
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例Reading with text sets—Vacation【26】成都
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例reading with text sets vacation【26】 成都 甘李
26.四川省成都市金苹果锦城第一中学 甘李 教学材料
Learning Objectives:
Reading with Text Sets
By the end of this class, we will be able to:
find out some meaning and trouble from a vacation;
share opinions on others' vacations;
plan our meaningful vacations.
A vacation is a great time for people to do different things. Different people have different vacations. Here are four passages about some students’ vacations in Jinyi.
Passage 1
We asked 100 students in Jinyi about what they usually do when they are on vacation. Here are the results.
Passage 2
Passage 3
Passage 4
课文标题: Reading with text sets—Vacation
单元名称: Reading with text sets—Vacation
教材版本: 新目标英语
授课年级: Grade 8
整体设计思路 本课中,教师以“假期的意义”为探究主题,借助柱状
图,明信片,QQ 空间和微信朋友圈等多模态语篇形式, 引导学生进行主题意义的自主探究和建构。
教学目标 Linguistic competence:
Ss can orally paraphrase the meaning of the following new words and phrases in context: relative, abroad, carelessly, mistake, fall over.
Ss can use the following expressions orally to talk about their vacations:
have a great time doing make new friends It’s just right for doing try one’s best to do feel like plan/want to do
Cultural awareness:
Sometimes we can’t fight against the trouble brought by the nature, but we can keep away from some trouble made by people so long as we are well prepared.
Thinking quality:
Ss can see the same thing from different perspectives and think about the trouble from a vacation critically.
Learning competence:
Ss can get help and different ideas from group members through group discussions.
教学重难点 Key points:
The decoding of the meaning of vacations
Difficult points:
The depth of exploring the meaning of vacations
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 及资源准备
Before reading Play a video and show the question to all Ss: What do you usually do when you are on vacation? Watch video share answers the and their To lead into the topic and arouse Ss’ interest in it(PPT, video)
While reading Show Ss four passages and ask them: What do you want to read about in the four passages? Observe, predict answer question
and the To bring Ss closer to the topic and get ready for further
3. Show Ss a bar chart about different vacation activities of students in Jinyi.
Show Ss four questions about the bar chart Read the bar chart and
answer the questions To get a general idea of vacation activities in Jinyi(PPT)
4. Show Ss passages 2-4 and ask: Where can you read the following passages? Read, think and answer To focus on the text features of each passage (PPT)
5. Ask Ss to go through passages2-4 quickly and find out the similar activities in the three passages according to the activities in the bar chart Read match and To read for the gist of each passage (PPT)
6. Show a chart and ask Ss to find out detailed information according to the questions Read and underline the information while reading To read for the details
of each passage (PPT)
7. Ask Ss to read the passages again and find out some meaning and trouble from a vacation Read, discuss and share their ideas To explore the deep meaning of each passage (PPT)
8. Show one question to Ss: Whose vacation do you like best? Why?
Do you think it’s necessary for Mike to do so? Think, discuss and share opinions To lay a fundamenta l base for further language
If you have almost the same trouble like Mike’s, what will you do? output (PPT)
Post reading Show one question to Ss: Whose vacation do you like best? Why?
Do you think it’s necessary for Mike to do so?
If you have almost the same trouble like Mike’s, what will you do?
Think, discuss and share opinions To lay a fundamenta l base for further language output
10. Give the following task to Ss: Plan our meaningful vacation Think and
share each other’s meaningful vacations To put what has been discussed and summarized into practical
use (PPT)
本节课 思维导图
等多种学习方式和主题探究学习结合起来,从而丰富学生 的探究体验。 第二,在群文阅读中,教师应把词汇的“显性学习”和“隐 性学习”结合,在阅读中既要有专门的语言学习的板块和 时间,又需要将部分词汇和表达融入阅读过程中去处理。 第三,使用文本时要尽量保持其原貌,保证其语言的地道 性。故在群文阅读中,教师尽量为学生呈现原汁原味的语篇。当然,也可根据生情适当加以改编。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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