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湖北好课堂高中英语Unit3 Using Lanugage(Writing)襄阳

视频标签:湖北好课堂,Using Lanuga


视频课题:湖北好课堂高中英语Unit3 Using Lanugage(Writing)襄阳

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湖北好课堂高中英语Unit3 Using Lanugage(Writing)襄阳市第四中学马春华

Teaching Design
Design intent: Great curiosity has been aroused about a widely applied robot in this unit, due to which, I adopt a discussion mode to fully display their imagination and get involved in the topic. In addition, task based teaching approach is taken in order to encourage students to describe their own android in both spoken and written English. Besides, students have a clear idea of how to assess the article and gradually sense how to write a better article. More importantly, with the help of introduction of writing tips, students’ awareness are raised on making use of what has been learned by focusing on appropriate using of words, sentence patterns and linking words, leading to improved writing ability.
Topic: writing
Target students: first grade senior school students
Teaching material: writing in USING LANGUAGE of unit3 in Book2
Teaching objectives:
1. Students can further know the information technology and wide use of robot in all walks of life.
2. Students can describe their own android in both spoken and written English
3. Students can have an idea of how to assess an article.
4. Students can update the language by means of using advanced words or phrases and various sentence patterns.
5. Students can make their own article more fluent by using of linking words.
6. Students can improve their thinking ability and writing competence.
Language focus and difficult points:
Focus: This lesson will not only focus on the usage of words, phrases and sentence patterns
but also the fluency of articles. At the same time, it develops students ability to assess articles.
Difficult points: the fluency of articles as well as the usage of words, phrases and sentence patterns will be difficult for students to master.
Teaching methods: Task based teaching approach; Discussion mode
Teaching procedure:
1. Lead-in(2 minutes)
Review the wide application of robots.
  Students are introduced into the topic by reviewing the wide application of robots, which opens students’ mind and makes good preparations for the following process.
2. Pre-writing (10 minutes)
1) Enjoy a video of a famous design of Baymax in the movie Big Hero 6.
2) Display my android.
3) Discussion: draw students’ own android and design the android.
4) Display their android.
   The video not only displays a classic design of robot but also contributes to letting students’ imagination run wild and broadening their mind. Besides, my android sets an example for students in the process of design. On the other hand, students’ design and display of the android make a preparation for writing.
3. While-writing (12 minutes)
1) Determine the structure and the content of the article.
2) Displaying the writing assessment.
3) Write students’ own robots.
   Students are instructed to write an article, taking structure and writing assessment into consideration, due to which, students will make efforts to finish the article. In the meanwhile, it provides a chance to output their language.
4. After-writing(16 minutes )
1) Assess a student’s articles on the blackboard in terms of handwriting, content, structure and language.
2) Group work: assess articles of group members and my article.
3) Recommend 3 tips to polish your article--- using specific and eye-catching words, using various sentence pattern and using linking words, based on the writing assessment.
4) Display the polished article.
5) Rewrite their articles with the help of the three writing tips.
   Students are instructed to assess the article in terms of structure, content and language, among which more efforts has been made to encourage students to use advanced vocabulary, good sentence patterns and linking words. By doing so, students can not only improve language competence and presentation skills by making full use of what has been learned but also be equipped with the ability to assess article and make it clear how to assess the article and gradually sense how to write a better article. Besides, students can further realize how to write and improve the article by tasting others’ descriptions. Moreover, students can form the habit and even arouse their awareness of vivid representation by selection of words, phrases and sentence patterns.
The discussion mode has enabled more students to get involved in the topic. Moreover, task based teaching approach has encouraged students to describe their own android in both spoken and written English. What’s more, by means of assessing articles and with the help of the writing tips, students’ awareness to select appropriate eye-catching words, sentence patterns and linking words has been raised. And their writing ability has improved. It is a pity that I did not know the classroom without installing a projector until I was given the lesson, which affected the process of students’ displaying their articles. With it, more articles and pictures would have been displayed.

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