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在线播放:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛视频九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B 2b He Studies Harder Than He Used to 5.河南

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第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛视频九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B 2b  He Studies Harder Than He Used to 5.河南



视频课题:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛视频九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B 2b He Studies Harder Than He Used to 5.河南

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九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B 2b  He Studies Harder Than He Used to 5.  河南 蔡晗

Lesson plan
课题:九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.
Section B 2b  He Studies Harder Than He Used to

(T: teacher   S: student)
Learning objectives:
1. Learn to talk about changes through reading the text;
2. Understand the importance of communication through analyzing the text;
3. Try to solve parent-child problems through communication in interactive activities.
Design ideas: 本节课的设计以李文的父母所做的事及其引起的李文相应的变化为线索,旨在引导学生体谅父母苦衷,理解父母对子女的关爱,加强亲子沟通。具体思路如下:

Missing language所选四句与教材有所不用,为李文父母做的四件事,引导学生还原文章,了解大意。再由父母所做,引出孩子所“变”,找出李文的各种变化。
1. 找出父母行为和李文变化之间的关系(Causes & Results)。

2. 经过横向对比,找出父母做出看似不好的决定时,他们所面对的困难,体谅父母苦衷,为稍后语言输出做准备。

3. 经过纵向对比,对比全文父母所做的四件事之间的关系,思考在此过程中的“不变”与“变”,从而理解父母对子女的关爱,提炼本文主题——亲子沟通的重要性。
1. 在完成文本深析的基础上,理解李文和父母内心诉求,通过问答形式,进行沟通,尝试解决问题。
2. 结合现实生活,提供情境,帮助解决他人和父母之间存在的沟通问题,引导学生学会倾诉,加强沟通,构建和谐亲子关系。
Teaching procedures:
I. Show the Ss some of their family photos when they were little and now. Lead Ss to pay attention to the changes.
II. Play a guessing game: the photo of one of the students when he was a little boy. Guess who he is. Show the second photo of him recently to check Ss’ guesses. Show the complete photos and ask the boy a few easy questions about his changes. Guide him to talk about changes himself. Ask Ss to think about themselves. Talk of Li Wen in the text. He has some changes. Ss read the title and predict why he studies harder.
First reading :
I. Skim the text, put the missing language into the blanks and find the reasons for their answers.
II. Ss check their answers and tell the reasons for their choice, which is to draw their attention to the use of context when trying to locate the missing language. After checking, show the reading strategy “using context” to Ss, and ask them to read and remember it.
III. Show the Ss the following table.
Ss find out who did all the things in missing language(Answer: Li Wen’s parents). Missing language can now be put in the left column. Ask Ss to focus on the right column.
Second reading:
I. Scan the text and underline all the changes of Li Wen and put the changes into different lines in the right column of the table. Then check the answers.
II. Show the Ss the complete table on the screen. Ss think about the relation between the left and right columns.(Give Ss an example question to help). The relation of the two columns is as follows:
III. Divide Li Wen’s changes into bad changes(green) and good changes(orange). Focus on the bad changes and the causes.

T: For the bad changes, are parents’ decisions good? Ss: No.
T: But did parents want to leave him? Ss: No.
Ask the third question: What difficulties could parents have?(Back-up: why did they make these decisions even though they didn’t want to leave Li Wen?)
Ss read for details about parents’ difficulties or guess according their understanding of the text.
Ss share opinions about parents’ difficulties.
T’s conclusion: Parents have to make unwilling choices sometimes. It’s not easy being parents.
IV. Ask Ss to compare all the things Li Wen’s parents did. Guide them to think and talk about:
What never changed? and What has changed?

Possible answers:
What never changed? ---Parents’ love, care, hope, pride & responsibility...
What has changed? ---Ways of communication...
I. Help Li Wen and his parents make their long talk successful. Ss are divided into two big groups and asked to carry out an interactive conversation. Big group A ask parents’ possible questions while big group B ask Li Wen’s possible questions. Take turns to ask and answer.
II. Help at the school advice room. Read the letter from a schoolmate in communication trouble with parents. Role-play in groups of three. Act out the advice giving process.
After this period, we realize our parents’ love, care, hope, pride and responsibility are always with us. Only though proper communication can we realize their existence. Li Wen said, “It’s important for parents to be there for children.” We should also understand that it’s important for children to be open to parents. Communication can make great changes.
A letter in reply to the student in trouble.

Blackboard design

After this period, the learning objectives are basically reached. The understanding and deep analysis of the text is satisfying. It’s pleasing to find that Ss can think of ways to help solve communicating problems and some of their advice is quite practical and creative. Good changes can be discovered among Ss. However, if more time could be given for the thinking and talking process, the analysis of the text might go deeper and further.

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