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在线播放:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section A 1a-1c12.

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第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛Unit 8  Have you read Treasure Island yet Section A 1a-1c12.



视频课题:第十五届全国初中英语教师教学基本功大赛Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet Section A 1a-1c12.

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Unit 8  Have you read Treasure Island yet Section A 1a-1c12.  陕西 李丽丽

 Unit 8  Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section A 1a-1c
This is the first period from 1a to 1c in Section A of Unit 8, Grade 8 BookⅡ.
Teaching material
Unit 8 is mainly about literature and music. It aims to enable Ss to talk about recent events and experiences using Present Perfect Tense with already and yet. According to The New English Curriculum Standards, eighth graders should be able to understand conversations and simple stories in daily communicative contexts. They can also talk about their own experiences and express brief opinions. And they should have the ability to get, organize and then express information from texts in written form including charts, tables and so on.
As the first period of this unit, this period focuses on literature and introduces six Western classics aiming to help students learn about Western literature on the one hand and start to perceive Present Perfect Tense and learn how to use it to talk about the books they have recently read and express their opinions briefly on the other hand.
Analysis of the students
Most of the students like reading and some of them even have a good reading habit. So they have interest in this unit. However, the six Western classics introduced in this period are almost knew to them. They have but a little background knowledge. Some have watched the film Alice in Wonderalnd and few have read Robinson Crusoe and Alice in Wonderland. And Present Perfect Tense is new to them, too. As for expressing opinions, students have already learned the sentence patterns like “What do you think of...?”,“ How do you like...?” and “It’s wonderful, interesting and boring...” and so on.
Teaching objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about the books they have and haven’t read by perceiving, constructing and using the Present Perfect Tense with already and yet through listening, speaking and even a little writing.
Important and difficult points
The important points are the basic structures of the Present Perfect Tense with already or yet and patterns to express brief opinions.
The difficult point is the meaning and function of the Present Perfect Tense.
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching methods
Communicative Approach
(pair work to make conversations and group work to do a survey)
Task-based Language Teaching
(Give Ss specific tasks to do while listening and post listening)
Learning methods
Firstly, students can learn how to perceive, construct and then use target language by themselves through listening, observation and practice. Secondly, they will learn how to take notes of key words while listening.
Teaching procedures
1. Lead-in
We’ll start the lesson with watching and talking about a short but beautiful video called Beauty of reading.
2. Pre-listening
To have Ss get ready for the subsequent listening, I’ll enable them to read the book titles correctly first. After that, I’ll lead them to perceive and practice the target language (Have you read...yet? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. I have already read.... I haven’t read... yet.)
3. While-listening
We’ll focus on the information. The listening tasks are designed for Ss to get specific information. We’ll listen three times.
4. Post-listening
We’ll concentrate on the language. I’m going to arrange 3 activities to give students enough practice in using the target language through speaking and writing.
Here are the specific activities.

Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose of design
Step 1
Lead- in
Play a short video Beauty of reading.
What are they doing in the video?
Where are they reading?
Do you love reading?
Watch the video and talk freely. To arouse Ss’ interest.
To set the scene: talk about  books.
To learn about Ss’ reading habits.
Step 2
Show the pictures of six classics and talk about them briefly. Talk freely.
To introduce Ss six Western classics.
Make sure Ss can read the book titles correctly.
Read the book titles.
To make sure Ss can read the book titles correctly to get ready for the subsequent listening.
Give an example:
Ask one or two Ss “Have you read ...yet? with Treasure Island and Robin Crusoe in hand.
Have Ss make conversations in pairs.
Pair work: make conversations about these six books.
To give Ss chance to practice:
Have you read...yet? 
Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
Give an example (already/yet)
Make a conversation with one student:
A: Have you read it yet?
B: Yes, I have already read it.
No, I haven’t read it yet.
pair work:make conversations about these six books again. To have Ss practice already & yet.
Step 3
Make sure Ss know they are going to write down the book titles.
Remind Ss to write down the key words or marks.
Listen for the book titles and take notes. To help Ss recognize the target language (book titles) in natural speech and make marks.
Check the answers ...and...are talking about... To give Ss chance to practice their oral English.
Make sure Ss know they need to listen for who has read each book and their opinions. Listen for who has read each book and their opinions. To help Ss get the specific information in listening.
Check the answers by asking:
Has he read... yet?
What does he/she think of...?
What’s it like?/ How’s it?
Give answers by using the target language.  To lead Ss to summarize  the sentence structures:
Has he/she read...yet?
Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
What’s it like?/ How’s it?
Step 4
Activity 1
Give an example:
Make a conversation with one student:
Has Nick read... yet?
Has Judy read...yet?
What’s it like?
Have Ss ask and answer in pairs.
Pair work: practice the conversation in pairs using the information in 1b.
To give Ss chance to  practice the target language: Has he/she read...yet?
Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
What’s it like?/ How’s it?
Activity 2
Give an example:
Q: What can you tell me about Nick and Judy?
Nick hasn’t read Treasure Island yet, but Judy has already read it. She thinks it’s really exciting.
Learn to get, organize and express the information from the chart about the other two pairs. To train Ss to get, organize and express the information from the chart.
To give them chance again to practice the target language again.
Activity 3
To have Ss do a survey:
Go over the book titles together.
Give out the cards.
Give an example first.
To have students do the survey.
Work in groups: do the survey on the specific books.
To give Ss chance to  practice the target language through speaking and writing.
Summary Let Ss summarize what they’ve learned today.
Homework ① Make a book card: Introduce a good book to read.
② Choose one to find more information about:
Treasure Island, Oliver Twist,
Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer
Blackboard Design
Teaching results
During this lesson, almost all of the students could get themselves involved into this lesson to listen, speak, think and even write. They got the specific information in listening and made correct even fantastic conversations using the target language to talk about the books they have or haven't recently read and express their opinions briefly.This lesson reminds me again that as long as T give Ss enough input, they’ll show us wonderful output and that after T’s clear demonstration, students can imitate, perceive and then use the target language by themselves. After class, I was happy to find that some students had figured out the meaning and function of the Present Perfect Tense by themselves.
This lesson convinced me again that Ss can learn more and happier in a nice teaching environment. A small, sincere and high-quality praise can really make a big difference.
Teaching reflection
1. 关注学生,学生参与度高。①设计不同层次的问题,通过个人回答,小组对话,小组讨论等形式让绝大部分同学参与到课堂中。②可以根据学生的接受度稍微调整教学活动,教学比较灵活。③ 可以走到学生中去,关注学生的答题情况,及时解决学生出现的问题。
2. 活动高效。教师想说的话通过活动由学生说出来。教学活动层层递进,由已知到未知,考虑到学生的最近发展区,逐步增添新知识,逻辑感强。每个环节引入新知识后,操练很扎实。教师示范,学生集体操练、个人操练,扎实有效。体现学生的主体地位,创建了生本课堂。
3. 课堂容量大。整节课练习4个句型。听前练习 “Have you read...yet? - “Yes, I have. No, I haven’t”, “ already & yet” 听后训练 “ Has he/she read... yet? -Yes, he/she has. No, she/he hasn’t.” “ What’s ... like?” “How’s...?” “Its’...” 知识难度逐层递增。学生逐渐吸收。
4. 课堂评价语言多样,真诚、具有鼓励性。根据学生的回答肯定学生,如:You have a good reading habit. That’s good! I like your conversation. You have a really good conversation! Jia ning, remember, You are wonderful! You are so fast! In this part, you did a really good job! Amazing!等
5. 听力部分信息获取和语言习得操练处理科学。先获取信息,或习得语言,之后运用语言进行操练,先用目标语言谈论课本内容,之后转到学生实际生活,进一步操练巩固。
本节课做到了听力训练中信息获取和语言学习分清。今后要继续坚持和精进。①听力训练时,要先帮助学生获取信息;然后习得、操练、掌握语言,绝不应该杂糅在一起。会显得混乱。 ②听力信息获取时,如果难度较大,可根据学生水平,将听力任务分解,有侧重地分阶段获取信息。③听力信息获取后,教师要灵活巧妙地用目标语言去提问,引导学生用目标语言回答,教师提问和学生回答地过程中提炼句型,形成板书。教师用目标句型和学生示范,让学生再一次感知。之后学生通过对话操练语言。④语言操练先谈论课本内容再转到学生的实际生活。因为课本的词汇和内容学生已经比较熟悉,有了操练的基础,先练透后再转到实际生活去运用,教师需负责创设贴近生活的真实活动。
6. 课程的主题和主线很清楚,始终围绕书籍这一话题在模仿、习得、操练本课的目标语言。
7. 注重培养学生的思维。①在拓展(描述书本)和思考环节(Books are...)不限制学生的思维,鼓励学生思考,肯定学生的想法。② 运用表格引导学生学会获取信息,组织语言表达获取的信息,让学生在知识掌握上进一步深化。
8. 具有育人价值:通过课程开始的视频和最后的名言分享以及引导学生思考,激发学生对阅读的理解和喜爱。
9. 课堂衔接语:有逻辑,清晰明了。个别地方(完成第一个听力任务时)不够明确,个别学生不明白听力任务。
10. 板书设计好。以 “书”贯穿本节课话题,内容充实且实用,利用卡片色彩搭配好。
11. 课件简洁明了。每张PPT 上呈现的内容一目了然,层层递进,学生多层次练习,练会练透。
1. 用已知引未知,铺垫要更足。在引出 “What’s it like? & How’s it” 时,可先用 “ What does he think of it? How does he like it?反复提问,之后再问“What’s it like? & How’s it?”形成板书,再跟学生操练做示范,学生再操练、呈现。
2. 示范要更全面:survey 环节给学生示范小组活动任务时,应举起卡片让所有学生都看到卡片上的书名,接下来教师的示范学生才会学会并且去模仿。
3. 课堂指令继续加强。①少而精,指示明确。② 声音有起伏,抑扬顿挫。“ Listen! Look here! Ask and Answer in pairs!” ③站在学生的角度思考,预设学生可能会出现什么问题,提前想好引导语言。
4. 英语基本功还需要继续加强。在学生有些地方答不出来时,要立刻运用简单的语言、肢体语言结合学生已经会的内容灵活引导学生。
5. 对教学环境没提前适应。课件和上课教室的设备不兼容,导致视频和音频播放出现问题,一方面影响课堂节奏,耽误时间,导致后面的小组讨论没时间展示。今后应提前去查看上课教室的环境。之后教学过程中应将课件里面嵌入的音频和视频保存在一个文件夹里,需要时可以立刻调取。
6. 学生的读音要继续加强,只有读准,才会说准、听准。纠音主要在早读课上完成,还要贯穿到每节课中,时时提醒,不断加强。
7. 控场能力要继续加强。和善而坚定,温柔中有霸气,是我要形成的个人教学风格。
8. 更相信学生。①关注学生,面要广,关注必定有回馈。②鼓励学生,用眼神,语言,动作及时肯定学生。③引导学生,要相信,在教师慢慢、准确示范引导之后,学生可以模仿甚至感知。④相信学生,学生能模仿出来,教师需要寻找学生可以表现自己的机会,及时表扬。
9. 翻页笔的使用。之前教学不常用翻页笔,经常黏在讲台上,之后应坚持翻页笔的使用,走进学生中去,关注学生的吸收程度。

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