
视频课题:第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例growing healthy growing strong【14】上海
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第十三届全国初中英语课堂教学观摩培训课例growing healthy growing strong【14】 上海 黄佳妍
14.上海市 上海同济大学附属存志学校 黄佳妍 教学材料
课文标题: How to be a healthy child
单元名称: Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong
教材版本: Oxford English
授课年级: Grade 8
本 课 教 学 内 容 牛 津 7AM3U8 Growing healthy, growing strong 第 二 课 时 的 阅 读 文 本 How to be a healthy child。
本单元的第一课时以听说形式创设健康度假营的 情境。第二课时中,首先学生阅读健康营的“资料单”, 归纳文本中三个方面的健康建议,理解配图的作用,了 解“资料单”的形式。然后教师引导学生从每个建议的 深 度 上 进 行 细 化 , 学 生 使 用 情 态 动 词 should 和 shouldn’t 提出更具体的健康建议。最后小组活动,学 生们选择一个健康建议进行细化,并且配图和说明文 字,呈现一份新的“资料单”。
教学目标 By the end of the lesson, students are expected to
identify characteristics of an information sheet;
give suggestions on healthy lifestyle by using sentence pattern “if you want to…, you should / shouldn’t…”;
raise awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyle.
教学重难点 Teaching focus
Guiding students to use “If you want to…, you should/ shouldn’t….” to give suggestions on healthy lifestyle.
Teaching difficulty
Students might find it difficult to think of more suggestions on how to exercise right and how to eat well.
教学步骤 教学活动 活动目的
Lead in Free talk about “healthy” and “strong”
To elicit the topic
Pre-reading Brainstorm health camp the activities at To lead students to the camp situation
While-reading Read the information sheet quickly and get the purpose of the sheet
Reread the information sheet and find the suggestions on healthy lifestyle
Read the text for the third time and think about the effectiveness of the illustrations To help students understand the purpose of the sheet
To guide the students to sum up the suggestions on healthy lifestyle To help students understand the function of pictures in an information sheet ions on the topic
Post-reading Pair work: make up a dialogue on giving health suggestions
Discuss the solutions to a specific health problem
Group work: Discuss detailed suggestions on healthy lifestyle; make another information sheet on one of the topics To help students practice the sentence pattern and think about more suggest
To prepare students for the group work task To help students use the target language and the structure of an information sheet to give advice on healthy lifestyle
Assignments 1. Find more information on healthy lifestyle.
2. Make another information sheet on a different topic.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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