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七上 unit8 when is your birthday  section A 1a-2e江西师大附属中学

视频标签:your birthda


视频课题:七上 unit8 when is your birthday section A 1a-2e江西师大附属中学

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七上 unit8 when is your birthday  section A 1a-2e江西师大附属中学

Teaching procedures:
Step1: Warming-up
Show some numbers on the screen, and let students guess the relationship between the numbers and me. Then lead in to the topic of “birthday” by talking about my birthday.(展示一些数字给学生,通过让学生猜测这些数字与授课教师之间的关系,从而导入本课的话题“birthday”.此环节活跃了课堂气氛同时检测了学生的英语语言综合运用能力,耗时大约4 mins。)
Step2: Presentation
1.     Present the names of twelve months by using some pictures.(展示一
些能体现每个月份特点的图片,复习学生在小学就已经学过的各月份词汇。此环节在让学生回忆起已学月份词汇的基础上,同时让他们表达一些特定节日的相关活动,从而拓展他们的词汇量和提高语言表达能力,耗时大约4 mins。)
1.     Game: flyswatter.
All the students read out the word on the card. Two students come up to the blackboard, and use the flyswatter to hit the word they hear.(用“苍蝇拍”击打单词的游戏检测学生对于月份单词的掌握。学生对于此游戏的积极性很高,为了增加难度和检测学生的辨音能力,在卡纸展示的单词中加入了“juice”“apple”等较易和“June””April”混淆的单词。此环节大约耗时4 mins。)
3. Make a conclusion of the spelling rules.(让学生观察月份单词,找到某些单词之间的共同之处,而后归纳出四组规则帮助学生在今后的学习中记忆这些单词,并提醒学生当月份单词出现在句子中时,首字母要大写。耗时大约2 mins。)
Step3: Presentation
1.     Present the ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first.(让学生观察黑
板上月份卡纸的数量,引出one-- twelve的基数词。而后通过介绍“January is the first month in a year”,其他月份以此类推,引出first-- twelfth的序数词。此环节耗时约4 mins。)
2.     I say cardinal numbers, and let students say ordinal numbers one by
one.(此环节让学生注意后缀“th”的发音,序数词的简写方式以及序数词和基数词之间的差别。此环节耗时约2 mins。)
3.     Ask the students to help some numbers find their correct rooms.(此环
节设置五个不同的小房子,让学生观察每个房子内基数词变序数词的特点,而后再帮助一些“迷路”的数字回家。此环节检测学生对于基数词变序数词规则的理解,耗时约2 mins 。)
Step4: Listen and repeat
Ask students to listen to the tape and read after it.(此环节让学生跟随磁带,学习1-31序数词的正确读法,耗时约2 mins。)
Step5: Play a game
Have a competition between boys and girls. Boys say cardinal numbers, and girls say ordinal numbers. (此环节检测学生对于1-31序数词正确读法的掌握,耗时约3 mins。)
Step6: Read dates
1.     Teach students how to read dates. (教师教授日期的正确读法,提醒
学生在月份和日期之间一定要加上“the”, 耗时约1min。)
2.     Have a competition: Let’s see who can read out the dates as quickly as
possible.(此环节检测学生对于日期正确表达的掌握,耗时约 3 mins。)
Step7:Listen and match
1.     Listen to the conversation between Alice and her teacher, and match
the names, months and dates.(此环节完成课本上的听力练习,检测学生听日期和写日期的能力,耗时约2mins。)
2.     Check their answers in pairs, and they have to use the following
sentences. ( 通过Pair work的方式检测学生的答案,同时让学生练习询问他人生日的方式,耗时约2 mins。)
--When is Alice’s birthday?     -- Her birthday is on…
Step8: Do a survey (引导学生运用本课所学知识,调查同学的生日,而后在全体同学面前做汇报.此环节旨在检测学生对本课所学全部知识的掌握情况,耗时约8 mins。)
Make a survey about your classmates’ birthdays, and then report it.
Step9: Moral education (询问学生父母的生日,引导学生在生活中多去关爱父母,耗时约1min。)
It’s important for us to remember our parents’ birthdays.
Step10: Homework (布置作业,耗时约1min。)
1.Ask your parents about their birthdays.
2.Make a family members’ birthday calendar.
Teaching aims and demands
Knowledge objects :
① Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them:
A. month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
B. The ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first
② Be able to talk about one’s birthday by using the sentence structures:
-- When is your/his/her birthday?
-- My/His/Her birthday is on October tenth.
-- When is Alice’s birthday? Her birthday is …
Ability objects :
① To develop students’ ability of listening and speaking .
② To enable students to transfer from language into ability by communicating in English.
Moral Objects:
① Make the students interested in cooperation ;
② Make the students love life and care more about parents and friends.
Analysis of students
My students are 13-14 years old and they prefer activities, so I’ll organize some activities, such as games, competition, dialogues and survey.
The topic “ birthday” is very hot among students , so I’m sure I can get them involved in class easily to study language.
Teaching key points and difficulties :
① How to help the students remember so many new words quickly.
② How to help the students to find out the regularity of the ordinal numbers and understand the differences between ordinal numbers and  
    cardinal numbers.
③ How to ask about other people’s birthday.
Teaching aims and demands
Knowledge objects :
① Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them:
A. month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
B. The ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first
② Be able to talk about one’s birthday by using the sentence structures:
-- When is your/his/her birthday?
-- My/His/Her birthday is on October tenth.
-- When is Alice’s birthday? Her birthday is …
Ability objects :
① To develop students’ ability of listening and speaking .
② To enable students to transfer from language into ability by communicating in English.
Moral Objects:
① Make the students interested in cooperation ;
② Make the students love life and care more about parents and friends.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“your birthda”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“七上 unit8 when is your birthday section A 1a-2e江西师大附属中学”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“七上 unit8 when is your birthday section A 1a-2e江西师大附属中学”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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