
视频标签:my party
视频课题:人教新目标版8年级上册unit9 can you come to my party SectionB 3a-4写作课如何写邀请函-湖南省 - 长沙
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Unit 9 Writing: How to Write an Invitation说课稿
一、 教学内容分析
本课选自人教版教材“Go for it!”的八年级上册的第9单元,单元标题为“Can you come to my party? ”本单元围绕话题—发出、接受和拒绝邀请,开展听说读写等多种教学活动,是一个贴近生活,具有时代性和可挖掘性的教学主题。
二、 教学重点难点
1、 选取的教学单元比较靠后,学生才进入到第3单元的学习,中间有几个单元的跨度。
2、 学生能读懂邀请函,但要写出来,在篇章结构,遣词造句,表达方式等方面均有困难。
三、 教学目标
四、 本课亮点
1、 现代信息技术与课堂的融合
为最后写作中的“Other Information”提供信息,笔者编撰了对话,请学生出演并拍摄,搜集学校以前艺术节活动的珍贵录像片断,最后利用软件会声会影剪辑和制作了一个长达2分45秒的视频。视频主题与课程契合,能勾起学生对艺术节的美好回忆和憧憬,锻炼了听力,拓宽了他们英语学习的渠道。观看视频时,学生的欢笑声将本课推向了一个小高潮。
2、 本课的整体设计思路
3、 写作后的评价方式
五、 本课的不足和遗憾
因听课教师众多,挤满了教室的各个角落和走道,学生难免过于紧张,举手人数不多。而且在核对预习作业时,很多同学的答案都是单一的…through QQ,没有达到预期的效果。
在找出四类邀请函的问题后,应在PPT上及时加上总结性的小型文本框,如The event, Time & Place等,加深学生印象。
3、The warm language部分的处理
六、 小结
Unit 9 Writing
How to Write an Invitation
I. Self-study homework
【Learn To Run】Finish the sentence.
Mrs. Obama invites me to have dinner through Wechat.
________ invites me to ______________ through ___________/ by _____________________.
QQ asking me face-to-face
Wechat calling me
Emails texting me
Microblog writing a note
sending me an invitation
II. What is missing?
We will have a Halloween Fancy Dress Party on October 31st. Can you come?
RSVP: 824-9788
Read the invitations and find out the missing part.
Dear David,
This year’s happy Halloween is coming! We’d like to invite you to join our Halloween Fancy Dress Party. The party will be on Monday, October 31st, 7:00--9:00 PM. Would you like to join us? If so, can you help with these things?
1) Buy some food and drinks.
2) Bring as many friends as you can.
If you don’t come, we will be angry with you!
Dress code: Spiderman/ Superman/ Batman
Please reply to me by Saturday, October 28th.
2. Read the invitation and find out which sentence is not polite.
The warm language:

我 是 分 割 线
⑤ The warm language 1’ Yes□ No□
⑥ RSVP 1’ Yes□ No□
⑦ Chinglish or English 2’ Chi□ En□
⑧ Hand-writing 1’ Yes□ No□
Score: ______
Grade your partner’s invitation.
① Addressee and signature 1’ Yes□ No□
② The event 1’ Yes□ No□
③ Time and place 1’ Yes□ No□
④ Shows 2’ Yes□ No□
Use it after writing the invitation.
III. Finish the outline.
The Outline of the Invitation
Event: the class talent show— ___________________ name
Time: __________________
Place: _________________
Other information: Tick the things they can do.
___ dance ___ paint
___ sing ___ do rap music
___ perform magic ___ play instruments
___ do a two-man act
Reply by _______________________________
Reply by: ___________
IV. Write the invitation.
Teaching Plan for Unit 9 of Grade 8A
Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Writing: How to write an invitation
I. Teaching aims
1. Knowledge and skills
Make students know and read 4 kinds of invitations (formal and informal); guide students to think and discuss about what are included in an invitation;
guide students to pay attention to the appropriate language of writing an invitation; guide students to write an outline and an invitation of the “class talent show”. 2. Emotional attitude
Guide students to choose the suitable kinds of invitations according to the relationship;
lead students to share happiness by accepting others’ invitation and pass on happiness by making invitations. 3. Learning strategy
Make students discuss and summarize the steps of writing an invitation and apply them in writing; teach students how to grade and make comment on partner’s invitation; enhance students’ communication skills by sending invitations to others.
II. Key teaching points
1. 4 different kinds of invitation:
a note; a voice message; an invitation card; an invitation letter 2. 6 steps of writing an invitation: ① Addressee & signature ② The event ③ Time & place ④ Other information ⑤ The warm language ⑥ RSVP
3. Write the invitation of “Bocai Talent Show”.
III. Time arrangement: 1 period
IV. Teaching procedures
i. Self-study Homework Checking 【Learn To Run】Finish the sentence. e.g.:
Mrs. Long invites me to have dinner through Wechat.
________ invites me to ______________ through ___________/ by__________________. QQ asking me face-to-face Wechat calling me Emails texting me Microblog writing a note sending me an invitation
ii. What is missing?
T: At the end of the month, an interesting festival is coming—Halloween. Why not have a Halloween Fancy Dress Party? I asked some of you to write an invitation for me. Here are the best four. All of them are nice, but there is something wrong with each one. Let’s read or listen to them. Please tell me what is missing. 1. Read the invitations and find out the missing part.
2. Listen to the voice message and tell what is missing. 1) The invitation doesn’t tell the time and place.
2) Can you add the time and place to the original text? Original text:
①Hi, Jack. Do you know Halloween is coming? ②This year we are planning to have a Halloween Fancy Dress Party. ③Trust me. It will be a lot of fun! ④Remember to bring your costume and join us! T: We’d better add them at Place No. ③.
3. Read the invitation and find out which sentence is not polite.
The impolite sentence is: If you don’t come, we will be angry with you!
T: When we invite others, we’d better be polite and warm. Don’t threaten others to come. Can you change it into a warm one? Presentation:
e.g.1 : If you come, we would be very happy.
e.g.2 : We are pleased/ happy to invite you to join us. e.g.3 : We hope nothing can stop you to come! e.g.4 : It would be a great honor if … Your warm language:
We will have a Halloween Fancy Dress Party on October 31st. Can you come? RSVP: 824-9788
Dear David,
This year’s happy Halloween is coming! We’d like to invite you to join our Halloween Fancy Dress Party. The party will be on Monday, October 31st, 7:00--9:00 PM. Would you like to join us? If so, can you help with these things? 1) Buy some food and drinks.
2) Bring as many friends as you can.
If you don’t come, we will be angry with you! Dress code: Spiderman/ Superman/ Batman Please reply to me by Saturday, October 28th. Vince
iii. Self-study Discussion
Discuss:What information should be included when we write an invitation? Summary: The writing steps of an invitation: ① Addressee & signature ② The event ③ Time & place ④ Other information ⑤ The warm language ⑥ RSVP
iv. Free talk
T: Which one should I choose if I invite my best friend/ a student/ the headmaster/ …? 4 kinds: a note; a voice message; an invitation card; an invitation letter
v. Lead-in to the final writing.
T: The school art festival is coming in November. These students are going to organize a class talent show. And they want to invite everyone they know. Choose the best form applying in inviting everyone. S: An invitation letter.
vi. Outline.
T: I agree. Now let’s take a look at the outline. Watch a video and fill in the name of the show and tick the things they can do in the chart.
The Outline of the Invitation
T: I’d like you to decide on whom to invite, when and where to have the show and when to reply. So please finish the blanks quickly.
vii. Write the invitation of “We’ve Got Talent”.
Ask 1 student to write the invitation on the blackboard.
Event: the class talent show— ___________________ name Time: __________________ Place: _________________
Other information: Tick the things they can do. ___ dance ___ paint
___ sing ___ do rap music ___ perform magic ___ play instruments ___ do a two-man act
Reply by _______________________________ Yours, _______
Give students 8 minutes to finish it.
viii. Exchange and grade the partner’s invitation.
Comment: I gave the invitation ____. It did well in ____, ____ and ____, and it can do better in ___.
ix. Closing remarks
T: Since you have finished your invitation, now please send it to one of your classmate. How do you feel when you receive the invitation? S: …
T: Every time when we receive other’s invitations, we receive their friendship and happiness. And we believe this kind of sharing builds a bridge between you and me. Now, please pass on the happiness by sending your invitation to one of your classmates.
V. Homework
Write a birthday invitation: on《自能导学》P110
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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