8 Homework A composition. To enhance what’s been learnt.
板书设计 Unit1 What’s the matter? Section B Reading
学生小组讨论,自主提炼最能代表 Aron Ralston 精 神内涵的一句话,书写在彩色卡纸上,之后粘贴于白 板,各组之间的卡纸组合成往上攀爬登山状。故板书 需依赖学生的课堂生成。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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