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第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(Section B Writing)7.安徽



视频课题:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(Section B Writing)7.安徽

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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room(Section B Writing)7.  安徽 胡晨妮

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?
(Section B Writing)
Teaching aims
1. By the end of the class, students are able to write a passage to express their opinions.
2. Students master some writing skills, and their writing skills can be improved.
3. Students know how to express their opinions and give reasons.
Teaching important points
Write a passage to express opinions.
Teaching difficult points
Master some secrets of writing: good ideas, good structure, good linking and good sentence patterns.
Teaching aids 
Teaching procedures

 Procedures The teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes
Warming-up and leading-in 1.      Ask students if they do chores at home and why. 1.      Talk about if they do chores at home. 创设父母抱怨孩子不做家务的情境来询问学生是否在家做家务。
1.      Ask the question “Do you think children should do chores at home? Why or why not?”
2.      Divide students into two sides “agree” and “disagree”.
3.      Ask students to brainstorm the reasons and discuss in groups of four.
4.      Students share their opinions and reasons.
1. Think about the question and give opinions.
2. Brainstorm the reasons why children should or shouldn’t do chores at home and discuss in groups.
3. Share opinions and reasons.
1. Show students how to write an outline of a passage to express opinions and reasons and introduce the first secret of writing
 “hamburger structure ”.
2. Teach children how to make the “hamburger” into a passage with linking words and phrases.  And illustrate some proper linking. Let the students know the second secret of writing “proper linking”.
3. Introduce the third secret of writing by comparing some sentences. 
4. Introduce the correct form of a letter.
1. Get familiar with t
 hamburger structure of writing. And write " a hamburger".
2. Help illustrate linking words or phrases to show opinions, reasons, examples and conclusion.  Practice the use of linking   and then add linking to “hamburger” to form a passage.
3. Compare the sentences and know how to write better with good sentence patterns, and master some advanced sentence patterns and try to improve the passage with good sentence patterns.
4. Add the heading and signature to the passage and complete a  letter.
通过一步步讲解,告诉学生如何写出表达观点性文章的框架,层层递进,让学生逐渐掌握"汉堡式结构" 写作技巧。通过形象生动的汉堡图片讲解,使得写作技巧的讲解不再枯燥,进而指导学生如何使用关联词将“汉堡框架”连成一篇文章,同时通过对比不同的句子让学生意识到如何修改自己的文章,完善自己的文章。最后让学生给自己的文章加上信头和署名使之成为一篇完整的信件。
Post-writing 1.Ask students to share their passages and summarize the secrets of writing.
2. Show a good passage to students and evaluate it together.
3. Introduce a Chinese saying “ if one holds a reason, and it will be reasonable”
1. Share the passage with classmate.
2. Students understand everyone has his or her opinion as long as he or she has reasons to hold it.
Assignment Write a letter to talk about whether students can take mobile phones to school.

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