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湖北好课堂高中英语Module6 Unit4 Global Warming(Grammar)华中附中

视频标签:Global Warmi,湖北好课堂


视频课题:湖北好课堂高中英语Module6 Unit4 Global Warming(Grammar)华中附中

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湖北好课堂高中英语Module6 Unit4 Global Warming(Grammar)华中科技大学附属中学彭茂

        Module6   Unit4    Global Warming  Grammar   
Analysis of the teaching material:
    The teaching material is the grammar part of module6, unit4. The topic of this unit is global warming. The grammar is about the usage of “it-cleft sentence”. It’s the first time for the students to learn this grammar in high school period.
Analysis of the learning condition:
The students have studied in high school for two years. They have achieved certain English level. They have the ability to analyze some language structures and they can express themselves in English. After the previous learning, they are familiar with the topic--global warming. With some background knowledge and language, it will be easier for them to learn. 
Teaching objectives:
1. Language and skills:
  • The students will be able to understand the meaning of “it-cleft sentence”.
  • The students will be able to master some rules of “it-cleft sentence”.
  • The students will be able to write some it-cleft sentences correctly.
  • The students will be able to use “it-cleft sentence” in spoken language fluently.
2. Process and method
    The students will be able to learn how to analyze a language structure by themselves.
3. Attitude and value
    The students will become more concerned about the environmental problems and have a desire to protect our environment.
Important and difficult teaching points:
               1. The students should analyze the usages and rules of “It-Cleft Sentence” by themselves.
               2. The students should try to use this structure properly and correctly.
                              Teaching Procedures
Step1: Lead-in
By asking some questions about global warming, the teacher will present some it-cleft sentences. Thus, the language structure is led in naturally.
  • How does global warming come about?    What can we do to stop it?
Step2: Observing and Analyzing
1. The students will work in pairs and observe the four sentences. They will put the five items into the right places to get the structure.
It     + is/was      + the emphasized part + that/ who      + the rest part of the sentence
①         ②               ③              ④                  ⑤
2. The teacher will show how this structure works by an animation.
3. The teacher will explain the two rules of “it-cleft sentence”.
Rule1: is or was?
Rule2: that or who?
4. The students will read the four sentences together. The teacher will remind them that when reading it-cleft sentences, the emphasized part should be read with stress.
Step3:Exercise1 Practicing and Thinking
1. The students will do some exercises. They will emphasize the underlined parts in the sentences. For sentence one, they will write down the sentences. For sentence two, they will change it orally.
2. The teacher will ask the students to observe the sentences. The notice is given: We can’t emphasize “predicate” with “it-cleft sentence”. Except that, we can emphasize almost all the parts in a sentence including the adverbial clause.
3. The students will emphasize the adverbial clause in three sentences orally.
Step4: Exercise2 Listening and Judging
    In this part, the exercises will be a little more difficult than the previous one. The students will listen to a program about Earth Day. According to what they hear, they will first judge the sentence. If it is false, they should correct it by using it-cleft sentences.
Step5: Exercise3 Creating and Speaking
In this part, the students are required to create their own it-cleft sentences in real situations. They will work in group of four. Each group will take charge of one situation. They will complete the short passage with it-cleft sentences. Then, they should choose the best to read the passage vividly.
  1. While doing exercise2 and exercise3, the teacher will introduce the actual functions of “It-Cleft Sentence”. Instruct the students to use it in real writing or speaking.
Step6: Writing
    In module6, unit2, the students have learned different forms of poems. One of them is formed by repeated phrases. This time, the students will write a poem with the repetition of some it-cleft sentences. The topic is environmental protection.
By comparing the language to rice, water and spice, the teacher will instruct the students to use “it-cleft sentence” properly. Then let the students read a passage together to understand it again.
1. Share your writing with your desk mate and give some comments to each other.
2. Consult some reference books to find out how we can emphasize the predicate in a sentence.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Global Warmi,湖北好课堂”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“湖北好课堂高中英语Module6 Unit4 Global Warming(Grammar)华中附中”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“湖北好课堂高中英语Module6 Unit4 Global Warming(Grammar)华中附中”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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