
视频课题:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛冀教版五年级《What Are They
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛优质课视频冀教版五年级《Unit 1 Lesson 5 What Are They Doing》河北马雯彦
Lesson 5 What Are They Doing?
本节课是冀教版小学英语五年级下册第一单元Lesson 5 What Are They Doing? 本单元主要学习现在进行时态的表达方式。现在进行时与我们日常交际息息相关,本课是现在进行时的进一步学习,是本单元的重要组成部分。让学生在真实的情景中进行操练,培养学生主动学习英语的兴趣和综合语言运用能力。
本节课是第一单元第五课,本单元前四课都是围绕现在进行时态展开的。本节课的情景是在火车上,李明,Jenny两人闻声谈论火车上的乘客正在做的事情,交谈中发现Danny已不在他们的视线中,从而通过询问Danny,解释了李明最初想知道baby在做什么的问题。本课的主要学习内容是学生能够运用What are they doing? They are ...的句型引导学生正确使用现在进行时谈论他人正在做的动作。根据教学文本及现在进行时运用于谈话中的特点,要求教师在教学中要避免明知故问的活动设计,因此在这一课的教学过程中,我采用多种方式引导学生能够在特定情境中运用现在进行时,提高学生综合语言应用能力。
1. 学生通过课文学习,能准确运用现在进行时在情境中提问或描述他人正在做的事情。
2. 学生通过模仿,表演课文对话。
3. 学生通过虚拟生活情境,能够运用现在进行时展开简单的交流。
1. 学习 What are they doing ? They are … 并且巩固运用What is he/she doing? He/She is…
2. 理解文本内容并回答相应问题。
3. 表演课文对话。
4. 排演生活片段。
Step 1Preparation
A. Greeting
Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Let’s begin our English class.
B. Review
T: Boys and girls, keep your eyes open. I will show you six pictures, try your best to remember “What is she/he doing?” Let’s begin. (图片出现后全部消失)
T: Who wants to try?
Step2 Presentation
A: 新授句型 :用比较式教学法,由单数到复数教授句型What are they doing? They are…
T: What is the girl doing?
S1: She is running.
T: Maybe
S2: She is flying a kite.
TS: Look, she is flying a kite.
T: What is the boy doing?
S: He is flying a kite.
T: Yes.
T: What are they doing?
S: They are flying kites.
(设计意图:此部分主要是通过图片单复数的对比,由现在进行时的第三人称,来过渡到新授句型现在进行时的复数形式 What are they doing?)
B:拓展 What are they/ the animals/the women/Lucy and Tom/… doing? )
T: What are they doing? / What are the animals doing?
S: They are running.
T: Maybe.
S: The animals are playing football in the park.
T: Yes.
T: Who can ask a qusetion?
S:What are they doing?
T: Yes. Any question?
S: What are the women doing?
T: Please guess.
S:They are…
T: Yes.
T: Can you ask a question?
S: What are Lucy and Tom doing?
T: Good. Guess.
S:They are…
T: Yes.
(设计意图:此环节新授句型What are they doing? They are… 并且通过猜图游戏练习巩固此句型。)
C: Text
1. Pre-reading
T: Look, here are our friends. Danny, Jenny and Li Ming. But, where are they now? (播放火车音效)
Ss:They are on the train.
T: Let’s get on the train.
2. while-reading
T: Now, read and circle, who is on the train?
T: Read and underline “What are they doing?”
S1: The woman is reading the newspaper.
S2: Danny is playing with the baby.
S3: The man is playing cards with his friends.
S4: Jenny is looking for Danny.
T: What is Li Ming doing?
S: He is talking with Jenny.
(设计意图:通过向学生提问 Who? What? 让学生默读的方式,让学生自己提炼出课文的重点并且再次巩固现在进行时。)
3. After-reading
T: Now,boys and girls ,it’s your turn .Listen and imitate. Three people make a group. Who wants to be Danny? Hands up! Li Ming, hands up! Jenny hands up!
T: Who wants to show?
S: 学生展示
Step 3Practice
A: Turntable
T: I feel boring on the train. How about you? Let’s play a game. Look, It’s a turntable. Do you want to play? (找学生上来)Let’s ask a question together.
Ss: What are they doing?
S1: They are…
B: Guessing cards
T: You can ask and answer like this. (教师示范) Who can guess more, who is the winner.
T: Who is the winner? Can you show these pictures for us?(找学生描述自己的卡片,此环节注意纠正学生的错误)
Step 4 Production
T: How time flies? Boys and girls listen carefully. (播放火车到站的音效,说明我们已经到达了公园)wow , the park is so beautiful, talk with your partner.
S: 学生展示
Step 5 Progress
A: Summarize
B: Homework
Today’s homework, choose a library, a store… to make your own story.
Lesson5 What Are They Doing?
They are flying kites.
The woman read
What are they doing? The man play cards
Danny play with the baby
Li Ming and Jenny talk
8. 教学评价设计
⑴ 教师口头表扬。当学生表现出色、克服困难、敢于开口以及学生课堂反应等等情况下老师会给予及时的表扬,这种评价有助于学生大胆、正确的认识自我。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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