
视频课题:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛《A story—The rabbit's drea
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2016年全国小学英语教师基本功比赛优质课视频《Unit 6 The world of my dreams Part 4 A story—The rabbit's dream》
Join In六年级下册Unit 6 The world of my dreams
Part 4 A story—The rabbit’s dream教学设计
山西省晋中市祁县东观小学 殷昆
I. Teaching aims:
1. Can listen, read and recognize the new words: ocean, owl, far, dangerous, come closer, faster, that was close, remembered, dangerous situations etc.
2. Master the sentences of asking the way:
Excuse me. How do I get to the ocean?
Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ocean?
3. 能听懂、理解小故事The rabbit’s dream,并明白要坚持自己的梦想并机智应对各种问题。
II. Teaching key and difficult points:
Understand the story and finish the different tasks.
III. Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Talk about dreams and lead in the story.
Step 2 Before reading
1. Ask students to predict the story
2. Set questions before the video:
Q1: What animals are in the story?
Q2: What is the rabbit’s dream?
3. Watch the story.
Step 3 While reading
The first period: Before the rabbit starts to pursue his dream
1. Check the answer and introduce the new words: ocean, owl, far, dangerous.
2. Talk about mouse and frog.
The second period: the rabbit’s journey to pursue his dream
1. 呈现表格布置任务
Animal |
Rabbit’s question |
rabbit got |
Inner voice
内心想法 |
结果 |
Lion |
Snake |
Elephant |
Owl |
(2)Ask students to discuss and check the answers in groups.
(3)Ask students to choose their favourite part to do a role play in groups.(Pic 2-4, Pic 6-7, Pic 8-9, Pic 10-11)
(4)Groups Show.
2. T checks the answer of each animal’s inner voice and the ending呈现表格内容,
3. Make a summary of how to ask the way.
4. Set questions to check students’ understanding if needed.
Q1: It is very dangerous to go to the ocean.( )
Q2: The lion shows the way to the ocean.( )
Q3: The snake tells the way to the rabbit. ( )
Q4: The elephant can’t help the rabbit.( )
Q5: The owl takes the rabbit to the ocean. ( )
The third period: the rabbit’s dream comes true
Ask Ss to talk about the ending of the story.
Does the rabbit find the ocean at last?
How is the ocean?
How is the rabbit’s feeling?
Step 4 Post reading
1. Ask Ss to think and answer:
What do you think of the rabbit and other animals?
What can you learn from the story?
What is the rabbit’s dream on the sand?
2. Retell the story via Mind Map.
1. Try to draw your Mind Map. 根据故事尝试画出你自己的思维导图
2. Act the whole story in groups. 小组分角色表演故事
在教学中,我能以尊重、平等、信任的原则和学生建立良好的师生关系,成为学生学习和生活的良师益友;在课堂讲解中深入浅出,条理清楚,语言表达幽默诙谐,注重趣味性教学,激发学生英语学习热情。在教育教学中遵循“爱与尊重是教育的出发点”,全心全意为孩子服务,根据孩子们的不同特点,琢磨出多种适合小学生学习英语的教学方法,推崇个性和能力的培养,凭借积累的经验和不断地探索,使学生乐学、爱学;教学中注重贯穿情感教学,以英语为语言工具培养学生跨文化交际意识,努力创造一切条件让孩子多听多说,体会英语世界里的乐趣。Listen more, speak more. Have fun with English!
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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