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湖北好课堂高中英语Unit4 Making the News--Learning About the Language襄阳

视频标签:湖北好课堂,Making,the News


视频课题:湖北好课堂高中英语Unit4 Making the News--Learning About the Language襄阳

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湖北好课堂高中英语Unit4 Making the News--Learning About the Language襄阳市襄州区第一中学曹慧颖

课题:unit4  Making the news
Learning about the language
 (New Senior English for China Student’s Book 5)
I. Teaching Contents 教学内容
A half of vocabulary in unit4 Making the news(New Senior English for China Student’s Book 5)
(普通高中课程标准实验教科书 必修五 单元四 Making the news 第二课时 learning about language 的词汇部分 )
II. Analyze the Contents教材分析
This part in the book is a little informal for my students and the theme is a little far away from their life, while there are many similar new words which are interesting , so adapting this part is a good idea for me to teach them. ( 本单元的这一部分设计和以前的有些不太一样,而课文的主题对于学生来说也稍微有些远,而本单元有很多有趣的相似单词,所以在我看来,对本部分进行一些改编或许更适合我的学生学习。)
III. Teaching tool 教学用具
A computer, a blackboard, multimedia, six small blackboard, the textbook  ( 电脑,黑板,投影仪,小组展示板,课本 )
IV. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标
1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标
Make the students master the some new words and the important usage of them. (让学生掌握词汇及重点词汇的用法。)
2.Ability objective能力目标
Let students learn to use different ways to remember English words.(使学生能够学会运用多元化的方法去记忆单词。)
3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标
After making up sentences and form a passage, make students learn about the Journalists’ Day and American presidential election, and understand journalists’ hard work.(通过造句和语句成篇,让学生了解记者日和美国总统大选,并理解记者的辛苦工作。)
V. Teaching Important Points教学重点
Using different ways to understand the meaning of new words and remember them.  (用不同的方法理解单词的意思并记忆单词。)
VI. Teaching Difficult Points 教学难点 
Translate the sentences using the usage of new words(用所学词汇的用法翻译句子)
VII. Teaching procedures 教学程序 
Step 1 leading
The learning aims are so important that students should read them . in this case, they can understand the tasks of this class clearly. 
Then, show a picture in which a reporter and a camera operator are interviewing a person.
( what is the lady doing? So ,she is a journalist. And what about the man? A photographer.  )
Step 2 words  ( five ways to remember new words )
1, use a topic
When the two persons go out to work together, we can say they are covering a story . But how does they cover a story ?
When a journalist work , what will she use ?
What will she do ? 
After the interview, she will go back and sit before a computer to _________ . 
While the photographer will use ________. 
And what will he do ? 
Then , what will come out of his camera ? 
Next, the reports and the photographs will be given to another person. Who is he ? 
What will the editor do ?  ( polish and design ) or ( polish and edit )
Finally, a newspaper will be ________. 
These words will be formed into a loving heart.
A, Guess the words : ( review more words and prepare for the next exercise )
1, very happy
2, the last time on the timetable
3, on purpose
4, be good at and specialized in a job
5, to tell; to announce
6, to hand in sth to a more powerful man
7, to help someone
8, to guess the value of something
9, not sure
10, the person who design the newspaper or polish the article
2, derivative  (派生词):
journalist     ________n. ( journal )   _________n. ( journey )
 __________n. ( photographer )  photography  photograph
_______ ( editor )    ______v. ( edit )    edition
 professor    ________n. ( profession )   ________ adj. ( professional )
 __________n. ( interviewee )  _________v. ( interview )   interviewer 
3, similar meaning   ( Show a picture of twins )  ( using several blanks and suggesting the students )
profession :  ___________________ ( career ;  job ;  work;  occupation )
 ________ ( skeptical ):  doubtful; uncertain; unsure
 acquire :  _____________ ( get ;  gain ;  win ; obtain ) 
 accuse:  _____________ ( blame; charge )
4, opposite meaning
A, Show a picture of a journalist and pay attention to the press card before her chest .
Give a sentence and let students read it.
The lady who has a press card is a professional journalist.
( tell students the meaning of “press” to prepare for the translation in group work )
The little girl who doesn’t have a press card is an amateur journalist.   
Ask students what’s the relationship between the two words.  ( opposite )
B, Tell them using opposite meaning is also a good way to enlarge our vocabulary and remember the new words .
amateur           professional
 delighted          ____________ ( sad ; blue; disappointed; )
 acquire            lose; _____ ( miss )
 _________ ( accuse )           praise; admire 
5, Group words game :   English words cross puzzle  单词接龙 
Firstly, give an example :  amateur         rough         handle
The last letter of amateur is “r” , and the first letter of rough is “r” , then the last letter of rough is “h” , while the first letter of handle is “h” .
Then, tell students the rules :
1, five more words ;  2, new words only in this book  
Next, give each group the first wards :
Group 1:  editor         Group 2:  submit
Group 3:  assess         Group 4:  skeptical
Group 5:  inform        Group 6:  colleague 
After they finish the task on their small blackboard, show the result to the whole class .
Step 3 Expressions  ( the usage of the words )
设计意图:既然词汇过关了,那么就进入高一层次的词组环节。了解了词汇的用法,才能正确地造句。为突出重点,专挑重点词汇和用法复杂些的词汇,而这些词汇又是为下一环节做准备。图文并茂并结合实际,利用美国新总统Trump,帮女郎,小沈阳,姚明等学生熟悉的人物以及学生接触比较多的迟到、作弊、放假、参赛等事件,降低难度,让学生有话可说。通过例句,让学生总结词汇的用法,然后实战填空,甚至联想出以前学过的近义词组。此环节中,运用了发现,总结,变形,联想等各种方法。1, delighted   
Show a picture of Trump and give a sentence .
Trump was delighted to be became the winner of American presidential election . 
After students read it, ask them to find out the usage of “ delighted ” .
( let students guess the meaning of “American presidential election” , and prepare for the translation. )
2, accuse 
The teacher accused the girl of being late .
After students read it , let them find out the usage of accuse.
The boy should _____________________  in the exam.  ( be accused of )
Ask a volunteer to give the answer.
3, inform
It was very kind of you to inform me of the news in time.
Ask students to find out the usage of inform. At the same time, give a sentence with a blank :     I _______________(被告知) the time of the holiday. 
Ask any volunteer to show the answer.
4, concentrate  
Show a picture in which many people are having a chess competition , and give a sentence :
They are concentrating on playing the chess.
After students having find out the usage of concentrate, let them think other phrases which have the similar meaning :  ( focus on ; pay attention to; be attracted to ; be lost in ; be absorbed in ; be buried in )
5, eager
Show a picture in which a girl was looking into the sky , carrying a empty bucket on a dry field . Give two sentences :
The girl was eager for water.
The girl was eager to get water. 
After students having find out the usage of eager, let them think other phrases which have the similar meaning :  ( long for ; be starved for; be dying for ; be thirsty for )
6, gift  
Show a picture of Xiao Shenyang and Song Xiaobao, and give a sentence:
They are gifted in acting.
After students find out the usage of gift in this sentence, show another picture of Yao Ming, ask them to make a sentence . ( Yao Ming is gifted in playing basketball. )
Then, tell them we also can say :
Yao Ming has a gift for playing basketball.
So, student can know anther usage of gift.
Step 4translate the sentences
Each group should translate one sentence using the given words, and write it on the small blackboard.
Group 1, 11月8日,报社里的职业记者们都渴望收到红包。(press, eager) 
Group 2, 作为总编辑,刘泽刚故意通知他们专注美国总统大选。(concentrate)
Group 3, 记者们不能漏掉重点,否则将因错误而受到指责。(leave, accuse)
Group 4, 摄影师要尽力获得最好的照片, 助理必须帮助他们完成任务. (assist)
Group 5, 刘先生很高兴在最后期限前收到记者们呈递上来的文章。(submit, which)
Group 6, 即使在写文章方面很有天赋,他也不得不对此高度赞扬。(gifted, highly)
Ask each group to show the answer to the whole class. If there are some mistakes, help other students try to find out them .
Step 5make the sentences above into a passage
Show a passage which is made up of the sentences above and some added phrases and sentences. Meanwhile, tell them the date of Journalists’ Day is November 8th .
The Surprise on Journalists’ Day
On November 8th, the professional journalists in the Press were all eager to receive a red envelope .However, as a chief editor, Liu Zegang informed them deliberately of concentrating on  American presidential election, and also gave some advice.
First of all, journalists shouldn’t leave out the important cases, or would be accused of the mistakes. Meanwhile , photographers should try to acquire the best photographs . Besides, the assistants must assist them in finishing the task.
Mr. Liu was very delighted to receive the passages which was submitted by the journalists before the deadline. Even if he was gifted in writing, he had to think highly of it.  At last, everyone got a red envelope.
( ask students pay attention to the small phrases in this passage, tell them they are useful to write the composition. )
Step 6Homework  课后作业
设计意图:记者们辛苦而危险地工作在各事件的第一线,国内外有很多著名的记者。让学生扩宽知识面,拉近与本单元的距离,同时照应以前单元学过的伟大女性和伟大男性。运用这节课所学知识写一小段话进行描述,巩固新知识。关于Edgar Snow,在学生的练案中有背景说明。
1, Surf the internet and learn several famous journalists
2, Write a short passage about Edgar Snow using the new phrases.   
Step 7summary 总结
What’s the content in this class?  Which group is the best?
VIIIThe Design of the Writing on the Blackboard 板书设计

1, topic
2, derivative
 3, similar meaning
 4, opposite meaning
 5, English words cross puzzle
be delighted to do
 accuse sb of
 inform sb of
 concentrate on
 be eager to do     be eager for
 be gifted in        have a gift for

IXTeaching Reflection 教学反思
本堂课的讲课内容是高中英语新课标2003版的必修五第四单元making the news 的第二课时words and expression。如何把枯燥的词汇课上出乐趣,是一个挑战。为此,本堂课运用了音乐视频,词汇游戏,小组合作等活动调动学生的积极性和参与度。在词汇的掌握方面,以学生为主,教师引导,小组活动的合作探究,运用学生总结和思考的方式,力求达到学习目标,让学生有所收获。
最开始的导入是一个儿歌视频,欢快的音乐和简单的歌词,让学生既能够容易地找出老师问题的答案,又能够活跃气氛,让学生快速地进入课堂氛围,还能够照应上一个课时和本单元的主题。由其引出的词汇进入词汇记忆方法的第一条topic,继而进入第二条derivative、第三条similar meaning、第四条opposite meaning。第五条的words game即是课堂活动,又是记忆单词的方法,故而放在最后一条,再一次调动学生。其中,第二条的派生词中涉及到表示人的后缀,可以总结一下,让学生也体会一下联想记忆法。在讲解方法中,穿插了词汇练习,巩固记忆。

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“湖北好课堂,Making,the News”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“湖北好课堂高中英语Unit4 Making the News--Learning About the Language襄阳”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“湖北好课堂高中英语Unit4 Making the News--Learning About the Language襄阳”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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