
视频标签:冀教版英语,Weather Toda
视频课题:冀教版英语四年级下册Lesson 11 How's the Weather Today林芝
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:四年级下册Lesson 11 How's the Weather Today林芝市第一小学
知识目标 :1.使学生理解、会说和认读词汇:sunny,snowy,rainy,windy,cloudy,cold,warm,cool, hot。
2.使学生能正确表达天气情况: How’s the weather in________?It’s______.
3.使学生能正确运用所学词汇表达天气。 4.使学生能当好天气播报员,正确播报天气。
技能目标:1.通过描述天气情况,培养学生用英语交流的能力。 2.培养学生对知识活用的能力。
四年级的学生有一定的语言表达基础,但听说能力相对较差一些。本课是在学生已经学习了有关月份、天气名称单词的基础上,重点学习天气的五个形容词sunny、rainy、windy、cloudy、snowy和cold、 hot、 warm、cool等词,以及探讨“How’s the weather today?”这一句型的学习和应用,最终是能做简单的天气报告。
Important points: 能听、说、认、读单词:sunny,rainy,cloudy,windy,snowy cold,warm,cool,hot.能理解句子和运用句子:How’s the weather today?It’s________.
Difficult point: 1. 能灵活运用句子It’s_____in_____.正确的表达天气和感受。 2. 能谈论天气,并能做简单的天气报告。
1.Greeting:Hello,children!Nice to see you again! (设计意图:拉近师生距离,做好上课准备。)
2.Review: (1)Free talk:T:What day is it today?/When is your birthday? Is it Friday today?Is your birthday in May?Do you like ...? (设计任务:不断用日常语与学生进行交际。设计意图:温故知新,锻炼学生的口语能力。)
(2)Last class we learned some words of weather.Now let’s shout out their names.They are sun,snow,rain,wind and cloud. (复习词汇snow,sun,rain,wind,cloud) (设计任务:边引导孩子说出五个名词,一边贴出单词的卡片。设计意图:为后面学习天气的五个形容词做好铺垫。)
Share the short film:设计任务:与学生共同分享四季视频。设计意图:吸引学生注意力,与学生共同感受四季变化,引出天气为话题。)
1.Teach the word:“weather”,then leading topic:Lesson11 How’s the weather today?
2.Teach the new words: (1)Can you see the sun?The sun is shining. It’s sunny.How is the weather?It’s sunny.The temperature is
35 degress.Oh,How do you feel?Is it hot?Yes,It’s hot.hot,hot,It’s so hot today.
(2)Look,is it snow? Yes,It’s snowy .It is 5 degress.It’s cold.Do you like a snowy day?Yes or no?Why? We can make snowmen and
go skating.Can you do action,cold,cold,It’s so cold.(动作和表情)
(3)Look,What colour are the clouds? They’re black.Maybe it will rain.cloudy,cloudy,it’s cloudy.
(4)Listen,What’s happening?I hear a sound.How’s the weather?Oh,It’s rainy.If you want to go out.Don’t forget to take your umbrella.
It is 25 degress.How do you feel?En,It’s warm.
(5)Wow,What’s sound?It’s a strong wind.Yes,it is windy.It’s windy ,It’s cool in summer.cool,cool.Read it together.It’s windy ,It’s cool. (设计任务:教学天气形容词。设计意图:利用有真实感的图片和温度教学,便于学生理解词汇意思,同时补充一些日常语,能扩充学生的知识面。)
3.Read the words and do actions.(sunny\snowy\cloudy\rainy\windy)
4.Show the pictures:Now,I’ll show you the pictures and you tell me the words of the weather. T:How’s the weather? S:It’s________. (设计任务:看图片,表达天气。设计意图:利用图片,教学本课重点句子,同时也巩固了对五个词汇的理解。)
5.Quick response(快答):Who is the quickest? (设计任务:全班同学快速反应,会读单词即快速站起大声读出单词。设计意图:通过全班参与看单词或图片,以快速反应认读词汇,检查了学生掌握单词情况,同时也整顿了课堂纪律。)
6.Let’s sing: We can listen to the song and try to sing after it. we can sing it and do actions. (设计任务:全班同学一边唱一边做出与五个词汇匹配的动作。设计意图:学习面向全体,在唱歌中自然学得知识,且增强了语言学习的趣味性。)
7.Learn the text. (1)Listen the text. (2)Free reading\Repeat\Role reading. (设计任务:跟光盘学课文。设计意图:培养听音模仿,培养读的能力,也为下一环节句子操练打基础。)
1.Pair work:A:Hello!Where are you? B:I’m in _____. A:How’s the weather in_____?B:It’s _____.(告诉学生提问可用月份、城市等填写句子) (设计任务:两人合作创设打电话的情景对话。设计意图:通过生生互动,培养语言的交际功能。)
2.Learn about some weather signs and write down. (设计任务:会看图标认识天气,训练学生书写和语言组织的写作能力。设计意图:通过认识图标并书写,为作报告奠定基础。)
3.Make a weather report: Now, here is a weathe report. Listen! T: Hello!Everyone!II’m your new weather reporter.Here is the
weather report for today.It is windy in Beijing.It’s cold and snowy in Changchun...Thank you for watching.See you tomorrow. (设计任务:教师示范作天气报告,再通过合作,请同学作天气报告。设计意图:培养合作意识,验收学生综合运用语言的能力。)
4.Emotional education.
1.Read the text at home.
2.Record the weather for the next week in Linzhi,and talk about it with your friends.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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