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初三中考总复习之宾语从句20. 江苏 胡译匀
Teaching Design for
Revision of the Object Clause
I. Analysis of Teaching Content
The object clause is one of the most important grammatical items in junior high school. Meanwhile, it’s also one of the biggest difficulties for junior high students. But if students can master this item well, it can help improve their English learning ability, reading and writing competence as well as the ability of solving problems.
II. Analysis of Students
Students learned object clauses in the first semester of Grade 9. They already have some ideas about this grammatical item. But they don’t have a systematic understanding of it. Many of the students think it is difficult to recognize object clauses and have trouble using the connectives. Besides, they often make mistakes about the word order or tense in the object clauses.
On the other hand, Grade 9 students have developed some basic language skills such as extracting basic information from the text while reading. They are interested in expressing themselves in English and are more eager to do so. Of course, they also have a very keen eye for the new things around them.
Thirdly, students of this age may prefer staying with peers to being with their parents because they may think it hard to get along with parents.
III. Teaching objectives
By the end of this lesson, students are expected to:
1. recall and consolidate their knowledge of the three elements of object clauses --- connective, word order and tense by observing and comparing while reading, speaking and writing in a specific context.
2. form systematic knowledge of object clauses and summarize the rules by making a mind map; recognize object clauses and use them properly in exercises.
3. express ideas, feelings, doubts, worries and so on by using object clauses properly
4. use object clauses to write a letter to Mom and feel a mother’s love
IV. Key Points & predicted difficulty
Key Points:
1. consolidate the knowledge of the three elements of object clauses --- connective, word order and tense
2. form systematic knowledge of object clauses and summarize the rules by making a mind map
Predicted difficulty
Students may find it more difficult to use object clauses properly to express ideas, feelings, doubts, worries and so on.
It is also more difficult for them to use object clauses to write a letter to Mom.
V. Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies
Teaching Methods:
Inductive Method, Guided discovery Method, Communicative Teaching Method, Situational Teaching Method.
Learning Strategies:
Cooperative Learning Method, Individual Learning Method and Creative Learning Method.
VI. Teaching procedures
Step I Lead-in & Revision of the meaning of object clauses
1. Present a short video of the movie Hi, Mom and talk with the students about some information about it including the theme, the name, their opinion and so on.
Purpose: to arouse students’ interest and introduce the theme of this lesson. I also set the context for this lesson.
2. Analyse the structures of the 2 setences from the free talk.
Purpose: to have a revision of the meaning of object clause.
3. Read a China Daily report on the movie, underline all the object clauses and circle the verbs or adjectives before it.
Purpose: It is used as a controlled practice to check if students know exactly how to identify an object clause according to its meaning. The students can read a passage and do the exercises in the context.
Step II Revision of the 3 elements of object clause, practice and internalization
Activity 1 Perceive and review the rules for connectives
1. Focus on the connectives in the sentences and review the rules for the 3 kinds of connectives in object clauses.
2. choose the proper verbs or adjectives which can be followed by different connectives.
Purpose: to let the students further understand the difference between the connectives. While doing the task, students have to think more about the meanings of the main clause and the connectives. So on the one hand, they’ll know their usage more clearly and on the other, they’ll know more about what we use an object clause for, that’s the function.
Activity 2 Consolidate the rules for connectives in an object clause by practising
1. Complete my reply to my Canadian friend Linda’s email.
Purpose: This exercise is designed to help students consolidate the usage of different connectives. They have to read, comprehend and then use the connectives properly.
Also, students are asked to complete Linda’s question in her email according to my reply, which acts as the transition from connectives to word order.
Activity 3 Perceive and review the rules for word order in an object clause
Complete the object clauses in my reply.
Purpose: to make the situation goes on and help students observe and conclude more rules about connectives and the way to form an object clause. They can see the difference in word order between a question and an object clause as well.
Activity 4 Consolidate the rules for word order in an object clause by practising
Show an English story about Moms and ask students to read, comprehend it and then use object clauses to tell the story with the background music
Purpose: The story is actually a conversation between God and a child. Students can practise using different connectives and correct word order in each object clause. After finishing the story, I ask them to read it together with wonderful feelings and moving background music so that they can feel how great a mom is.
Activity 5 Perceive and review the rules for the tense in an objedct clause
Talk about a Chinese story -- Meng Mu San Qian and review 3 rules for the tense in an object clause.
Purpose: Students all know this story well. So I ask them questions about it and their answers are used to form some object clauses. With these sentences, they can review the rules for the tense in an objedct clause.
Activity 6 Consolidate the rules for the tense in an objedct clause by practising
1. Find and correct every mistake in the given object clauses. And review the rule for the structure -- question word + infinitive-- as the object, and how to turn it into an object clause.
Purpose: To practise the tense in an objedct clause.
Activity 7 Practice, Consolidate and Internalize the knowledge of objedct clauses
Group work & debate
Use object clauses to give comments on what Mengzi’s mom did for Mengzi.
Purpose: Many students of this age usually find such parents too controlling and they may have their own ideas and also a lot to debate. So they can learn to express their ideas by using object clauses in a real situation. They can internalize the knowledge of object clauses by applying them properly to make sentences. Meanwhile, students’ critical thinking and creative thinking abilities can also be improved in this way.
Step III Tansfer and innovation of the knowledge of object clauses
Write a letter to express their thanks and love to their Mom. No prompts are provided.
Purpose: This letter also begins with “Hi, Mom”, which echos the movie at the beginning of this lesson. In this part, no prompts are provided. Students have to apply the knowledge flexibly through the systematization and integration of the knowledge. They can also have a better understanding of their own Mom and learn to be thankful.
Blackboard design:
Purpose: to form a mind map in order to help students construct knowledge structure and system.
1. Polish your letter and show it to your mom.
2. Listen to your mom's reply and report her words by using object clauses in tomorrow's lesson.
In this class, I set a situation chain which is close to students’ daily life. They can review the grammatical item in a certain context, which makes it easier for them to understand, remember and apply the knowledge.
Of course there is something to be improved:
Since this is a grammar lesson, I guided them mainly in the usual way grammar is taught. But this is also a revision lesson, so it’s necessary for me to explore more difference between it and a normal grammar lesson so that I can use more efficient ways to help students summarize and systematize the knowledge.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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