
视频标签:湖北好课堂,Body Languag
视频课题:湖北好课堂必修四Unit4 Body Language--The -ing form used as the Attribute and Adverbial(Grammar)孝感
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湖北好课堂必修四Unit4 Body Language--The -ing form used as the Attribute and Adverbial(Grammar)孝感市安陆市第一高级中学姚莉
Teaching Plan for
The –ing form used as the Attribute and Adverbial 安陆一中 姚莉 (Frances Yao)
Teaching goals:
Guide the students to use the –ing form as the attribute and adverbial in a sentence.
Help the students to use –ing forms to beautify a paragraph
Help the students appreciate the advantages of –ing forms and develop their awareness of using the –ing form in an article to express their daily life.
Analysis of the Students
Most of the students in the class can appreciate the use of the –ing forms and are willing to have a try.
Teaching important points
Find out and identify the function and meaning of –ing forms correctly.
Use –ing forms to beautify a sentence or a paragraph.
Know how to use –ing forms in English writing.
Teaching difficult points
How to use –ing forms as the attribute and adverbial flexibly in writing.
Teaching procedures
Teaching steps
Step I Revision and lead in
Use a photo and introduce one of my best friends using v-ing forms as the subject, object, predicative and object complement.
Q: What ’s the function of the underlined –ing forms?
Make use of the short paragraph to introduce the focus of this class.
Step II Presentation for –ing forms used as the attribute
A. Use pictures to show the position of a single -ing form and -ing phrases used as the attribute.
B. Some practice about completing sentences.
C. Use –ing forms to complete a paragraph about my cousins (感知-ving形式的好处)
Step III Presentation for –ing forms used as the adverbial
Rewrite 7 sentences by using –ing forms. (感知-ving形式表达的意思和好处)
Some practice --- fill in 5 blanks in 5 sentences
Choose 3 sentences to complete a paragraph about Wang Ming (把握-ing表达,“五选三”)
A short discussion about the advantages of using –ving forms.
Step IV Consolidation
Hold a competition of Speaking and Acting/ Acting and Speaking
Hold another competition about connecting sentences using –ing forms as the attribute and adverbial
Listen to a video clip of You raise me up .
Enjoy 6 pictures of the Coming-Of-Age Ceremony of the Senior 3 students and an article written by a Senior 3 student.
Comment on the article.
Connect the 7 sets of sentences to beautify the article.
Step V Homework
Ask the students to write the beautified article beautifully on their exercise-books.
Step IV Summary
Motivate the students to try using –ing forms more often. (激励学生学以致用)
(Using –ing forms properly, we can make our English shiny.)
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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