
视频课题:冀教版英语六年级上册Lesson 2 Jenny's House石家庄市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:六年级上册Lesson 2 Jenny's House石家庄市草场街小学
知识技能目标: 1. 语言知识: (1) 词汇:house,kitchen,study,toilet,floor (2) 句型:There be 句型 2. 语言技能: (1) 能正确运用所学的单词,对房子进行简单描述。 (2) 能运用所学的知识去询问别人,和别人交谈有关房子的知识。
学习策略: 本节课是新授课,我的设计主要的特点是以任务为依托,以活动为手段,通过各种有趣的游戏帮助学生将枯燥、抽象的语言变得生动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,让学生在感知、体验、参与中获取知识,形成能力。
教学重点:能运用There be 句型进行简单的描述。
活动1【导入】Step 1:Greeting and Warming-up
T: Hello, boys and girls! Let’s play a “Beach ball Game”. There are some questions on each side of the beach ball. I’ll throw it to you. When you get it, read the question where your thumb is on and answer it as quickly as you can. (设计意图)活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性。问题可以包括上一课的内容、自我介绍、时事新闻等等。
活动2【讲授】Step 2:New Concepts:
1) Teacher’s self-introduction
T: Do you want to know something about me? This is me. My name is Lynn. I’m ...years old. There are ...people in my family. I like to ... in my spare time. I live in a house.
(设计意图)让学生了解老师;增进师生关系的融洽度;利用最后信息:I live in a house.来引出今天主题:House。
2) Teaching “house” and “floor”
T: What is a house? Look, this is a house. A house doesn’t have many floors. This house has two floors. This is the first floor. This is the second floor. Which floor do you live on?
(设计意图)利用图片和语言的引导一步步让学生理解floor的意思,并能顺利运用来回答自己住几楼。板书书写:on the first/ second floor。
3) Jenny’s House
T: It’s Jenny’s house.(完成题目板书)We know Li Ming comes to Canada. He will live in Jenny’s house. Today let’s go to Jenny’s house with Li Ming. First I’ll show you the rooms in her house.
4) Rooms in Jenny’s house
T: How many rooms are there in Jenny’s house? Guess! Ss: Five rooms!/ Ten rooms!/ … T: Let’s check it out. There are eight rooms! Room One to room eight. Let’s go into Room One together. What room is it? Ss:(根据屏幕提示回答)This is the living room.(把living room单词卡片随意贴在黑板上) T: What’s in the living room?(引导学生运用There is …/are…回答) Ss: There is a TV in the living room./ There are three apples in the living room. … (Let the Ss choose one room to enter. Talk about the rooms one by one.) S1: I want to go to Room Three. T: Let’s go into Room Three. What room is it? Ss: Bedroom!(教授并贴于黑板,并提醒学生注意dr的发音) T: What’s in your bedroom? Talk about your bedroom with your partner. Don’t forget to use “There be” sentence.
(设计意图)为了避免重复性任务的出现,让学生描述自己的卧室;同桌先进行交流再发言,给学生更多的交流英语的机会,也可以借鉴别人的句子。 (Jenny家有四个卧室,最后总结性地问一下学生:How many bedrooms are there in Jenny’s house? Ss: There are four bedrooms.) S2: I want to go to Room Two. T: Room Two. What room is it? This is the kitchen. (教授读音并贴卡片) Who always works in the kitchen in your family? Ss: My mother always works in the kitchen. /My father and mother…/ My grandmother… T: Working in the kitchen is a tired job. Please help them do the housework. S3: I want to go into Room Seven. Look! What is it? T: Here’s the bathroom. This is the bathroom. (教授发音板书) What can we do in the bathroom? Ss: We can brush our teeth. / We can wash our hands and faces. / We can take a bath or a shower. … T:Great! What’s behind Jenny? It’s a toilet. (教授发音) Look! What is the man doing now? Ss: He is reading a newspaper. T: He is reading a newspaper on the ---(Ss:toilet!) in the ---(Ss: bathroom!). Very good! Who can say this sentence? Ss: I can! I can! (设计意图)利用这幅有趣的图片帮助学生快速掌握新词bathroom 和 toilet。 T: Well done! What’s this?(指着墙上的卫生纸) News on the paper is newspaper. Paper we use in the toilet. We say--- Ss: Toilet paper! (设计意图)不直接告诉学生这是什么,而是让学生自己推测,记忆更深刻,也能充分锻炼学生的听力和理解能力。 T: Which room haven’t we been ? Ss: Room Eight! T: Let’s go into Room Eight now! This is a study.(教授并板书) What ‘s in the study? Ss: There are many books in the study. T: What can we do in the study? Ss: We can read books./ do our homework…. T: We can study in the study.(找几个同学说此句) (设计意图)让学生通过练习此句逐渐明白study有两种含义。 T: All right! So much for eight rooms in Jenny’s house. Let’s review the words together. (带着学生参照板书词卡朗读一遍这些表示房间的词汇。)
(设计意图)利用选房间的游戏来激发学生的学习兴趣和对新知识的求知欲。把新单词:kitchen, study, toilet贯穿其中,学习过程自然而富有乐趣。
5) Text Learning a. Watch the video and answer two questions Q1:What rooms are on the first floor? Q2:What rooms are on the second floor? Ss: There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor. T: Can you put the room cards in their places? S1: Let me try. T: Well done. Thank you! Who can read the two sentences? (完整看完一遍课文动画之后回答问题,并找学生上台来完善板书。尽量多的叫不同学生读板书上的重点句,并提醒他们注意连读和升降调。) b.Listen and follow the tape. 让学生打开书跟读课文,并模仿。 c.Read aloud 大声朗读课文并感受其中的语音语调。 d.Show time 给学生机会来展示他们的阅读能力,注意要及时评价和鼓励。
6) Exercise
Read silently and fill in the blanks.
活动3【作业】Step3: Class Closing:
T: You did very very good jobs today! I'm very enjoying!
Here is our today's homework: Draw your house and write something about it.
优点: 本节课基本上完成了教学目标中提到的要求,课堂气氛融洽。本课主要实现两个目标:知识目标(表示房间的词汇及There be句型的运用)和情感目标(通过各种有趣的游戏帮助学生将枯燥、抽象的语言变得生动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,让学生在感知、体验、参与中获取知识,形成能力。)。因此,在活动设计上,紧紧围绕目标展开,思维训练充分,突出了教学重点。语言教学中渗透了连读、升降调练习,更好地引导学生发音、语言、声音各个方面去改进,指导具体到位。强调语音的在英语学习中的重要性。课堂评价多样、具体并且及时。板书设计新颖,突出了授课重点。
缺点:1.游戏规则的介绍还欠锤炼。游戏规则的演示应该循序渐进,从师师,师生再到生生之间的游戏活动,清晰明了的介绍让学生置身于英语的活动之中,让游戏真正为教学服务。 2.平日要加强对学生学习策略的指导,让他们在学习和适用的过程中逐步学会如何学习。如:积极创造条件,让学生参与到阶段性学习目标,以及实现目标的方法。引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅和协调的方法进行学习。引导学生在学习过程中,进行自我评价,并根据需要调整自己的学习目标和学习策略。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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