
视频标签:冀教版英语,A Famous,Football Pla
视频课题:六年级下册冀教版英语Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player石家庄
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:六年级下册Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player石家庄石家庄市西里小学
2. 体会球王贝利的精神,初步感悟“爱好出勤奋,勤奋出人才”的道理。
教学重点: 能在故事图片和老师的帮助下读懂故事。
教学难点: 能在图片和关键词的提示下复述故事。
活动1【导入】 Pre-reading
Step 1: Pre-reading
1. Play a game, do and guess.
T: First, let’s play a game, do and guess. I need one volunteer. Who wants to
come here? You do, others guess.
词条:play football/basketball/ping-pong/badminton
T: What did he/she do?
S: He/She played ...
T: Good job, thank you. We know ping-pong, basketball, badminton and football
are sports. Do you like to watch sports games?
S: Yes.
T: Now I’ll show you.
2. Watch the video of FIFA World Cup.
T: What sport is it?
S: Football.
T: Yes. The movie shows us a special football game,FIFA World Cup. Follow
me, please.
S: FIFA World Cup.
T: Do you like football?
S: Yes. /No.
T: Who is your favourite football player?
S: ...
T: Why?
S: Because ...
活动2【讲授】Step 2: While-reading
1. T: Good work. Today we’ll learn a story about a famous football player.
S: A famous football player.
T: Look, what can you see?
S1: I can see a boy.
S2: I can see a bottle.
T: Yes. It’s a kind of bottle. We call it “can.”
S3: I can see some houses.
T: Are the houses new or old?
S: They are old.
T: The boy plays with the can, also he plays with the boxes and bottles. Why?
Now read part 1and underline the answer.
屏幕显示Question: Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footballs?
T: Who can read the question?
T: Have you got the answer?
S: Yes.
S1: He liked to play football very much, but his parents couldn’t buy him a
T: Who can say it again?
S2: ...
T: This time, read together. 贴词条play football
T: Why couldn’t his parents buy him a football?
S: Because he was from a very poor family.
T: Read together, a very poor family. 贴词条
2. T: Look here, what was the boy playing with?
S: Football.
T: Who gave him the football? Guess!
S: ...
T: Maybe, now listen . (Part 2音频)
T: Who gave him the football?
S: The coach.
T: Yes. The coach gave him a football. 贴词条a coach a football
T: Look , he is a coach. Who can read it?
S: Coach.
T: This line, read it one by one.
S: Coach ...
T: Now I’ll show you some other pictures. Look! What’s he/she?
He/She is a ______.
T: Why did the coach give him a football? Can you find the answer?
屏幕出示问题Why did the coach give the boy a football?
S: Because he thought that the boy would be a good player.
T: Read together.
S: ...
贴词条 a good player
3. T: Good work! And from then on, the boy played football harder. At
Christmas time, he wanted to do something for the coach. What do people
do at Christmas?
S: Give gifts, go shopping, put up Christmas tree...
T: What did the boy do? Read part 3 silently and find the answer.
Read and choose. What did he do for the coach at Christmas time ?
A: He bought a Christmas gift.
B: He dug a hole for the Christmas tree.
T: Which one is right?
S: B.
T: Yes. He dug a hole for the Christmas tree.
T: Here, dug is the past tense of dig. 屏幕显示dig. Follow me, dig. Dig, dig,did (师做动作)what’s the meaning?
T: Why did he dig a hole? Could he buy a Christmas gift?
S: No.
T: He was from a very poor family. 指着词条说
T: What did he say?
S: “I can’t buy you a Christmas gift.But I can did a hole for your Christmas
T: How did the coach feel?
S: He was very happy.
T: What did he say?
S: “This is the best Christmas gift.”
T: Now you are the coach. Who can say it?
S1: ...
T: Was the coach very happy? Who wants to try again?
S2: ...
T: Now role-play. One is the boy, the other is the coach.
T: I’m the coach, who wants to be the boy?
T: Now work in pairs.
4. T: Wonderful. What would the coach do and what would happen next? Please read part 4 and find the answer.
Q1: What did the coach do?
Q2: What happened in 1958?
Check the answer.
S: The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team.
S: The boy and his team won the World Cup.
T: Yes. He was famous around the world.
T: Well, boys and girls. I find the video of 1958 World Cup. Do you want to
S: Yes.
T: Now I’ll show you. 播放1958年世界杯视频
T: In 1958, how old was the boy?
S: He was 17.
T: Yes, he was only 17. How old are you now?
S: I’m 11/12 years old.
T: Five or six years later, you will be 17. At that time, you will be studying in
high school. The boy won the World Cup when he was 17, so he was very
very great!
5. T: Now do you know who the boy is?
S: 贝利。
T: Yes. He is Pele-the world famous football player. And he is called “the
king of football.”
6. T: This is the story. Now let’s watch the video of the story. Then let’s do an
活动3【活动】Step 3: Post-reading
Order and match.
T: First, order the pictures, then match the pictures and sentences.
Check the answer.
Check the answer. Ss read the sentences together.
Retell the story.
T: This time, let’s retell the story. You can look at the keywords on the
blackboard. Eg, pic 1, The boy liked to play football very much. He was from
a very poor family, so he used boxes and bottles as his footballs. Clear? Please
do it.
T: What can you learn from Pele? In English or Chinese.
S1: Work had.
S2: Never give up.
T: Good!
T: Try to find your interest, work hard and have a greatful heart, you will
achieve success. Maybe you will be next Pele. We know there are many
players in the world, they have their own stories.
FInd other players' stories, share it with us next class.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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