
视频标签:Cultural Her
视频课题:英语外研版高中选修7 Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage Vocabulary and Reading四川省大邑
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英语外研版高中选修7 Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage Vocabulary and Reading四川省大邑
Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage
Vocabulary and Reading
Task one: words revision
Fill the blanks with the words in the box.
remains fossil skull prehistoric primitive archaeologist excavation evolution existence |
1. A ______ is the remains of an animal or plant, which becomes a rock.
2. The bone that makes up your head is the ______.
3.____________means digging in the earth to find remains.
4. An ______________ is someone who studies ancient civilization.
5._________means the development of living things from simple to complicated over many years.
6. The period of history before information was written down is ______________.
7. The early stage in the development of humans or animals is called____________.
Task two: reading
Part 1: The Amazing Caves of Zhoukoudian
Fast reading: read Part 1 quickly choose the main idea.
A. The life of the Beijing Man.
B. Some information about the Beijing Man Heritage Site in Zhoukoudian
C. The importance of the Beijing Man Heritage Site.
D. The items discovered in Zhoukoudian.
Careful reading: read Part I and Part2 carefully and find the information needed.(see the next page)
Task three: further study
Can you give some examples to show Chinese cultural heritage?
What do you know about the World Heritage List?
Discussion: What should we do to protect our heritage sites?
Zhoukoudian is 1._____ small village about 50 kilometers southwest of Beijing. In the 1920s, 2.____________ (archaeologist) discovered some prehistoric human bones there 3._______ were the first evidence of primitive human life in China thousands of years ago.4.________(late), four sites where Beijing Man and his relations lived
5. _____________ (discover).Ashes were also found which is the 6._________(early) evidence of using fire. Beijing man also made tools of bones and sharpened stones. Zhoukoudian was listed 7.______ a world heritage site in 1987. 8._________, it is in serious 9._________(dangerous). Partly because of rain and exposure to the air and partly because of the pollution from nearby cement factories. If nothing is done to repair it, it could be removed from the list. So measures must be taken 10.___________(protect) our precious cultural heritage.
Task four: consolidation
Rain, exposure to the air and _______from the nearby cement factories.
It could be _______from the World Cultural Heritage List if nothing is done to repair it.
______money for the serious matter.
The government get________.
Ordinary people help by ________to the cost of repairing the caves.
Beijing Man Heritage Site in danger

视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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