
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例【21】Could it be your town天津
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第十三届(2019)初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例【21】 天津 唐静,Could it be your town
21.天津市经济开发区第二中学 唐静 教学材料
课文标题: Could it be your town?
单元名称: Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.
教材版本: 外研版新标准英语 Book3
授课年级: 八年级
整体设计思路 以问题为导向,在城市问题这个主题引领下,以 Jo 故事为依 托,通过学习理解,应用实践,迁移创新等一系列主题探究活
动引导学生发现问题,分析问题及解决问题,从而培养社会责 任意识。
教学目标 1. To practice skimming and scanning skills in reading
2. To find out city problems and give advice
3. To improve the sense of responsibility
教学重难点 通过活动促进语言内化,创设语境解决实际问题。
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Lead in 1. Make students watch a video clip about city and countryside
2. Ask students if they prefer to live in the countryside or in the city
3. Show students the title of unit 2 1. Watch the video clip
2. Talk about their preference
3. Read the title of unit 2 1. To lead in the new lesson
2. To arouse their
interest in the topic
(Video clip)
Pre-reading Ask students to guess what the writer may tell us based on the title Read the title and guess what the writer may tell in the story. To predict the story and get ready for reading. (Picture)
While-reading 1. Ask students to read for the main idea and match the headings with the paragraphs
2. Ask students to read the first three paragraphs again and complete the
cause-effect chart.
3. Ask students to think and share Jo’s trouble and analyze her feelings. 1. Read and match the headings.
2. Read in details and complete the chart.
3. Think and analyze 1. To train reading
skills-skimming and scanning
2. To make the main structure of the passage clear
3. To make a cause-effect
analysis (Chart)
Post-reading 1. Read through a questionnaire about the problems in Chongqing.
2. Lead students to think about the causes of problems.
3. Encourage them to give their own advice. 1. Read the questionnaire and talk about the city problems
2. Think about the causes of the problems.
3. Work in groups and find out the practical solutions 1. To activate students’ sense of responsibility
2. To cultivate students’ ability in
problem-solvin g.
Module 9 population
Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.
Jo Problems &
本课结构为典型西方思维:从一个点逐渐向外扩展到面,使抽 象问题寓于具体的故事中,再从故事中回到现实生活中,因此 文本内在逻辑比较强,如何做好信息的梳理挖掘好文本的内涵 很关键。本课话题为大城市发展带来的系列问题,话题比较严 肃,但在进行教学活动设计时,如果能够从学生的生活实际出 发,做好教学素材的取舍和重组,有利于顺利完成教学目标。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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