视频标签:Looking good
视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Project Design an app about a healthy lifestyle第9课时
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Project Design an app about a healthy lifestyle第9课时
第9课时 | Book1 Unit4 Project: Design an app about a healthy lifestyle | |||
1.教材分析 |
What:本板块是本单元所有知识的应用和升华。该板块要求学生能围绕“健康生活方式”的主题,以小组为单位,设计一款手机应用程序。 How:学生首先要对“健康生活方式”所包含的方方面面进行讨论回顾,深化对健康生活的理解;其次,学生要了解设计一款app需要考虑的方面,主要包括app的名称、目标用户、目的、功能、内容和设计这些方面的信息;最后,学生可以以小组为单位,展开讨论,以书本提供的样本和生活中相关app的范例展开设计,模仿的同时加以创新,并展示自己的合作成果,在班级用英语对本组app进行介绍,并在班级进行公开点评和投票。 Why:在讨论、设计、展示的过程中,学生可以综合运用本单元学到的语言知识、语言技能和价值观念,从多个维度去思考“健康生活方式”的意义和途径,加深对主题的理解;学生通过小组创造不仅能激发自己的创造性思维,而且团队合作能力得到培养。 ![]() |
2.学情分析 | 学生已基本完成本单元所有内容的学生,对美的认识、健康的生活方式以及二者间的联系已经有了一定自己的见解;学生学习能力、性格特点以及个人优势各有不同,对于本单元内容的把握程度也有所差异,互相组合将会产生不一样的学习效果。 | |||
3.教学目标 |
During this period, students will: 1. Language skills: flexibly employ useful expressions to introduce an app from its name, purpose, function, target users, contents and so on; 2. Thinking qualities: develop creative thinking by designing an app about a healthy lifestyle and presenting it; 3. Learning abilities: appreciate designs of different apps and apply what they have learned to their own creation and deepen their understanding about a healthy lifestyle in this process; 4. Cultural awareness: develop a healthier taste of beauty and lead a healthier life. |
4.*重点难点 |
Students in groups can cooperate well and play a good role in designing an app about a healthy lifestyle; Students can introduce their app by flexibly and effectively using some expressions learned in this unit. |
5.教学过程 | 教学目标 | 教学活动与步骤 | 评价要点 | 时间与互动模式 |
学生复习反思本单元所学所得,以讨论、总结的方式提升对单元理解。 |
Step 1 Reviewing 1. T asks students to review the tips for self-acceptance given in the article A few tips for self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is good for our psychological/mental health. 2. T asks Ss what a healthy lifestyle is like: Physically healthy exercise regularly; eat healthily; develop good habits; early to bed early to rise… Mentally healthy have a positive attitude; have good relationships; manage pressure properly; accept yourself… |
学生能概括作业文章的要点,认识自我接受对于心理健康的重要性;学生能理解健康生活方式应该包含的维度,展开对实现方式的回归讨论。 |
CW/PW 3' |
设计意图:验证学生的学习结果;借助文章话题导入本课,引领学生回想健康的生活方式的各个方面,为app的设计主题做好铺垫。 | ||||
学生获取app的有关设计理念,明确要为app设计哪些页面,哪些元素。 |
Step 2 Preparing 1. T plays a video about the healthy lifestyle of her own. 2. T invites students to appreciate one of the apps in the video: name, purpose, target users, function, contents, design. 3. T invites Ss to appreciate the sample given on the textbook and introduces what they can design for their app—loading page and home page. |
学生能重点通过看去欣赏视频和图片中展示的app的设计;能听懂设计要求。 |
CW/IW 5' |
设计意图:引导学生通过看视频了解一些app的设计,在欣赏过程中触发灵感和相关表达,为学生合理设计并介绍app页面创设铺垫,引导学生通过欣赏学习获得直观感受、灵感、和思路,学习模仿并创新。 | ||||
学生根据所学和个人经验,设计出以健康生活方式为主题的app页面 |
Step 3 Designing and Presenting 1. T invites each group to choose a task in random and then each group designs an app about a healthy lifestyle according to the chosen task. (5 groups) Three tasks: an app about regular exercise an app about good sleep an app about positive attitude 2. Ss present the designs and introduce the apps by using useful expressions. |
学生能积极参与小组设计,发挥各自所长;能分工合作,已有语言知识高效完成设计和展示;能加深对健康生活主题的认识和反思 |
GW/IW/CW 25' |
设计意图:鼓励学生通过小组合作的方式创作,互相学习;引导学生整合本单元所学所得设计并介绍相应的app;利用介绍环节锻炼学生的语言运用能力,同时触发全体学生学会互相欣赏,对健康生活方式的实现途径有更多认识。 | ||||
学生欣赏他人,认识自我;深化对健康生活的认识 |
Step 4 Evaluating 1. T has students evaluate the design of each group and vote on the most creative design, the most informative design, the best presentation and the most cooperative team. 2. T stresses the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. |
学生能做出公正客观的评价,取长补短。 |
CW 10' |
设计意图:学生投票互评的方式有利于学生培养公平公正的观念,并认识到他组的优势,合作共赢;各种奖项的设置能实现评价的多元化,使更多学生受到鼓励;评价的过程有利于强化单元主题。 | ||||
6.板书设计 |
7.作业布置 | Improve your design and present it on the wall of the classroom. | |||
8.教学反思 |
考虑到要真实设计一款应用程序存在太大的难度,本节课从师生实际出发,让学生仅设计应用程序的加载页和首页。为了让设计任务更为明确,教师利用书本样例向学生阐述加载页应包括程序的名称、标语和logo,首页应包括程序的各项功能和导航键设计;为了丰富学生的想法,教师课前已经布置了准备任务—让学生了解更多应用程序的首页界面。这有助于学生在课堂设计环节中迁移创新。 在课堂真实生成设计的过程当中,大部分同学表现非常突出,创作力超乎想象,可以合理安排任务,各展己长,有合作有担当。但实际操作比预设的设计时间要长, 此类活动课在课堂生成作品并展示评比需要的时间应至少为一个半课时,或者可以先提前上半课时布置任务,设计作为课后小组作业进行,再利用半课时展示评比。 |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com