
视频标签:冀教版英语,Christmas,Is Coming
视频课题:冀教版英语六年级上册Lesson 19 Christmas Is Coming
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:六年级上册Lesson 19 Christmas Is Coming阜平县城厢小学
Students will be able to aurally understand, orally use, recognize and spell the following vocabulary:
Students will be able to recognize, understand and use the following sentences:
Christmas is a Western holiday. They bring gifts for us . We sing Christmas songs.
小学六年级的学生,他们已经学习了三年多的英语,大部分学生对英语有了一些了解,他们对于自己喜欢的话题和知识有很强的好奇心和表达的欲望。所以在本 节课教学中,首先要调动起学生的学习兴趣,使学生集中精力学习。其次,通过小组讨论、情景表演等方式培养学生综合运用语言知识进行交际的能力。最后扩展一些相关的课外知识,满足学生的好奇心,开拓学生的思维。
重点:Grasp the new words and the sentences.
难点 :Understand and use the new words and sentences freely.
Step1.Class opening and review ——创设情境 引入新课
1. Greetings in class.
2.Listen and guess:
T: Do you like music?
S: Yes. T: I like music,too. Today I bring you beautiful music. Let’s guess what music it is. Listen carefully.
S: Christmas song.
T: Great! Today we’ll learn something about Christmas.
(设计意图:新课一开始我就利用一首轻松欢快的Christmas son引出Christmas这个话题。接着聚焦于语篇这个整体概念,紧扣Christmas主题,找准学生最感兴趣的讨论点Christmas activities为切入口,追寻一条清晰的主线)
Step2:New concepts——主动探索 掌握新知
1. When is Christmas ?
Listen to a song and guess the holiday “Christmas”.
T: Good! Christmas is coming. When is Christmas ? Do you know?
S: It’s December 25th.
T: You are clever. Great!
2. What is Christmas ?
T: Christmas is a holiday. But What is a holiday?
Explain “holiday” for the students.
Revise the holidays they have learned :
Children’s Day , Teachers’Day ,the Spring Festival, International Workers Day, Christmas, etc.
Ask the students to name holidays in China or in English.
T: Christmas is a holiday. It’s a western holiday.
Compare “western holiday” and “Chinese holiday”.
(设计意图:老师以holiday为抓手,通过联系旧知复习以前学过的节日,引导学生更深入的了解holiday 。然后很自然的引出Christmas is a western holiday,再比较中西方节日的不同。从重教师单向的输出向师生互动、生生互动的多向信息交流转变;从重单一的课本教学向开发利用课程资源,拓宽学习渠道转变。)
3. What do we have at Christmas?
Show some pictures to teach the new words:
Christmas tree , Christmas lights, Christmas gifts ,Santa .
Practice reading and spelling.
Play a game :“what’s missing?”
Fill in the blanks:
Christmas a _________ holiday. On this holiday, people_______ work. Children don’t _______________.
At Christmas,we have , , and .
Santa _______________ on Christmas.
3.What do we do on Christmas?
Teach the structures and practice:
“Invite…… to ……, bring……for…… , give , sing Christmas songs ”
Practise reading .
4.Listening skills:
Play the audiotape as the students read along.
Play again and have them answer the questions:
When is Christmas?
Who is Santa ?
What do they have at Christmas ?
What do they do at Christmas ?
Practice in pairs.
Step3:Practice——合作交流 语言交际
Say something about the topic“Christmas”with the phases.
a Western holiday Santa brings toys
don’t work invite our family and friends
don’t go to school bring gifts
Christmas tree give them gifts
Christmas lights sing Christmas songs
Christmas gifts Merry Christmas
First discuss in groups. Then ask some students to say it.
Show the composition about Christmas to the students.
Practice reading and spelling.
Step4.Conclusion 拓展延伸
1.When is Christmas Eve?
?A. December 24th. B.December 25th.
2.Where does Santa put his Christmas gifts for children?
A. stockings(长筒袜子) B. Shoes C. Hat
3.Santa 用什么动物拉雪橇车给孩子们送圣诞礼物?
A. reindeer(驯鹿) B. dog C. horse D. donkey
Step5.Class closing巩固所学 自评互评
1. 总结本课所学T: What did we learn about Christmas?
Task1. Tell your friends and family about Christmas.
Task2. Make a Christmas card for your friend.
Lesson 19 Christmas is Coming!
Western holiday December 25th
Christmas tree invite……to……
Christmas lights bring...for...
Christmas gifts give……
Santa sing Christmas songs
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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