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高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Reading(1) Looking good, feeling good Assessment第10课时

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视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Reading(1) Looking good, feeling good Assessment第10课时

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Book1 Unit4 Reading(1) Looking good, feeling good Assessment第10课时

10课时 Book1  Unit4  Assessment
1.教材分析 What:本节课是基于全单元9节课的课堂评价,也是大单元语境下整体教学后的单元内容梳理与总结。其中教材板块A是对前面六个模块学习效果的自我评价,学生须按Excellent、Good、Satisfactory、Fair、Improvement required五个表现等级,对自己的学习情况进行评定。B部分是在发现不足和需要提升之处后,制订有针对性的方案来改进自己的学习方法。
How: 利用“六顶思考帽”思维训练模式,带领学生回顾复习单元语境下的整体学习内容;突出学生在评价中的主体,引导学生在A部分利用评价表,反思前面六大板块的学习情况;注重评价方式的多样性和合理性,设计不同形式的评价,主要有self assessment, peer assessment以及group assessment等;基于A部分反思的结果,在Part B 的Action Plan,引导学生运用元认知策略来监控和优化自己的学习过程,依据Listening、speaking、reading、writing、viewing五个维度,利用不同的学习方法指导学生进步,如精听、思维导图、作文互评互改等。
2.学情分析 学生经过本单元前面课时的学习,对美的正确观念已初步树立。单元分课时学习过程中,关于他们的即时学习效果和阶段性进展情况,还不是特别清晰,需要通过评价结果来观察,并制订相应的帮助学生改善的教学计划。
3.教学目标 During this period, students will:
1. Language skills:
consolidate their comprehension of the two reading passages with the help of mind-maps;
improve listening by the intensive listening method.
master grammar usage of Attributive Clauses and other grammatical points in writing.
2. Thinking qualities:
form critical thinking way by appreciating and correcting peer’s compositions finished in Integrated Skills section;
deepen understanding about beauty.
3. Learning abilities:
know how to design different action plans according to their weakness;
learn useful and practical logical tools to help their study.
4. Cultural awareness:
cultivate their right attitude towards beauty based on the study of the whole unit.
4.重点难点 Students can use the mind map to comb through the two articles and deeply understand the meanings of some sentences.
Students find it hard to repeat some complex and long sentences in Listening exercise;
Students find appropriate way to express their opinions on peer’s composition and give their own evaluation.
5.教学过程 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与互动模式
基于第3课时学习,引导学生学会运用思维工具辅助学习。 Step 1. Revision
1. Interact with students.
2. Revise the theme topic --- Beauty and 6 sections of the whole unit with the help of the thinking tool --- Six thinking hats, which was used and introduced in Period 3, Reading 2 section.
学生能够理解单元主题语境关键词beauty的内涵,梳理单元知识结构与知识框架。 CW
帮助学生熟悉并掌握自我评价的方法,了解问题的维度。 Step 2. Assessment scale
Reveal the Assessment Scale done by students individually, which was collected through smart classroom system, and find their weak points at the same time.
通过智慧化教室系统平台收集的数据分析,学生已经完成6个维度问题的自我评价,在直观柱状图数据分析面前,能发现自己及大多数同学在哪些方面需要改善。 CW/IW
设计意图:单元分课时教学结束之后,通过展示学生在6个不同维度问题上的自评量表数据,引导学生发现本单元学习内容中的问题及不足部分,为下一步Action Plan提供依据。
引导学生根据自我评价中的不足,制订相应合理的提升能力计划。 Step 3. Action Plan
According to students’ self-assessment result, help them improve their weakness in 5 parts: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, and introduce effective improvement methods one by one.
设计意图:通过学科核心素养中语言能力的5个维度,来帮助学生在主题情境中,以“听说读写看”方式理解和表达单元话题How to be beautiful。在Action Plan制订的过程中,每一个语言能力的具体改进方式,也是学生思维品质和学习能力提升的具体实践。
Action Plan-- Reading
2 mind-maps to check students’ comprehension of the two reading passages in Reading and Extended Reading parts.
学生能够正确给出思维导图中的答案。 CW/IW
Action Plan-- Listening
Evaluate and listen again to the most difficult part in Integrated Skills period of class.
Introduce the Extensive Listening strategy and demonstrate how to use it.
学生能够一句一句复述这段表达反对plastic surgery观点的录音,精听每句话。 IW/CW
设计意图:Listening这个维度的语言能力和学习能力提升计划是:通过本单元Integrated Skills分课时教学中学生反馈最难的、完成质量最低的B2环节进行复听,指导学生运用精听学习策略,明白听力核心素养的发展关键,在于多听、精听。
Action Plan-- Writing
1. Pick out 2 students’ articles that need to be polished and 2 excellent writing samples.
2. Ask students to work in groups to give their peer view one by one.
学生可以运用PRE写作结构,和本单元Grammar定语从句知识,对同伴习作进行点评。 GW/PW
设计意图:Writing这个维度的语言能力和学习能力提升计划是:通过本单元Integrated Skills分课时教学课后作业“Write an argument essay”的批改反馈,挑选2篇具有代表性错误的学生习作,指导学生进行小组内同伴互评、进而表达观点。再展示2篇优秀范文供学生赏析、学习。评价过程中充分考虑学生心理,需改进的习作省去姓名,优秀范文展示作者姓名。
Action Plan-- Speaking
This is a group discussion section based on 5 topics according to the previous classes. The topics are related to healthy lifestyle, appropriate way to lose weight, better sleep, plastic surgery and true beauty, which are the facts mentioned at the beginning of this class.
学生在小组活动形式下,是否能够在主题语境的相关讨论话题中,自如表达。学生进行同伴采访和互评。 GW/PW
Action Plan-- Viewing
Students are reminded the videos and songs shown in the previous lessons. As an important part of viewing, they are led to enjoy their wonderful group projects in Project lesson, and teacher gives her own opinion at the same time.
学生欣赏、回忆、评价单元多模态形式内容。 CW/PW
学生学会使用层级思维图提炼学习过程。 Step 4. Conclusion
Conclude the learning process of the theme topic in this unit, which is divided into three steps: Know about beauty; Reflect on beauty problems; Shape our value.
学生能够知道并了解这个学习过程。 CW
让学生的同伴互评动起来,完善评价的手段。 Step 5. Peer assessment
Ask your partner to write down his/her assessment of your performance in the column “partner” on Page 56.
学生能够互相完成同伴互评,完善56页对单元知识的评价。 GW/PW
学生更能领会关于“美”的人类智慧。 Step 6. Appreciation
Appreciate some famous proverbs related to being beauty.
学生欣赏、理解。 CW
6.板书设计            1    
7.作业布置 Prepare for the unit test.
8.教学反思 学生在每个环节基本都能达到预设的教学目标,但也在授课过程中发现,学生在单元学习过程中,对读、写和精听这三个方面存在的困难比较多,完成质量较低,课堂评价环节占用时间比较多。应在今后教学过程中,持续关注这几个方面的核心素养语言能力培养,坚持带领学生做下去。

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Looking good”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Reading(1) Looking good, feeling good Assessment第10课时”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Reading(1) Looking good, feeling good Assessment第10课时”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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