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在线播放:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛《Unit 3 Weather Let's spell


2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛《Unit 3 Weather Let's spell



视频课题:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛《Unit 3 Weather Let's spell

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛优质课视频人教版四年级《Unit 3 Weather Let's spell》内蒙费琳娜

  PEP 4  Unit 3 Weather (3rd period)
内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区胜利街小学 费琳娜

Unit 3.Weather  A. Let’s spell.  
Teaching aims 1.Ss can say、read and write the following words: ball, tall, wall, arm, card, car .
2.Ss can know sound [a:] [:] in the words with ‘ar’ and ‘al’ .
3.Ss can read and write more words with ‘ar’ and ‘al’.
1.Ss can say、read and write the words :‘ball, tall, wall, arm, card, car’.
2.Ss can read more words with ‘ar’and ‘al’.
1.Ss may have difficulties in reading and writing the words with ‘ar’and ‘al’ by using phonics.
2.To pronounce the sound [ l] in ‘all’.
Teaching  procedures  
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes
Step I
1.      Watch the video:
Phonics song.
2.      Greetings:
Introduce two new friends.
1.Ss watch the video and sing songs together.
2.Ss say ‘Hello’ to their two new friends.   
伴随着Phonics song开启语音学习之旅,回顾复习26个英文字母的基本发音,学生在轻松愉快的环境中学习英语。
Step II
Presentation and practice
I .Lead in, sound [a:] in words with ‘ar’.
1.     Game: Listen and judge.
T: Do you want to know more about Mark?
a.     Mark is a girl.(T:Yes,you are right,Mark is a boy.)
b.     He is twenty years old.
(T:Yes,he is a little boy,he’s only three years old.)
c.     He can drive a car.
 (T:You are right. He can’t drive a car but he can drive a toy car.)
d.     He likes art.
(Yes. You’ve got it. He likes drawing pictures.)                         
e.     He lives in America.It’s far from here.(Yeah,America is far from China and far from Xiamen.)
2.PPT show ‘Mark,car,art,far’.
T:Listen carefully . What’s the same?
3.Watch a video about ‘ar’.
4.Try more ‘ar’ words with [a:] sound  .

(1)T sets the examples to spell the words.
eg. ar-k, ar-p, f-ar-t.
(2)T: Group work. First, fill the letters in your flowers and then try to read the words in groups.
(3)Show ‘Who wants to read the words in your flower?’
5.T: Look, I have some real words. Can you read?
6.Teach:card with a …
arm in arm.
7.Reading time.
(T Presents new sentences.)
Mark is three.
He likes art.
He has a card.
Play with friends arm in arm.
II. Teach ‘al’ sound [:] in words.
1.Question: How old is Mark?
T:Yes, he’s three. But he has a great ideal!
Listen to Mark: I’m only three. I’m very short. But I want to be a star just like Yao Ming.
2.Let Ss listen and try to read the sentences with the tape.
Yao Ming is tall.
He has a red ball.
Tall man Yao Ming plays a ball near a wall.
3.Show the words ‘tall , ball, wall’ in above sentences.
T:What’s the same?
4.Teach ‘al’ sound [:] in words.
5.Try more words.
6.Show ‘tall,ball,wall’
T:What else can you find?
Teach: ‘all’ sound [:l]
7.Try more words.
8.Let’s have a chant.
T:Mark likes art.He’s drawing pictures.Let’s go and have a look.What is he drawing?an you find?
III .Read,listen and number.
(1)   Let Ss read the words.
(2)   Play the tape.
(3)   Check.
1.Ss play the game. Listen and judge.
2.Ss listen to the tape.
Ss:They have the same letters ‘ar’ and ‘ar’ pronounce [a:] in words.
3.Ss chant together.
4.Ss fill the letters in flowers and read the words.
5.Ss read the words.
7.Ss read the sentences.
1.      Ss:He’s three.
2.Ss listen and try to read the sentences with the tape.
3.Ss:They have the same letters ‘al’, and ‘al’ pronounce [:].
5.Ss try to read more sound [:] words with ‘al’ .
6.Ss:They have the same letters ‘all’ , and ‘all’ sound [:l].
7.Ss try to read more words which contain ‘al’sound [:l].
8.Chant together.
Read, listen and number.
(1)   Ss read the words.
(2)   Do the exercises.
(3)   Check.
创设情境,在更多的了解Mark的游戏中,导入四个含有ar的单词,学生通过出示的 ‘Mark,art,car,far’进行归纳,从而自然引入ar的发音教学。
从Reading time自然过渡到创设Mark 有一个伟大的理想,呈现姚明引出tall ,wall, ball。通过听、读,感知al的发音。al的学习基本顺承了ar的教学,让学生有章可循。
Step III.
1.      Spelling game.
2.      Look,listen and write.
3.      Try to read the story about Mark .Fun for reading.
(1)   Listen to the tape.
(2)   Read in groups.
1.Ss spell the words.
2.Ss write the words.
3. (1)Listen.
(2)Read in groups.
1.为课本上Look, listen and write.
Step .
A.     Read Mark’s story.
B.     Listen to the tape. Repeat for 5 times.
C.     Collect the words with ‘ar’‘al’ and read with your partner.
Ss finish the homework. 作业是课堂的延续,让学生在完成作业的过程中达到复习巩固所学知识的目的。
Unit 3 A.Let’s spell.

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