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在线播放:初中英语人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry Section A(3a,3b,3c)陕西省 - 西安

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初中英语人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry Section A(3a,3b,3c)陕西省 - 西安

视频标签:Sad movies,made me cry


视频课题:初中英语人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry Section A(3a,3b,3c)陕西省 - 西安

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初中英语人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry Section A(3a,3b,3c)陕西省 - 西安
Teaching aims:
Knowledge Objectives:
 ⑴.help students to learn the target language:
 How do you feel about the movies ?
Money and fame don’t always make people happy.
 She said that the sad movie made her cry.
⑵.Using the target language to make an invitation, accept an invitation and turn down an invitation. And learn how to use “must” or “have to” to express one’s obligations.
Ability Objectives:
By the end of this class, Ss learn to grasp the key information while reading and improve the skills of cooperating and learn how to get information from the reading.
Moral Objectives:
Through activities, guide students to learn how to describe their feelings, at the same time express their obligations, develop their ability to relate politely to others in their daily lives. 
Analysis of the students:
 Since students of Grade Nine have had some command of listening and speaking skills. this lesson will engage students in practical exercises in an attempt to stimulate students’ interests into participating in language communication.  By doing so students will be glad to put the language in use, which could set a better learning context for students and serve as a good foundation for fulfilling the objectives of teaching.
Important points: Grasp the target language of new words and describe own feelings.
Difficult points:  Master the use of ‘make’.
活动1【讲授】Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A(3a,3b,3c)
Teaching Procedures
What T does in class
What Ss do in class
(T’s expectation)
 Purpose of the design
Step I Greetings
and warming up:
Ask:  Do you like movies ? What kind of movies have you learned ?
1. Greet the whole Ss and ask the kinds of movies.
2. Show some pictures on the screen about  kinds of movies.
They answer T’s questions by using some verb phrases they have learnt, such as “make sb. do sth. / make sb. adj.”
It’s designed to help Ss review the activities about movies.
Step II speaking  :
i.Let the students look at one picture
on the screen answer questions.
ii.Let the students to look at another picture on the screen,  answer questions.
The teacher shows the picture about own birthday on the screen and ask a boy and a girl to answer the questions ,then the teacher describe the picture .
The teacher shows another picture about own teaching in class on the screen. Ask students to answer questions then the teacher describe the picture .
They are able to give the answers together according to the picture.
Most students are able to say out  the names of the teacher   on the picture .
The tasks are designed to develop Ss' speaking skills and understand the meaning of happiness.
iii.Show the third ,fourth and fifth picture about money ,fame and power and ask questions.  
Ask students to look at the picture about money .And ask the students the use of money ,fame and power.
They are also able to answer the question .
It is designed to help Ss to understand  the target language and understand the happiness from money ,fame and power.
Step III Presentation
According to  the picture elicit students to say how to be happy and
elicit the topic of the reading .  
i. Who’s the man ?
ii. Do you know he is happy ?
Show the picture about the king and ask the questions .
i. Who’s the man ?
ii. Do you know he is happy ?
iii. Ask the students to turn to the page of 83, and ask students to read the story and answer the questions below.
iv. First one student to read the first question loudly and ask students to read the first two paragraphs of the story and find the answer..
v. Use the same method to continue other questions.
The students can read the story and find the answer to the questions .
It’s designed to help students to sum up the target language by  reading by themselves.
Step IV Exercise
Step IV Pair work
i. Show the picture and ask students to look at the wheel on it. Divide them into two groups and let them have a competition
ii. Ask the students to work in pairs.
Play the wheel and encourage students to translate the phrases into English as quickly as possible when it stops.
Which group can translate  more, they are winners.
Help students to understand how to use these target language.
Walk in the classroom and give help if necessary.
They try their best to translate more verb phrases.
Practice in pairs first and then several pairs will show it to the whole class.
They are designed to help students to review the verb phrases and understand the target language in this unit well.
They are also designed to help students to develop their abilities to cooperate.
Step V  A Game
i. Invite five students to come to the blackboard, and  ask them to choose a card.
ii. Tell the students there is someone having a birthday party tomorrow. She will give her classmates  a call to invite them to come to the party.
iii.After the game, ask the students some questions.
Illustrate the rules of the game.
The students who choose number1 give Yes answers; the students who choose number2 give No answers.
Can she go to the party?
The six students are supposed to act it out.
The rest are supposed to be listening carefully.
Elicit the students to know he or she can replace you here.
They’re designed to help students to practice the target language they’ve learnt.
Step VI  Extension
If you want to invite someone to do something else together, how to make an invitation politely?
Show some pictures .
Elicit the students to say:
Can you do sth with me?
Point at “do”, tell the students they can replace verb phrases here.
Get the students to make an invitation like that, and refuse the invitation with a reason.
The students know how to invite others to do something else together politely.
Work in pairs to make a conversation according to the pictures.
A:Can you play basketball with me?
B:Sorry, I have to go to the party
It’s designed for students to know more topics about the invitation.
Step VII  Do a Survey
Imagine someone is going to have a trip this Sunday. He or she wants to invite some of hi or her classmates to go together,
Show a picture.
Ask the students to work in group of four and give them a chart.
If they can go, just check “can”, if they can’t check “can’t” and ask about the reasons, and fill in the chart.
Call the students attention to more reasons besides the lists in 1a on the screen.
Walk in the classroom and give help if necessary.
Work in groups and fill in the chart..
Then invite some students to read their surveys.
It’s designed to help Ss to use target language correctly and freely and help Ss to learn from each by cooperating with each other.
Step VIII Summary
Ask Ss to sum up what they learn in this class.
Ask Ss to do a short summary, show some pictures about the summary.
Ss will try to tell what they have learned.
It’s designed to help Ss sum up what they learn in this class and develop their habit of summarizing.
Step IX  Homework
Supposed you are having a birthday party on Sunday.
You invited some friends, but some of them couldn’t make it. Write down your conversation.
Show and explain what homework they will do.
Students do the homework after class.
It’s designed to help students to do more practice about what they have learnt in this class.
Board design
       Unit11  Sad movies make me cry.
Warming up    What kind of movies do you like?
               Sad movies make me cry.
How to be happy  money , fame ,power ……
 Make up sentences to these phrases below   
 feeling like doing sth.
     ask sb. to do sth.
     look carefully at
     take one’s position
     become less important
     get one’s job

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