
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Topic 2 All these problems are very serious【27】福建
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Topic 2 All these problems are very serious 【27】 福建 邓寅滢
27.福建省莆田市城厢区霞林学校 邓寅滢 教学材料
课文标题: All these problems are very serious.
单元名称: Unit2 Topic 2 SectionA
教材版本: 科普版
授课年级: 九年级
整体设计 思路 1. 本课通过谈论沙尘暴的成因说明了树木对环境保护的重要作用,引 导学生树立人与自然和谐共生的主题。
2. 通过四大导图和看(knower)、听(listener)、读(reader)、说(speaker)、 写(writer),五重角色发展五大技能。
教学目标 1. 学生能听读对话内容,用英语表达如何保护树、保护自然、保护 环境的意识。
2. 听说课两大任务:理解性技能、表达性技能。
3. 学习能力的培养和导教、导学、导评的目标意识达成。
教学重难 点 1.talk about the functions of trees and how to protect trees 2.create and explain the mind-maps
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Step1: Lead-in Show Ss their learning objectives. Get to know their learning objectives 呈现学习目标以树立学生 的目标意识。
Compare different conditions by showing pics. Look at the
pictures and
experience the different weather conditions. 通过绶溪美景导入环境问 题,播放与沙尘暴相关视 频,从视觉、听觉等方面 感知沙尘暴这种恶劣的天 气现象。
Show Ss a video about sandstorm Watch the video and answer two questions.
Step2: I am a knower Show 6 pics and phrases and present the question,lead Ss to number the pics in a correct order and talk about them. 1. Look and talk about how sandstorms come into being.
2. Number the pic into a correct order and tell the reason. 发展“看”的技能。通过 “看”图片和短语提示,对 沙尘暴形成的进行描述, 同时发展了学生的逻辑思 维能力和表达能力。
Step3: I am a listener Play the record of 1a. Show Ss two questions: Answer two questions then check the answers with the teacher. 发展课标要求中“听”的技 能。设置一听任务,提取 对话的主旨句等内容。
Play the record of 1a again. Show the Mindmap1 Pay attention to the detail information and 设置二听任务,完成思维 导图填空,强化建构思维, 为篇章的理解、内化、复
fill in the blanks. 述提供思维框架。
Make a summary , it includes Facts, Reason and Results. Be more clear about the structure and content of 1a.
Step4: I am a reader/ sharer Ss read 1a for the functions of trees. Read 1a carefully. 发展课标要求中“读”的技 能。引导学生结合原有认 知通过小组合作的平台丰 富认知,从而发展学生深 度思维能力。
Discuss about more functions of trees, finish mind-map2. Work in groups to get points and fulfill the
Share their group’s idea Choose a speaker to and share ideas.
I am a speaker/ sharer Lead Ss to retell the mind-map. Try to practice retelling with example. 发展课标要求中“说”的技 能。结合导图实现输出, 再次提升了学生的逻辑思 维能力。
Invite Ss to retell the dialog with the
mind-map. Ss show their retelling to others.
How to protect trees?(Mind-map3) Discuss in groups and fulfill the Mind-map3.
站在立德树人的高度设定 教学目标,深入挖掘文本, 启发引导学生深入语言载 体当中隐藏的内涵。
Invite Ss to share their opinions on the blackboard. Ss share suggestions of protecting trees.
2.Play a video to show “Are all tree-cutting behavior harmful?” Think critically about one point. 发展学生的批判性思维能 力。
Show suggestions of protecting trees
“Ant Forest” Get more information of protecting trees. 在学生思维延伸的基础上 进一步拓展。
Step5: I am a writer
(Homewor k) Show the task of homework and present mind-map4 Get to know the homework today. 听、读、议环节后对学生 开展写作训练。扩展听、 说、读和写的深度和广度, 发展学生创新性思维。
Step7:Sum mary “Clear water and green mountains are as good as mountains of gold and silver.” Understand the sentence deeply. 主题升华,体现核心素养 中文化品格培养。
本节课思 维导图
教学反思 1.教学活动设计主线较为鲜明,层次清晰,任务相对精简。创新
教程环节的设计,通过综合技能中的看(I am a knower)、听(I am
a listener)、读(I am a reader)、说(I am a speaker)、写(I
am a writer),五重角色发展五大技能。形式新颖,通过五重角色、
导图的完善发展了学生的创新性思维能力;问题“Why should we build
the green great wall?”“Are all tree-cutting behavior harmful? ”
涵,内化文本知识,进一步迁移任务,从How to protect trees?引伸
到习近平总书记提出“Clear waters and green mountains are as good
as mountains of gold and silver.”的论断,实现英语教学立德树
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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